Where Was I ?¤?…… Yeah….. // Bandersnatch – an B.M. eve.[w/] NT ? //// NeuroTypical

Yeah i’m an ………


but you read me……over And on.. write is Correct…..99/125

=====high expectation MoFo’Zzz….. Wang DD


====(fish are jumping in my boat)===allu$ion==

Investigative reporters need Ya .. . NO this….  .. .ph e nomam


bottom fishing line……..( Boat )../         .

Asians on the Clock..Power. Watch.. a Wa$H …….

¢hime….$in…….. on

World CanDo_r of Perception$


i luv Asians or the thought of them…. they don’t return the flavor..

they had the unique opportunity here to solve the                                                                                                                                       ‘missile crisis’

Did they just sit on the sidelines …..                                                                                                 locals have little true oversight…hem?!

coulda, shoulda, once again… silence was def… not.icED

=======uck Me

i have to give a fair grade… analy..tru Swiss… perspect


here goes… the first point….


no religious issues

..china==>buddha ..good.. me, buddah no rubbing my …                                                                                                               Human Rights…                                                                          Left out again this year for                                                                                 MTheresaAwardendungeon..gone…

Emperor is weird.. 2 me.. is he paid obv.. palace.. strange but we chose otherwise   Britexit #1 w/ a ___,  Queenie ….. Babe.. Catcall me… wic?

no lack of pride…

character/…….scruples ? (Case by Case…APU…..whatta ya got?   #D.Behav)

—-toast with the…. 2 sides diff toppings….                                                                                kinda dilemma 4 me..//. sta∏ds on the F’n===¢rus_p===

fair no HareA.. Hone$…ty.. rid of vent exalt..  breadth … weight… wait


|========I YA==?=====Rue FU.$$==?===|

==Roof US   and     ‘Hi Ku’.Latte?..==check under arms… in male… own we

Meek is on the  $Wing

do they care..bout me ?…$no$

/ Emperor.japan  tweet$   pointed down mid finga                                                    //   china.tellybanchanL

2 + facED  //  ?

china faces equal to.popu

japan:        $$t*alkkk$ __ _____! face It !

who are these young adults… ?      seamless..ly…..  s$dD



B-M-Wing…       Got  ‘It  …. Pp_–__Pa$$



china needs to workout more equity so we get back to even post bush….A (D)ata (R)e$et clintons, bushes ,… so we can part as friends post rug slipp;err. nyuk…

=======peace by piece======

Japan… a Mirage….. of Menage… contortion wait that’s israeli’Zzz gears re-ne.goat-i-H ate…¢onformity ©omplicateity

=====side note… Mpowered by GG4  Real!========

what is diff between




======asked myQelf to define each in my own way… without looking up def.

Allusion:  k… allude meant refer to… so does Allusion mean…

Inferred Scenario ? Bollock$!

Illusion: much easier…. one’s mistaken viewpoint

====if that’s not you…. You might be a NT

// i don’t even toe what this means..⇓. Roll .a DD..x__ no 4 finga dis¢ou_t lol

immanence front… wit’s a PO


so hate to hal to do this..

the pallette has 3.+.. layers

in order of impot,rye:

4 Finger Di$$.Count      Epic

4 Finger DisCou t*    ….. no ‘N’ … Rasci$t*

4 Finger Disc Out                                                                                                                        ex.  NPR call from a bad cellphone .. ‘Ray’ – a Trump Fan dow..⇑. in FL


behind washington state car…


Walla Walla  Washington…..

..Welda walla walla wound washington DC


===Choo WH0 ?? ?







Hurk to “Transport” : Beam down Data… i have a Quest (?)

Asians… We’re gonna play a game called   ‘ ¢Lean $Late”


i take back everything and … i don’t really care ..what you … oops… ¢lean slate… lite brite … etch a sketch    for ya….

what i’m saying is…..


i go first:  house rules… my internet domeworkkk


Do you care about me and my plight …. ?

specifiED Audience PollED…..

=======AC is one reason some asians are here…=====

======no question… not in my polling audience.======

til next Mym


b4…….take your shoes and socks off                                                                                                and                                                                                                                                             wade through my walking pool




Brite….= …….ωrite &  — (roof)


how i keep the rail within contactuL hippocrazy… elefan…t*

Spacey…Out ….My 2018… Year in Rare Vie(W)

Meaney In,   j/k


i’m still stewarding weather to adjust my seemingly right on call… i was blinded by lust….f-lust


Q:   When did the MSM start using the term     Centri$$$t* ?


