Whoa… Quakkke Me … My Skills Speak ..Loud ‘n Proud….

So Surreal…. that i still haven’t had a PoW-WoW..

i [ad]…just  keep’mn the gravy train on time ….                                                                                                       but out of comfort zon..AL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the Columbia Connection is

we have Alcoholics and CCokeheads at the highest levels…

the cocaine part of the Dartbored case… openED

Sun Shine…..Y

Do[e] Big Biz/ GOV once Again Attack women By Policy…


they believe that they can cover usa with only guy  agents…Gays of every hoho star… guy dub….

it almost workED.. Short Story, LOL ….Cortez Cortez


they know any female can pull double duty   … seducED


Guys (R) Inferior…. Guy agent has small (package) of “¢allERRs”

now with every almost literally guy be Bi-Cure-i-guess

trying to beat back the\    \ Wave of …\ No Dicks.   \..\ LOL

=======they still won’t Question t*hem$ elve^$=======                                     ∑=Empathy of Constituent… C.. Y   not, really !?========


mel gibson  <insert mugshot>

Melo Gabson   <Me no Mug>

A$$ tink Martini Pro—-\Duckkk\—$Hun—>



knit ….


BALL$ OMG!! Game Set Match…* )boom( \\Implosion\\ Generation LMN SqueeZZZ=AH

Dartmouth students sue over alleged sexual assault by professors

cocaine hot tubs exams ..,impropriety, LL…See Me After Class

i wanna CRY…. for MASSachusetts…nice job i bring attention.. u Fuck IT Up.. every witch way with a whimsical wanTonic & WaG(R)in




// ‘Cept after 30 minutes ago getting to read it all…

OOPS,  according to the girl i lip read as i took the corner onto boltwood.… That’s Why i didn’t get acceptED.

kidds, remember to put a return address on your college applications to impotent imbecilic schools


Seriously, Who knew… Brown stands out…RI

yale ?  ?? NJ?

dartmouth ?? NH

columbia ???

cornell  ??

princeton  ??

u penn also … PA




Jackets at Dick’s and Walmart with     Columbia logo ??

Dick’s stock pride  went limp…_

Why that ‘brand’  child labor ???  ?? ?

Shirley not the gas company ??

country ?? banana$?

Record sales ??   went dario


killing some 170 unarmed Palestinians and wounding thousands more

Get ¢^K(R)AUT

we don’t associate with                                                                                          $$$ ou…(R)    Kkk in…………Dark


get out of our business… Media

Ba Ba….. $$$hueY

the Bell Tolls 4 … LIBerrTY

You are hurting usA llC?



Rating…$0$ $(weep)$

Africa, Melania..

C any Real Men….  \

=?=did you get pee vids for the … ( X)    ma$$ [Fund.raisin.G].emails =

H.SternSelltout$ did d⇑ss stuff daily….


i’m able to get an Agent/Lawyer/GF_with_Discipline

i told y’all last week

umass gal…no Hay… death threats and individuality collanderED ======>get.out

other 21+   ?  maybe




we.know.who…. ?… IMD

=====my anal…y..$i$.. bro..====they are afraid of me… not like putin, kim, ….=’fraid like … washington …… Vs H.G. To the Well$====give me money & shit’s goin to


                          ¢ents !!!  !! !


why i smoke flower and cough alott?

IMH, they could say i’m always high with vape pen…flower has ‘overt’ characteristics…tellin ya…

====Untie me and $Light me….. Uncle $H/Clam$..Hell…===>

YRU ….J on/sey…   ????  ?? ?


Bye Weak, Huh TB12….

let’s change the subject to a milder/w topic

after Pez and the Republican Ideology get  BakkkED in 2020

will you and the Mrs. be returning to a ‘safer’ area more….                                                in tunEd to your vieW$$..



Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!