HertZ my Plan….

Live.. Love..


.                              \


.                              * /






First on the newly sworn in Amherst ¢ouncil is $ecurity ¢learance to addre$$ Moi…

Øbjections under Ρenalty of xile-taint-$hun ?

Thought Kkknott*

Good……Good VibEZ$

as they scurry hack to @xi$ center(L).midd

K…? K…LEttuce Move ON …..Aid 4     21 and under Lobotomies 

=j/k lobo’S are much 2 Direct                                                                                                         ,,,if only there was a more… t*  Insidious Way?

WFI….. ??keggeR?



LMNY_D-aily K;mnew$                                                                                                                   (L)emo.ny (Re)fresh(M)e$$ …you can taint.. taste.A$$.


H..ut……….(R)o -==>…………. …………………………………………Happy Ending ?….?

======================>>>                         PO$’$_

================I’mJ$===Bubble BoyZ============

Repubs going H/Lard to Mexico for ‘©ore $pring broken’    ?                                                             …Wear i$raeli Flag patch on BP for protection ?

Mexicans love foreigners/immigrUnt$

Great Ganj@ dare 


how much can you blame non jewish comedians for not tearing into stereotypical  Israeli’$ and even AnecdotEZ are a VeiL of $hameless Heil  of  i,consent*

on Pearl Harbor Day…..

The Consenting $Ilence i$ DEaFin-inG


Wake UP !!! !


=====Silence is Con$ent====knot like $ex, @$$)’Z !!!!  !! !====

Affective minus Effective equals the World



-==-=–=ATWAS-=–==-at any age==-=-=== Herring Pi

so my notes say i wanted to start that ladies conversation with a loving comment about owl tattoos although…

.hear he goes again!!!!!!



i would feel  Redundant

$tardate Less @M..<3 stooges map reference>

i forgot to thank Amy Schumer’s husband for                                                                              Finally… making a man out of her…. a LB

=============FU, that’s Funny !!!========

He got her b4 she went to …… the gym


Whut’s Harder to Tell the Diff


Asian Heritage > japanese, chinese, korean,…


Girl’s Age @.ear



Friday is FU I$rael …Pearl HarborERR Day

Kkknot 0ne Iss rAElly shone as a True Pearl !    1?

=========Bernie…sez.someone.. ok you wynn=========


Minn vs NE….// stay on rail..me!


Ladies, “bored housewives” you CAN too…

Want Empowerment and RESPECT…keep THinking..knot Tinking

mr. Nader talkED about  keeping votes watch on local politics…HR SEN state and nat’l$  go HG

stats to be put online for locals to peruse..

==try and let the stats talk at first….==(R)eality tipsyZzz Left==

correctly categorize bills /powerpoint?/ votes /donors/office have a visitor logistic$

pro fossil fuel

pro life insurance for 0n employees @company option 4 profit?

pro evolution what do a (R) and evolution h common ?

pro epa


MNC break old EPA rule$                                                             at expense of your companie$ bottom ___…                                                                                                                                     Mega-Fines… Are in your 2 year future !!! !! ! _



//                        $NW

scene  LAX

jeff ross’s ts bff …. talking to jeff with the hand  z motion…

Jeff…… you NEED to start doing impressions

a) insteada leaving impressions on all /our/ furnituRe

b) cuz i wanna see other people

…………………..got in and outta neta noho in .. no time…                                    sorry peep out in lines

)Lemon weed

yesterday that woulda been an hour just for med..                                                       rec they were  musta been 4-5 HOURS


////////Big Blue/////////

oogle tree  full deck on house


i have,,, had a blind spot…

b(L)aming Comedians, To….we gotta get outta this biz(M)e$$$

Omit The Logic.. ????  ?? ?   on drugs there is know logic

OTL  over the line…. What Line.. and whose i$ Wit

i live on the other side of those tracks   … that’s for ¢rack.eRr $Oup$


comm:   A2M hohonono

fox’@#@ the masked singer               terrible








You’re Up to know good





i’m the FactorY, I        411 _ a 10



i work for figuratively a circle

====chop chop u shop=look who, manchu =who?=no he work hear to…==

=great thesis topic the CiR©rumdecision of balls Y ????  ?? $  coMEdy

                                              exceptions are few

———=========btw, i’m lemony fresh… burp


showcase live showdown


==>je ne parlez pas francais,= mademoiselle<=/    fm     /======


start a right wing blog about me,,,,

==called======the internet,,=============

is/can hair be a religous,,right for player$, ?