@nswer: only after being forcED FED by Me for 5 year$$$

your Welcome for every one… ¢uZz..z

Day are Un-ShaKable….. (R)ug P=P=ull‘Zzz eYe__/ .  ..    …./

<=== F.U. Night Ham.a.lamb.a.Ding.Dong

====\CUt*\P(R)int WIt              << <======

I Just H…..adda Kevin Meaney Moment……..

btw, what ever happened to ???…….. Anthony Clarke


So car lounging in the sun…. and look up at the

Watchtower……L      2        R

and notice it has a little hand at 7….

curiously i just ate an hour ago at 9:30am…..

then i notice the big hand is at 2


That’s Not Right….. We’re Big Pants People !!!

=====Hint: the negative=========

those that fully understood the watchtower all along  wtfrig funk y

move 4 steps forward and 1 to the Left

Out of my bain on the tain….. (5:15)….back in the Bee’s Wax…um… Ne$t*

k…C… AUT-10 is always flurrying !@!


So, i now have to deal with my comments about non-sand bound A$iani¢ peeps…

=====lotsa notes since returned…

============i love asian women seemingly in teary only… but read on ..please.

————————————-note dump with little strays…

so you expect me to back down from my asian assimilation… Nope !



there are literally a thousand here.   #nts check uma website. as iff_

// ======seen 2 mixed couples…====== ///statistically WHO?? ?

the israeli’$ are devilishly charming cuz they assimilate very well yet keep their faith….

It’s just the $$ecret^(L). kk^Killings

======(Fuckin (L))and===========

the Journalists who ¢^©overED them…


Murdered…….??.!  Land…

…Sand ………………….muddy water$

===not @nti $emetic…. Realist who cares about underdoggs much more than bulliEZ


===Tear Down The WaLL.==






====xmas 2018    SNW  kitten   …. pre-tappED

New England Family gathered round their tv’$….



have you all met some new “friends” over holiday dinner ?

Asians.?    ====i know.. they’re all home studying?wink2dddd(rink)



yes the israeli’s are happy for the minute cuz the spotlight has turned for a sec… breathe..(com.mon.ali.ty)…… like your PAL$ on the

=====dark side of the wall=========


roger, roger ?!? –   a funny line from “Airplane‘ CockPit….

======Hari, Hari… was that ____….??know!  loltm==⇑==


A$ian Delight…///////<<=====///////  I Brite

I $orry, You Don’t Give A Fuck… My $add


speak home language in public..still not cool espe©. when quiet..


??You don’t want to be here…why..here.? uma #1 in Hut.

=====now you have your own buildings..overpriced ex-wept CRA.. seems like less and fe$$ assume assim…2.(L/H)ate


scientist/docs are awesome…

(W)e need HArdenED Policy OWL$?_ , H..a…..W\\……kkk$






All i’m trying to do here is assimilate !!!!  !! !


===albeit Bass…..ackwards===

and then i’m surroundED by … i’m out of line…..you’re outta _—-



i don’t want to piggyback… #MeToo




be the Best That You Can and Will Be !!!

(sigourney weaver in alien… the loading dock)


Merry Xmas, i guess….

This has been a Clearing of Miser Grievances portion of…………    |



$’More Asians…& gay guys is all that i see… they approach any @ss .. follow me into restaurant get behind me…close ..i notice and say go in front of me… he leaves after brief discuss..hun

======guy followed me into market… ‘bums’ in the empty fucking streets.. not cooL


once again..timing and no re$pect.. drove me to buy beer #pbr

Y am i here kno…………..(W) ?


exit stage …….leaft…. morrol

===can u tell i’m not going to Asia ! )loltm(


summertime here..otay!

winter… take off !

=====not impressed ====de-!=====

my tissue !

/===nexxxt!===\ ,First

MTL Part Deux xmas eve ….daytime blues..they must be DDrinkers to overcome this warm frostbite.. weather

why are asians all i ever see…. amherst, here,….asia

they are the least outgoing people….. mostly true….

an asian has never approached anyone… non i’ve ever seen.

i haven’t seen many people here anyways….

colleges, universities…. and hospitals… hotel$_$

=======  st. laurent has seen better biz missED=====

pits / dips in the roads are ancient….

roads fare like the wild west…. be car   e ful … luckily minimal traffic….

not All that….. It has seen Beautiful in the Passe’

Buses rule …so..watch out…


girls have so much needed clothing i can’t tell their … kg’s



working class with little infrastructural updates..

nice murals and street art

hospitals and universities…. _______blah___________

summer may be diff..a Wittle

Will cruise tonight but Xmas Eve.. not expecting much..“mu..sic”

walked myself to sleep the first 2 days….

vehicle from now on…. not worth the sites..

no hot chicks are walking…

saw a couple of beauties with ……partners..DT

Summer is betta for sights under 100 years olde (rimshot)


found a semi=decent market on st. laurent  low rent? touche’

=====  no roast beef !! wtfrigg id========

i’m literally next door to Univ. of Quebec Science bldgs…asians still here.. no go home

=======asians are $hy they don’t Assimilate Dwell =========

they stick to their own for   ====walls==of===comfort===..

