4:21… #IntoleraBull in a China $HoppE = Bad [)M(ixED / nut*t$] Co.

& add b………………………………………………………………………………………….ooZe


+++++++++Social lite+++Whut’z Up? lol++++++++————–]GO


btw, Mr. D thanks for bursting a SNL treble bubL…

Treason is what i am Accu$ing the  Israeli/American/Aussie Media of

aka Illuminati

and once again i bring up my issues with the US Bar Associations… cuz they aren’t teaching these lawyers to give a flying fuck !!!!  !! !

about constitution and standing up for libertie$_$ being devil’s advocate, u know

American Virtues and Values….                                                                                                            Constitutional not (L) @$$.monkEZ 

my signature lawsuit/case


Pete…. Pete…. Vacation..!!!!  !! !     Peace !




========⇑t never moves Hutt $way=========

that is correct, it opposes science….(R) ..SNM

‘Justice’ word of the flucking year…..


Just…ice  or  On the (R)ock$

====diff.. @n ounce of ……Rim….

=====then darez ice immigration squadrant========

my holidays vacation next week – NYE is quite clear…

uk, tokyo, train tour of US,..Cork,….AMS,.Prague, Budapest, Mexico/S.A., ex.  Brazil, lol.., South Africa, France, LV, Cali, bahamas, bermuda, jamaica, florid-a&e,…Sweden, Switz, Lichtensteinbrenner      , Vatican City, Seoul, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Dubaibai                                        Seattle, Moscow abung   or.Tonto ..NJ                                                      N~Y~C … smoke rings in NYCNYE is funny cuz you’ll get busted                                                                                                                                                                                                         Darkkk $t*(R)t 

tattooine 2 build a wholly shitty fence


Killer$.…Whale Tower Problem.??? ?..sez one dolphin to another….

Water mocassins  …..[stupidcity]    snakes on the seaplane?

idea making…?   ⇑

——ratings for my interview are extraterrestrAEl


AIDS designs by  Meshugannah of Beverly Hills, Adj.

+++++++Makin”A Me$$, CaLL the Ve$t*ED…..Best+++++++++

Racket ..impression   -ive impene…..treble….. then the court turnED into an ot………hello  borED…..

my hob

‘Hand’ of George the 1$t          ¢heck

Othello… reverSI modell..Play.Mate

will i visit an embassy ????  ?? ?

==== ladies better have 2 picture IDs==21_===


===&=passe’=herp’ honesty test…….. DD-tales

====$Wirld will get to know my values… as age is diff dare u?=Ban=annas===everyone talks.


Gay Fertile…Futile?

Israeli’\$$$\.. ent. media, finance, collusion’s son in lawlessme$$






i nevahh added this up…


KiSS & Make-UP … band meeting…!!!



Sell Your Books 4 Ca$H..  Sell Your Soul 4 LeSS




the jaunt   by stephen king

Survivor: …. by  Same  .

== AmericanHandlED Scandal’s : S2===dump

¢ore tup to hear me now and believe me when nevahh


$tealing  DC / AC $ignals from my Bed….


shamele$$ always aim ya towards shit


when one in a families gene-ration gets educated.. they all do…

======Strange Days Indeed,  Most Peculiar…..

..assumption junction…i’m lust a Bill on CH


Festivus ….. Peace.


darkness and ……….shortest DOTY.. . //

less traffic  ?


whose gonna kiss me on NYE? xmas dinner w/ me  ?fa wa wa?

==========GWN……/ HIC /

==please remember.. i have no donors                                                                                                      … don’t look for me to  un-mi$er myself yet….

Q….mary jane stores…yeah… meet me dear




Whut is Bling ? (~the co$t) Not.. ≠Earrings, ≠Piercings, …. 4D..mayB

¢.H.ad to make an Emergent hotel stay cuz of 3 bowls of raisin bran…

yesterday….. both ends..guess my stomach had shrunk

Sweating profusely outside in Winter..is _____

2 say i was in a Pissy Mood.. HuuuGE Under_Bill


i editorED it …a Fit


In November, Palestine neighborhoodwinkED  in a (R)aid..                                             nutter  exampL…Of           (r)epuke Aid

#’s hard to verify, ……. ..(WH)= Collusion?

