~ 2:1 ratio waist: neck ??? ?
lotta HuuuGE tvs sold….hubba couchlockET
~ 2:1 ratio waist: neck ??? ?
lotta HuuuGE tvs sold….hubba couchlockET
the point being after explaining my 900 dollars plus to LIAVDBTR it would cost me double to have residence and i have no income…….interest at 0′?…. i then heard…the constant revival of the Phoenix of my…’Existential Embryo’
I knew this was my finale….
==The===Literal WALL of DENIAL=======
You are the only ones who are supposed to care
and you lastED …….?….
A pointED ucation
Resume‘ ...critique
Tough Crowd when you can’t get a nod of acknowledgement about .. any thing… constantly losing the whitey indulger$
the other thing was …. the second amendment stops us from Tyranny
=========guess who flankED Dat…… you are tyranny when you expect NOTHING of your kingdumb2
====heard this.afta saying ..HuuuGE following…….. i’ve had 3 gofundme$ and Zero the Hero Donor$
if you are so smart why aren’t you Rich?... talk about Rich.!..love ya,……
now on to the key kicker…. american flag… i scored a HT..winkle
i had answered this b4…after consideration i said YES !
I have a good imagination…. wouldn’t need to i assume with the reaction… why ?
they had just all within the last 30 minutes laughED off how their cellphones you talk near it with 3 random items and check some list and it’s there as a “possible purchase”…. huh huh…oh well
That Liberty lost is alot more important than the F’n Flag
a (L)
after which he uses his Ear s for more than a cig holder
Earl for a few years or a decade… waggin’ starts ..
any astute listeners.. who said… he’s trying to say.. gay mafia. union of snakes…and
__________ = HRC Ha$ Less DConnections
it is a Global Security …t*issue, Please… ACHU !!!
————–knowS no borders——————-
just sayin they have pull under radar… cia asset? containable? cia?
Operation Anti-Implosion../ /.. .Operation AutoCratic Re-Inflation
note… B$Deli now took the french outta croissant..bread like nowshit. or they have a secret code… speakEZ HEiL
=========p(H=ill)andering..puck =spot=========
i knew i had a betta tag i went to vehicle to check notes:
the dollar store & crowd. from across street are irate __
=====take a number!=========
‘andy gomes’ next tuesday IH northampton
———————biggest accomp…no more bling….
the )M(ilitary $ta[[L]in]te is Cone’$ Dome of CI_ (of $igh-(L)en–¢ )?
Puck = (L),… Pick a Puck of ________ Pepper$
south otb.. no..? know hockey ?
=========Don’t be a Puck======
Those search engine results are also from / for other countries which might kite need to explain in CS classes..analysis., technical reports, ieioeu explaining deer OOwn
=====Hague CourtShip… Can You Bear Me lloW !?!!??=====
======Drinkin ‘Tang up here, Peeps====Windy? ==
===oh Wendy… so in a BIG Hoser InterGalactic borde(R) high–>=T (wrap around tongue) Y
=i respect.fully.... my job as a So….Might.I’ll WatchMFrogg ..
I ……pibb-ET, ==ramble..==∞=< Dave Thomas was…… THE MAN !!
we can sum… HOW learn to Accept that ouR views are baseD on the action$ of people in insTintuitionAl chaIN—-<$….
shamus …the dog knows betta
Trading Places is a better outlook …SurroundED Bye chaoS..Kkkao$$$
Yeah or Nay, Nay, Nay… serious diss—-¢u$$...H…
==here?==heil FUhrer….. EUrorr… FUrorr<<==o==breakaway=
// \yachtzee/ …. \nachtzee @C/
Happy Indigenous People Lamenting !! ¿
The old ‘Balm in My I’ trick… second time this Week !!
=================acting trick..====
slaybells.. doinkin
Tokyo..? BbD?
what/who is the #1 systemic problem in courthouse justice…
Court Clerk__$__ Randomne$_$..
2018: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[i]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]told ya
$outh backED sly Israeli $emi-Citizens
Carpetbagger from MA …Honest ape Abe Link .missing anyone?
========Civil Wart* of..that is Trump==============
====Commercial Take route 666… ¢ome On Down to Hell and Boch
i think you get the driftwood… i not fonda males
——–gay closet-baggers———-
they All have a Masters DegreeF in Self-Preservational Behavior
Easy Pray …………..prey … Malcontent-U & US
===why i get alot of foreigners hanging aboundary==
….. What’s in the ‘Trunk’…?” of F’n Plane—- —MP …b4… Home $t———-retch, if cot
I C Cenarios
====just not age identification
Who’s 21 ?? ? …..
/Bezos/ /A2M/ wants omniscient info fishing permit @ |Wall St.|….|Pentagon| and every heir between and around except trump casino/hotel$/newark tanning spray saloon$..
he walks in take 1 of his commercial
..shot of Bronze 18…. leave the mirror
(inner thoughts being heard ) …. less than 5 billion..bezos is.. my itchy ball’sic’…He irritates me..
oh yeah…….. / CUT ! \
Ass å 2 Ω Mouth Θ ( åΩ Θ) and the horseshoe you rode in on !
hut kkk(R)out =(L)out a { [bout ny] Bounty} ignore$…. ¢Harmin Sling tied behind my back….
