If that Effects her..she is worse than Hillary as a Leader!!
============classic modell…find me====================
One of the $taint thingZzz that keeps me struggling is my lack of going back and tallying my best ‘Tuff:
no person to remind me….
Best Bit I Remember:
My dad I$ RaeL MAD…… He’$ Shooting ANt*Zzz
over OUr Wall[$]
========notes dump began.…..================
Discu$_$ Brow Beating$
Fail 4 Finals.. and i’m not the prob….
WordPress is constantly fucking with my tart-err modell
where is my white color setting… B$
========// horseshoe icon of +++++================
no buses DT.. today…. ????no drivers??
my lawyer betta be checking TH video surveillance from yesterday as the condom thief was a setup..who was behind TH ???
makkk know(t*)$$$
=====cha cha cha========
Chaim …………….KnewMan me… i saw a girl mouth ‘chaim’ when passing by in a car… thought.. i am …
Chaim Less Knew Less Man
—end-of-….., IAM U’R ReportR CARdd // Bill
American InGenuine.$$$.. InGenuity
FU WH0 belittLED – Moi
Dairy of a MadMan… moo
1/4 each..
Ricky, Chris Farley, Tom Sawyer, Rock Star
==totL “Dick Tracy’=>
for a Speck..[.sp0ck, ]
why is a lot of alcohol entendre of gun$ ??
Thou Apple is Boughten..ops Rotten
kkkkk.lmn ope
=[A $]$ign x donut b-read===> Dure$$ic ParKkk[.et…budda]
===Cleveland Rocks..are betta judges of talent ..R&RHOF==FU==
Sister Change great great song.[album….talkED until 2]