=============$cargo $court=====================


====dEviL is being Kkkin_ ===totL  War ¢(R)iM$=


btw, don’t make playoff travel plan$..

1 and done_4 Patriot$ ?!

this mere…no confer ..do you confer?


when is my cable tv interview…

i bring out..10+ 18yo Ladies then after comm break they all appear in US/IsraeLi death $quad gear….. daddy’s looking on in horror from audience



Does Anyone of Age and ¢omfo(r)t* really deserve… xmas

(nice gifts) ? naughty listtRrE…. sez FU

xmas family update…                                                                                                                if i haven’t gotten R-E-$… no me cuZ Lore B$ is IntolerabuLL..


poor prison 4 repukEZ…                                                                                                                          Shun / (L)eper– u rememba How (raise your hand) American €ntrenchED (M)ean0’$

examplEZ set present precedent2all

EmBenchED all.$0.


You might be smart if you wonder if they’ll “$ettle” before i get used to my Election tRy ? CycL

===heard not gonna settL!

tru … can we take a israeli/jewish $$$ym.Patho U$$$$ Y Poll   ..about noW

and give me just 2 moore fear$ Year$ …. BuckO (W)in$

====⇑======tangentL eth_ic clean..$$$ing



jumping beano……You Slime Bucket.. cum saloon…. spittoon

It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?      


                                – gue$$ achu ! (rhetorical)


Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal?

  • deja hue ? Wow, Know Mind’$ Home



breakfast out is good once in awhile expen... sieve                                                                                              but...it’s one meal i can assimilate


Gettin a charge outta feeling powerful abound me…


kKknow it All$ ! <chuckL>     lol X lol

=======unduff me !! !!=========

like i said…i’m not here for any college gal in mass..


date $t….iff or transportal st. elsewhere

Punta Gorda ’19… $pRing A Leakk B…. reak

Whut Happens Dare… Is …                                                                                                 __bottom__ less,     bottle_____Neckin’ &   $Huc..kkkin…                                          ieocd….                                                                                                                                                  Skippin..$ipinnin’ ….. Winnin’                                                                                                    Clean Southern FinED FrolHickkk$

C me in my HummUH. $… Fuckkkin’ ¢(R)ackU$

====Yeah,,,DVH,, a cleaner, saner version of SunCity===

=========No Glock & kkkey 2A… Dead Pool ===

Palestine wins by DaeF GauLt= People’S ¢ourt


Tear Down that* WaLL, Mr. I$rael Gorbachov

+++++  #meet your new neighbors ++++++++




if ever a comic uses this line..

where are my fans.. tru fans…?

he’$ b..rinGin $hite ! hack lookin ‘foray’…magic__carpet …..


wicked tuna ___…. sorry bad thought / choice of words… peace


===weirdness as  the Parting Sways across the Frills ..b4  Fini   Keys?


Assuming i’m a “Mirror’… 7 years bad.._uck_k to touche’..


=======Marty R. sez ¢ellot*============$t. EW  ie…. 




== not moving swear…on my grudget== X….van noy==st and lam_==


====btw, AC, uma, ……. knotty don a yappin’ so stop!===========

sHill All Hat*E


another Do … Do …. generation ….?..


look like i’m being fit to be TiED…..

akg….O’  Double Down on more Mirachille$


day win day count…..Literally   No @nswer 4 my Unique Subset of                                                        deja FU 

ref$ fixED the game like 3 card bounTY








Ohhhhhhhhhhh MagOO … You’ V Done It Again ?!!

[ I$RaeL ]    (R)AEllY ….    $uN.City  ??? ?====??==>>,>

We’ave neva heeard of that….?

Mahvelous, isn’t (W)it ?? !

==me, i====PO$ ?



just saw a lady with a husky tall dog meet a stranger and her little gal …3yo?  ….

after they left i could see the relief on the dog owners face ..the stress of holding the dog at bay……

quick thought …IMH

Elaine: The …… Ding0.. 8 ….. MY Baby !!!!