…. give me a chance to _ue amazon/bez0$ for ..domestic surveillance on my kindle and on everyone else.alexa mic.. T&C vs. under_Dure$_$ ie. unintelligible
C my my if everyone started with same monopoly $… i’d be ….funny
you see heir i’m going win this
Kkk…Han ! He Do It ? ?? ?
¢©an u ®(R)ig it™ !! ..it was the Warriors, I saw them…Right?? uh Yeah the Warrior did it Sir…
food stamps payback…hike walmart
Corporate Malfeasance…. covered up by merge(R,D)
=====LRO===>’Cocky Bastard’..Reply; bark tuff on diss route tree
Who will get 5 bucks for tellin me the meaning of LRO ?
=====aic cia …AIC CIA … ..Alice in Chains or Pregnant
—aic—— is where dartmouth scanVeiL coulda been quietED
whose really ever heard of it ..?!!?
=====notice snl used taint that explains the search engine tread on ‘TaintED’ this month…lol=Puck ..scoreD============
front row [[b]al-coney …cuZ
I’m a W_ _ _ _ _ _ ??!
// https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/intellectual-integrit-t#/
// https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/421-a-life#/
// see the 3rd below
then sold to generosity.com
Poof….all my info.. Gone(R)
now GoFundMe i wasn’t told ??!??
They Really Thinkkk They Deserve R-E-S-cue the Crimes of Capital iZzz.$&M
==Oops…my facebook link worked…0 for 2 today a bye pass___\o __=
======⇑==== burr bank ===⇑====
if you know law like i donut, ?
i will be ~5 layers away cuz
I’m TaintED with @ FunnY, I >— ∑outh
<i blew a kiSS at the tv monitorium.@>
my tink tank
civil wart Ø heart deep blue bloodED
WE ‘R Litekkkrally….(Re)Fighting A ____ ___ ?
Civil War ||: Acid ReDux starring *Honest A.L. circa$$_2001
That’s Commentary…… I feel good about Donu. Don’t Hate AitiansASIANs either==============
Globally Live from Harlem… it’s WashED $up Nat’LS…
edit interview clips…
BOBama: Roberto
I got Gamey
Clare(Gin)ce Thomas Howell.. Lovey ???? ?? ¿:
$Tone CCold Look… BBall $pinnin on Finga
1st: a Hungarian Journalist asks:
Why do still use a vhs tape in ‘cyber’ ?
A: i see a grilled cheese going into the vcr when i write it…klmnoPPQQ
=======i’ll ink of a dvd tray__ funny==========
MEDs BigLou have a 50lb.!!.. they don’t like me to go to…not a bar, lol
i go near there and they LIberate me abit…
thus, They want ME 2 R-E-S-P-E-…
C Ware tHat leads……
?=C the Dichotomy of Hippo 2 CriMinimi$ERRPot-a-MeMEME__=
==flagg===>|~BWR|~ ⇑====BRW====BRW==BRW_!==
so many thoughts when i finally have battery power…. and “quiet”
Wow, Thumbellina must be looking for a corner to powERR
======Gold $Poon Round Jr.’$.. collarED=?==hookers,cocaine, photos,cam, ..DiploRacy===
Line just got bigger…………………($.$.$niffL)
This brings back Hairy TurtL Pace …cocaine connect..
Wells Fargo brought in sum connections HArd…cor….poor.al puni$H..Dement
coal wanna be delivered by military airplanes
all this clothing coming from columbia….
We Care E alot of Know; Know
=======connect backwards ⇔ forwards…======
J(R).!!! ! We Gotta Caution…LLClayers. Correc
ICyou Little wang dang ramen noodL $
keep tab or dr pepper on the gf4wife, js u protest 2mucho
——kids …hid underwear..? ?? ?..
see i want to put up my donate site but i can’t be like them and use innuendo=======>donation ploy….. ⊗
funny guy!
So Surreal…. that i still haven’t had a PoW-WoW..
i [ad]…just keep’mn the gravy train on time …. but out of comfort zon..AL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the Columbia Connection is
we have Alcoholics and CCokeheads at the highest levels…
the cocaine part of the Dartbored case… openED
Sun Shine…..Y
they believe that they can cover usa with only guy agents…Gays of every hoho star… guy dub….
it almost workED.. Short Story, LOL ….Cortez Cortez
they know any female can pull double duty … seducED
Guys (R) Inferior…. Guy agent has small (package) of “¢allERRs”
now with every almost literally guy be Bi-Cure-i-guess
trying to beat back the\ \ Wave of …\ No Dicks. \..\ LOL
=======they still won’t Question t*hem$ elve^$======= ∑=Empathy of Constituent… C.. Y not, really !?========
mel gibson <insert mugshot>
Melo Gabson <Me no Mug>
A$$ tink Martini Pro—-\Duckkk\—$Hun—>
knit ….