Oasis – ______(Official Video)

 my life in F’reality…I want Patrick Mag(e)(e) as my driver !!
kkk(R)eeP B$.Holding Me Back…from”Book of Evil,  Todd’$odd’s Bill’.i.am  
[ might as well go for ‘soda‘?! ]

btw, Oasis are in no way connected to any of this stuff! ____

====Danger Will Robinson.. Dr. Smith & Wesson… I$real MADD==

Emergent PSA=====

=Adults.. Don’t Let your ANG$t GTBOY, McFlyCatcher===                                            == f’real, ok….. =====

Don’t Anger Smokey !!! !

==============He’s Sensitive==========================

So, the story behind the above post…..

hotel room …can’t watch CAM      L nor F…

after 5 minute search i found..

7 minutes in Heaven


Parti$an Fox viewers are B$, $ew…

….the last thing you want to do is combine’american vital’ with nightmares and then make them cum… 

mic droopED  

Sooooo, couple of notes fom Intercept article about anti-corruption platform of Brazil’$ new PeZ…. Doesn’t He KkkNOw any 



   Why Can/Do n’t Housekeepers Unionize  ?

total money makin ……

mofo wordpress specific tally HOe$$$ my Palet*te where are my bonus round character factors..[.upside down question mark…]. 

——– when do my Special Teams get on the FieLd ?                                       and i’m playing goal line defense at all mime$ // they POFD!



 comment….. Giving Up Alcohol is Tough !?!!!!!!!

…my reply….. unrequestED 

[ So is $tartng [UDquestion mark,]]


======Hitch—Cock—> Ian======

==========we both start with good evening !====

it’s so hard to break the spell   – someone else


late autumn  can you see the forest thru the trees now [ ..oh   4]



google ‘frank marino’   in a search engine……LV ….Showtune…time…

www.    my proper name…F L..   

we b.     both anti-corporate…2 an extent…

iron …Y ??

====what year was mine started?=====

Good Luck on Finals… 


i only took 3 classes a [foreman grill burger] miester…. ____


no input today so … -0~


ST.itches Be Mad…My Tomahawk ‘Miss(L)’ Comment…i$ gonna happen eventually, don’t Be Hillary & Ignore the Obvious Vicious-(M)e$$ Hate is $Wiff=t* Boa[$$$]t…

If that Effects her..she is worse than Hillary as a Leader!!

============classic modell…find me====================

One of the $taint thingZzz that keeps me struggling is my lack of going back and tallying my best ‘Tuff:

no person to remind me….


Best Bit I Remember:

My dad I$ RaeL MAD…… He’$  Shooting ANt*Zzz

over OUr  Wall[$]

========notes dump began.…..================

Discu$_$ Brow Beating$ 


Fail 4 Finals.. and i’m not the prob….

WordPress is constantly fucking with my tart-err modell

where is my white color setting… B$

========// horseshoe icon of +++++================

no buses DT.. today…. ????no drivers??


my lawyer betta be checking TH video surveillance from yesterday as the condom thief was a setup..who was behind TH ???

makkk  know(t*)$$$

=====cha cha cha========

Chaim …………….KnewMan        me… i saw a girl mouth ‘chaim’ when passing by in a car…       thought..        i am … 

Chaim Less Knew Less Man

—end-of-…..,   IAM U’R ReportR CARdd     // Bill




American InGenuine.$$$.. InGenuity


FU WH0     belittLED – Moi  


Dairy of a MadMan… moo


1/4 each..

Ricky, Chris Farley, Tom Sawyer, Rock Star

==totL “Dick Tracy’=>

for a Speck..[.sp0ck,   ]


why is a lot of alcohol entendre of gun$  ??


Thou Apple is Boughten..ops Rotten


kkkkk.lmn ope



=[A $]$ign x donut b-read===>    Dure$$ic ParKkk[.et…budda]

===Cleveland Rocks..are betta judges of talent  ..R&RHOF==FU==

Sister Change     great great song.[album….talkED until 2]


Yeah…Tomahawk..morroW So I’ll Have A Room , ..plus .

You ?


Is there Literally anyone over 10 who never heard of me ????  ?? ?

more popular ……than ________ !!!!  !! !


like a scoRnED AbusED Woman… I’ll $t*akkke _________


once again… untie me and i’ll be ….. makkk.$in Wave$$

Fascism found Fags followers for fotos…fools, fotos finish fagg$ = fyi

fascists use’m then diss card ya.. nice pic ?? fascist f/$uckerr


then we got the parking meter free parking condoms…chief…

right in front of me… with scarf over face cums hack towards looks around like …fowl…then goes behind TH…

setting me upp to fascist follow… just prior itty  couple of more pickups taking a left illegally just b4.


faggs do you thinkkk the klan  t*will embrace y’a(L,L)

Get A Clue


Frank Marino: Juggernaut                                                                                                                                    guess why you never heard of him in states?