H/J=ue Your Wo(R)$t* ……’R[ev]ival$ of Morality’, Fucckkk U ‘Enter-taint-t*ALL.(R)Zzz.. (small PUckkk~$__)


===$earch & De$troy==

i have prev….let this go cuz if i go to see a (~R) artist…..                                                                  they mess up cuz i’m there … ok @$$=0

& respec for  WHu mean$$$ respec 4 democrazy

hue has no respec 4 me …. talent is told to  kinda perform..bad..a bit… so i noti$$$ ask 4 examples

obviously like Conspiracy of $tar$… this is how they t*werkkkk 4th Reich (R)iley,,, Life 

===4th reich vs. peace sign, a 2===1 EmergeZ…


point is  ¢omedians also butt fart art we really know why…

RussellE‘$_$ Brand  …Fuck Off… useless Mink  🙂

===(R)eL.i/e.gion is not a prob…H…..  uH=!FU kiss up to ….___===

//   IM Sorry, you Bunt…… Religion ¢annot be the problem…                                                   t0o   General Pattonly

                             Morality in MortalWitty

t*-heir plan is/twas to make all enter-taint-ment breezy so they can write off this decade as ………blah…

We know that this is the most important decade …….

of the previous and of our next Millennium Fail Con (R)..Y?$


so the hue’$$$ client$     

“have” to b “have” and play sub-standard when i’m there.. 

=====ask them (R) ??? ?====proud enuff 2 tell…. [ArroGancE of…]


These NYet.fLix comedy specials are a direct result of….

sub_standard_comedy… not even tryin”””


===$$$~~~hun (D…em) Gall…Ho HoEZ



===Paul MooneyEarth…..  2     Mooney…. =?!===


=j/k, i tink ===>> Winery Doggs –   Hott $—trek,  a

=====is G‘$ S opening for ya in ’19   ??? ?

======billy can learn fom …… Gym Randy==Dandy=====go…_


remember i called myself a Private….. Dick…..                                                                              I’m the only male in my family …

                         NOT namED Dick, rick ricardo richard


So, do i have a def reason for B-ing Dear fo 10+ dais… Y?

call it blind man’s tuff, Aye

====⇑==You Luv Me, You Raelly Luv Me ?!!========

=====>=>on an ‘unrelationship dote’….\\

so, there’s a chance?   – d&dER

i hope someone does a time-lapse slideshow of my face during this weight lost period……

Run it Backwards so we can all see the delusions along the way to                                                              Obesity !!!


Pi AyED Piper…. BRatZzzz in Da Bay   (X2)


should my fans forgive butt NEVER ForGet*

UMa$$ ..Amher$$t*…. ?? ? kkknott my $tall

——-the guys of A.C. are……                                                                                         (M)o$$_t* (Hi)-kly A   CLock_k stroke a$$kway—====>>.>>

[ I$RaeL ]    (R)AEllY ….    $uN.City  ??? ?====~~.~




Pallete ¢leansed

Omega, Ω man is my  @ss ….‰.r♥ck..C


finally got it figured dout.. B


once again no data…

a list of what ……      i actually do. good..for nuttin

2 bands were ‘stunned’ when they played a certain note around me…. KX, RR … that note is   ???     IDK 

IMH.. i see an image of TY holding up the F Chord  

Word Image Noi$0$…Y. A  Association F..reek

H….rt modeller // accidently on…


mimic of strife....  meme 3

boob C… omi ⇑



bad palette blue$

this one goes out to  SwarE DPress.Lie


Trump luv$ to Throw Shit at a Wall… Now He Needs the Wall… to reflect his image Back… as a Rush no Moralitty [Intra.contra.]mura(L)


I’m NBA Rasp-Berr..Y H/Jams Hott…..3 pt….$wis……H

Bad Company… til’.   [ Long /e Star/t…….[Friday Nite]

=== buy[?]the.horse.shack===

Good Luck on Finals….



Socialism  ||. ..  …   \\ . ..(re) (r)(R) 


nuttin.. no date a no knews

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!