==============CULTURE SHOCK IS bs=============

French Canadians seem fine but self involvED… ‘presents to make’


Lost in a World of Fa Wa Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


not going to Toronto..for sure..

do i stay til   NYE ????  ?? ?

does Gronk look great ?? ?

==========Jersey Goyz are hear 2=……..crew.sting============






Mtl…… West Ru… bric….u Sure ? 1 night lone.li

Whut a day for CFL.

====Sunday @Rue de SB=====

lotsa gals… hoprfully they are not GaGamers/0\

i left unrighteous dims behindef


my ©Henemies are here also….. so i won’t be going inside clubs…..

======NO…… $$$ecur-Witty========

party parked van by my hotel…..2    1 room

==========Homie Don’t*t Play Round $quarEZ=========

the non verbal browbeating has startED

=======the rulEZ===========

talk 2 me in English…. or U’R lip Ggloss……


u know ALL @me… i don’t know you…. ddeal with moi   /(oar) \ ….                                                           C‘est La Vie






run stop #1 plan

julian finishED typ$0$ing …   Pal$.


the Border took my pep spray… almost big trouble!!


thanks uncle trump sambo for my secret disservice

===========17 to ~21

unacceptable drop (Buff)


buff guy who missed arm tackled was pissed

now they go other way…

guess which team can’t stop run today….?

wow,       Holes inside the 10



another prob….no cell serv. WTF


H…...DEFence  KnoW $ecure-Witty


Money Talk$….  FUck You SA


they all know me here   old, young….

Treasonoeu$ ..uncle $ & Mambo and your

                TV  $hoe$  they fit U $weLL

==========//======$neakkky payment$ 2 CCum=====

Hey Mr. Sutherland !!!   Ghost of christmas past

sorry, isn’t kiefer the 3rd most famous family member…?

========back to nfl========

——ouche,, t

 Buffalo..              |=======Boink======|



MTL, Quebec     didn’t find weed store yester…. closed today..                                                     not sure i can buy anyway





nice duck..tuck under   4 knot_______


3 and fuckin out gauge  us   game

============Miss DDirect==?? ?===HHHun========

hi, mr. trudeau    !! !


terribLLLLLLLLLLL decision !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the old ‘assante samuels’ trick


wtf, he wasn’t the intended receiver?    //./   SB butler??

tim horton’s is like 1/2 starbucks… much betta also


btw, i have 2nd floor window overlooking ……Rue Sherbrooke

I’ll Be Leave A Light on 4.21  Ya


go Home  In Buff


go watch  BS on BW … i passED

==========btw, Toronto is waaaaay betta than NJ. IJS

==i have been to both !==although,,, Danger, Will R. 4 moi me

==Dec 26th is Boxing Day here ..$ervitudiou$ .. parlay..…to exploit successfully-

…My Dope-A-Rope  is Flame US==like BK==


86’d by 87 …….. not a prob……..this tear…..a year

Cres¢    is Ware the faction Tis… BA.Hoots



qashqai by  nissan … do u see it dare ???



shitoon   tent

====negative 5° here======C

======40 min==100 max =windy windy going due west yesterday

nice shocks and struts   north wind..ham CT dealer PiP

====De$ignED  4…..21+  Under  DUress

++++DURE$$.ED…U  ?? +++++playED fom++both end$ also+++


playoff DD vs. emperOR   ie  no clothes..k   Buff

LBike playin’ chess with crumby,,,crump,,Y

shit=head ……coke fed ?   no  ¢oke.!!..Le.pro…$i


buffalo’s great white……Gronk


kkknot EZ to // peg


sez WH⊗… O=W/L


3rd time today for big yards… gotta be … addressed

=====⇓===commercial for a show==⇓========

hicks and skids and scholars….? name is fun

======thin win …@…..dinner..

<====Pants on the ground even with necessary thermals ===0                                           Belt is still in car ,,, note to Maximous

walked for hours yester…….. \\… watah weight  \\


“benchED”   J/K


Burk & Stock

Krafty Jr….he’s my age..better eyes it seem$  (rimshot)

and Blingg


specialty wynn  long flight …chuckle   Home



See Canada… Dat a How  I   Toll

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!