a… RB

// devlin rushes  2 fir 2 ?  year ?  …/// yup




3 is still duplicitous…… ?   3 faces commercia


pound per pound      11


jason    j/k    //commercall on big dock


fartED @ MccD

// divisive or sieve or $ignor?     ⇓

keep an eye on them churchfolk they been known to….  ______

did i miss something ?? ?


ping pong // pass play perfectly punctuated..

========/====king kwong===//==eclocktic=====


silly yellow shoes … you can call me ray, you can call me ray j

//rj …..rj jr ..rjj you can call me ….

—–scandalous,,,,!!   // ?



and JR i had a cup of dose moments in that show 2

the saget thing was a gold medal  $..Y  nch



howard the fuck

=====1001001==grace Under presSURe======

news division and i’m ….___ regulated?  ;

gasssY   fiber 1 2 many

==holiday by video home hum==kkkeep the PIEce


Farmer$$$, my steer


kreep away pickL // td celebdate


we sold  @LL kKklaut to (german engineered apartments) lover$

dodgED one to covet anutteR

======my gym is a pool,,===



chris elliot’s younger bro… dentist

ReMinds Me 2 GAL,L


who data ?

aaron rodgers / erin roberts,  SIAT,chuckle


pass this, duty

====he was behind all dbZzz  #31  = avg.



plans for ……………(). scoop

==========btw, Teddy Bear.. am I     TGWB?

B,,, is one of my nicknames..


2 close @Home


PG/r  ®⇓

wrap my noodle in sum waffles the ridgEZ  pancake comm


foggy outta ear.,,pats …are in ∑…




mcd’s goes from haters to whateva to haters…..

bk is like White Castle—-not the NoHo.. White/Castle / CityHall


0uch,, career shots cortisone


joke fun chimE~Z


untie me mofoe$


justice is on the upside( Ø )round

=========================>>>>  >> >

peach is a cheech and chong joke  ,,,,brought’m home!

=========hooker knows the…,,===========

=i am not a socialite ,,,,i am not aquaman but horns + mid finga..

=====ψ========sorry TB12.0====hut,,,diff?====




whut 1st…


i said it yesterday again poor ie no fucking WALL$ asshole!

& Famous at any level..insanity.mine

t*(r)eason   i’m tony first play TE out..

==========howL can ggg==oh yeah……=Israelites======saddam

btw,    those are heatED german engineerED  apartments


——smok’em if you waited in line …

——-gonna fini S1&None of Crossing Guard$..creepy boring…


wake will keep your sleep lively this week..no suh dough

<methane ass> hear

========the start,,,unedited but moved======/


—–Subway made a Jared Joke –(insert seahorse emoti ewwwwww) –??kfc motto…. FLG—–


hotttheir not even 21 …. prob play DD, coy….. gotta get …



commercial b4 turnED sound OFF:

kkk(R)eep……. your hands busy ?beeZzzz






////Good Morning Viet,,ham please.

Looking to Stew…. and found my ingredient

The White House on Saturday said President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have reached a 90-day


Cease-Fire Agreement


Boston Globe… spewing WH press releases word for WORD… no quotation marks …. is the headline..all dare journalWi$dominatED

Path0$$$ WarMongering


Happy Pearl Barbar.ian$ pRay


Melissa Etheridge was Amazing !!!!



hard to stir the stew ………after that showcase

but i’m back to the now rejectED van ….