===btw, the Roseanne roast finale ….she sang ….listen

AmherstWorks…. WHO are they trying to APProve it 4, 2, any 1

2 years ago ..1 after i arrivED…..this place was plantED darea cuz of the intersectional billboard affect.PropAGEnda..                             i’m hear.t0 effectively countertop BBBit.

Amherst the t*=own…works….they just changed the guard from

Lard B0Right         to t*∀xi$$$ k_Kno.$$+ent¢_no.deal  R=D=L

this should be dare mirror image as hard Right and L are switched

or as notED by many youngsters.. like the star wars new movies … good and bad switched….

========& ‘Den=======

Workers need to know they work ????  ?? ?


Today.. girl with guy tried to start a confrontation at town parking meter..

cars are all wayZ looking for ….badda bingZ ..esp..expensive cars.. DBgg$

StitchEZ Stalk

Hail Fairies are up 1000%


West Wingg seemZ to want me to …..make my move first…

i have hundreds of pages of Moves Made… you have PUnted on Fir$t* Down for……………………………~ 4 QuarterZ


i’m not going on any road with any band til i can sing like (R)oseanne


what do they do there ?

t*wice a day … t*insidious bastard$  fu that cut donation$ fu

oh, yeah… i wanted to disq-pu$$ …. Pitch, a Puck behind me taking pix/vid…u know DBgg

so at ___ay and a box on ground….

i ask..?  she sez i gotta put that in the closet….

so i turn around open the door and try and find a spot for it…

Pitch Kkkunt. he.is taking imagery pix…                                                                                           k..i’ve had it up to this point..so..whateva.                                                                                     .. u..fucking mink

====gonna use 4??===IDNWTK===

closet joke,,,my point is ha ha…. dick nose joke level…fart! tosh

unless… you use it as…

the scene in Real Genius where the “guy on the couch” passes True


always look on…BS  of L.                                                                                                                    cuz i don’t believe they will EVE..\\(R) ? see past heir

Nose Hair$

Walls of Wealth

EZ Bake kkkOven      BMW’s and Mercede

There goes my Endorsements… fresh mouth..breath… everytime



Hear We go again

………………..2 weakkk$ ⊗⊕ left 

Study Hard Drinkkk Amore’



i wanna live in                                                                                                                                 my bubble for………eva …caddy?                                                                          BDITW: four more…beers for Cindy


we both try to pop each otters bubble,,,,,

i hit a HR with … T   t*insinuous

and they are in ___diffuse ala mode..


===can’t leaf w/o my respect=shun decal==

===============betta get more booze===>>>


(l)ooks  hike we are gonna go 4 … 2 years in 0 homes


Rushmore isn’t EZ


JR you stopped short of a thorough comedian……

Dave Atell —- Are you also wearing Magic  Underwear under your


Pearly Harbor,,, Err… is Despicable De(M)

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act

======Draft Manda-kkkNotoriou$ly=======

that seems fair…. to..? who ?

======The @XI$real=of (R)eveL=====

Hey $@DD@(M)…. oop$$Y…

Hey WhiteHouse.. Huh Huh Charade U R……

show SHame and thEn Discu$S

===Remember Kids Besides your Bain….Alcohol De- (L)ivERRs===

Will WHey …. Admit … Rael-itty

BTW, Israeli Dick and Nose Jokes are BeLow Me !!


========Axis of WeebL=====Axis of FeeB$===


=======frost==f.Right==Don’t B…. Left Out

==night==plight==might-==——/   /—– kite

stock up on a few of those hand warmer packs


btw, i don’t tell j- 12/7/20       

Luke, Did You Feel Data ?? ?/?



same thing 2 months ago …                                                                                                   emotty dem nut$ and ..wear still talking in

..”   “.

NYC NYE: Pete Davidson ….. Gotta Get Away ??? ?

….. You Know Hut All Waysted   …Twerk$.

Vegas.. Headlining/ Co- ? …….?? ?

==========?? ? ??===========

MedforD, MA                                                                                                                 F’n !! MedFud !   

Butt Happens in Medford…. (fart)

====sell a few more tix and get to see Mr. ED !!!!  !! !

  ……. MD 4 …..$t*Rife… 

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!