KHan:          Take me to the Bridge…


FU CheneY [(hehehehe)] …. so lotta talk about CI_ and Cocaine being bandiED about in cubicles…

i don’t want to get involved in Saudi ……

but that was a …………CI_ Q&A Session


 Stop bReathe..relax.                                                                   

=========k===============haterZ 2

my point is… I‘m getting the (R)etro feeling………                                                     Thate this is about the time Crack was ..D..D..discover.ed


======h.g. rob wells======

shoulda ended jeer..

i gotta  say the amount of hate in this country for Native Americans, & Blacks, in particular, immigrants…also

these are our $$$in$$$

we owe and owe…..if you have a …respectable soul

yet we ©oddL another  fuhrer’s... corona...cross to bear

whilst Hating 0urselves ..Sins of our Father’$

=====taint happy in my Brokkken WatcH, SI(r)!==salutsun?===



my on screen keyboard went …..                                                                                                  caput last night… Ironic Iconic Pluto tonic

Bumping Mics: S1 I wanna say Thanks for the Shoutout howard the AFFleck duck… i mean Jim Norton..100 pounds ago….Gilbert …[ILY]

ep 1 .. Funny, ¢ruising but Attell is a Hardened Road vet   … that farm squash thing was WTF!

i wasn’t thrilled with all the mic taps… too back shoe tappy [ykwi’ms]

ep2… Gilbert like wtf..vegan… jim norton after a hooker sucked coke off his dick for a week and all that protein loss had him down 100lbs…wooo got thru that….

so then jeff does a back mic…..

This is Now in $paceBall$  the Taint of @ Giant.

======inspirED by====

Ben Bailey at the  Amazing ….Patrice O’Neal‘s ………..Roast

====R.I.P. Patrice…Massachusett’s Own Funny F=======



OMG...15 min into episode 2 now….they did back kick like move

the Hooker was    Bob$aget

– a bonus scene from  #Half Baked 2

====WTF======back to saget/gilbert interview in ep.#2==

weird…. .vil war today’

===x==jeff got in a fight friday night after the show ? aye?? ?

ep 3…blahhh

so….. ice cream truck.. job,next  jeff  ?                                                                                                       Good Cover for a pedo…. petal such as You

luv ya, mean it!

===jeff needs to adopt hasan’s beard ………… and health regimen



======no adopt yoke—





War(M)ongers with Young Kidd$…..and they Don’t Even Know It…/YMBAR/!

American InGenuity !!! !!!



-the quality of  being fair and impartial.uknow-hike¢Rap$caliaN-

From our ‘No eQuity Zone’  a Fudge DepoRt  picking up                              …info about uMA                         FIne arts building being desecratED.       .and Spicey and the Girl$ .. t*wa$$appearing @.IT…

Damn Commie T/Free-Huggers !!



===(R) daze..=the only one saved ==AIG ? =Oh yeah…. alotta rye bread,…$182 billion bailout of insurance giant AIG=Goldman and his balls will be close!!!!======   We All Laugh..

————-&– then all the 2Big2Fail Banks–                                                                               got no interest mega “Loans”  …  yup…                                         NO  USURY.   now that’s Rich ! FU sez Average Joe                                           (i Always use the original definition.  $(L)eigh\t*
*of hand-ERR$ )

===$(L)eigh\t*====⇓======SNW skit

<$$$, a Loot>

Tyranny is All Present..Sir !! no accounting for skullbuggery

Guess those 2nd Amend. Arms had kkKNOW BEARING

tbc…a Hoot*

===if only ch 22 had an Eye for …. $$eeing Ting$ for 1$t*I,me

in town cener asking questions of people


All onion or union of $nakkke$ can be contextualizED by the orgy pit in

                Anaconda$$: t*Hunt for Blue OrchID

Racism & South band2hand

Overt Northern Racists                                                                                                            are  usually in ‘lost’  Confederate ..truckkkS

however, t*owe(R) real Hate Dealers (R) deeply rooted / layerED  in                                                                      War ….

and $will always find room to Hate Another                                                                  Generation of Guilt-le$$ Non-White$ in need of peace


Obama’$…’G(R)ift’..                                                                                                                         Washing  ton of (+) Black (J Sedi-)$enti-ment outta America..

‘Legitimized’ Heir (R)acists views of  ‘good ole boyZzz’ Blackeys………  Slave 

Just a $lave.2 Tower $y$te(M)….  PuRRfecta…

Don’t think alot of Democrats aren’t Racist also.                                                                                                       butt 99.99% of (R)_R.


Rich Blacks have a  Huge Burnin’ ¢ross to bear !! !

=====step fo’=cuz=>you’re Deer….. Fr0nt Line 0f Battle\\=======\\

Divert attention

Israeli’$  @ Cable Call 

,,$will til’     Netwerkkk$…/CNN / MSnbc

chaim‘ IN


oprah ———–Harpo marx 

=====getting antsy now decades into Wealth … or Lackey B U

Fight or Flight to Your  Compound of FracturED moral=itty




======¢How many Israelis work on factory lines ? JC!=======           =                                                                                                                                      Still trying to Figure out what an Israeli SocialisT would be good at¿ =


if poor, vote with your (W)allet.. ..or..B….((M)allet steW)…



$till Waitin’ for Bezo$ to Help the Twerkers hat coverED hymn !

====$1 Billion to your workers and their/your ⊂ommunitiEZ. ==  === Merry Holidays & Thanks For Caring $0 $0 (m)uch !===

Coloring Book of Revelations




oh btw, was I  kkknott supposED to mention                                                                            Mr. Whipple’s Store…chore                                                                                                    And My       Charmin SwayZ ,    eH ?? ?

====Crass Act or ?===He k_knew?!!.? & Did Hut* ????  ?? ?====


==Check ?  Check ??   Check this KLaut ==meep, meep, got your 


“The first is the idea of getting total information awareness. That’s always been the key linchpin of counterinsurgency theory, is to get total information on the total population.

And that’s what distinguishes it from just getting good intelligence. It’s that you have to get total intelligence on the total population, not just targeted to people who you suspect, but on the total population. So that you can make a distinction between or you can identify that small group of active insurgents. And you need the information on everyone so that you can make that separation, those fine distinctions between someone who is in that active minority or someone who’s just [in the] you know, passive masses. So that’s the first strategy. The second strategy is then that you have to [GET Smart] rid of the active minority that you identified, just that small group of individuals, the insurgents, and you do that through any means possible. [¿Hello¿]And then the third strategy is to win the hearts and minds of the masses, basically. [I pin-point ..hot air pop wit]

And I think that starting after 9/11. We saw that way of thinking become the dominant way of governing abroad particularly with the war in Iraq, but then more generally with the use of drones outside of war zones et cetera, use of total information through the NSA in the way in which everything was captured about everyone to the most minor detail. And then also trying to pacify the masses in Iraq through kind of some provision of services or just distribution of cash. But then eventually, when this way of thinking comes back to the United States through different forms of pacification of the masses. Particularly right now, I would say through forms of distraction, really.”

  • https://theintercept.com/2018/11/25/counterinsurgency-us-drone-strikes/

Bah Attendance Downtown is down by alot (Rye Bread)!…not Restaurants !@! (doh)

Totally my ‘fault’ ”

Time & Crime BLinED

me bloggin””’all through decade with mediocre success…all.ways// Rising

b.o.B had the ©enter happy as$ ””

whilst [Ex-squeeze] me[, but the mostest safest place would be .. . ..]

making leeway against  happy days player$ (dem$)

// ¢H@d me turning a corner at some point

//      $whEAR$  how many chapter 11’s  now thumbellweinerrr ?  ??

the (R) saw the writing and threw out the ¢(R)ulebook and ”’

[SS (german),Confederates,& Union oF Onion$..//.um.. $nakED                                   my my sucH……….@                     H ….allowed  Team


fascism…tyranny…union of $neakeRs to keep women at ba by                           // no more prego weather gals they don’t want to be there!////

//[she] is proppED for a stereotypical (R)eaction… [checkmark.it]

jig$ up Assholes…. Woman’s Turn

i affect females who then, in effect, demand truthful outlook from $uit.or…s””‘effect

armed citizens… who piss J.D….will $TOP .deuce..faggot TyrannistS

===Did the Tyrannist$ have Reservations…. ?? ?======              ====Guns to stop Tyranny....====no How======// yup they musta // changed out of their Team Tyranny  clothes into …..guest                     // clothes===> We was at the Hotel’$6.66 buffet …..boss hog=

//    Darn  Hazzard’$,,,,, DukkkeS !




– hear ye, here we lettuce ..pickle onion…

⇑ Cheesy

i….wait for the Drink…aH’$ to …. Opening $tatement*

==&===after dinner goal$=?=

=====A2M’$, a Veil. in LobbY========B(R)ushYTA========>


===@=fine arts building …at least the bricks didn’t go thru a window. B/right/ ===



Hello, 411, Who’s the Fairest of Them All          ?∞?


Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!