Feds… (girls.please..come forward for your country) vs. Trump Tower Chica(r)..go


===he has to be stopped..===============

sorry if my previous ignorance hurt feelings….

[mj /glove   propping  haters                                                                                                                              … have a nutter drink ya delusional hippo$.

=========yes, parents..scary that the next generation has way more info..thus POwer than you EVE   \  …  (r)        would

my gift is this…

i’m not necessarily blogging for myself.

…. SHocking the World AWAkE ….

they will all thank ME

Peace ….just do it  !


gotta distance myselfie NOW


way too long.. short wick   i ment! marrying a 15yo in this day and ………..AGe


i have stoppED playing his mu..sic


I’m nice, respectful, courteous kind, O..bed, cheerful, real thrifty, …

====bottom ____===I Am a Love Hunter, not a Pred….========

don’t worry,  did Hef hide in his mansion…18+ young girls everywhere..Not a Criminal……..?

i on the ‘hand’   have been Hate ified !


10:10am ….. miss ya, mom !

=======4 tears aghost?================

Are you ready.?.. I’m Ready…






Indy @ KC // Dall vs Rams

liberty play ?

yo yo


2 EZ  run in red zone…

plan b colts


saw douchebag giving ‘candy’ to homeless in NoHo…                                                                                                                 he wanted me to CC

was that Abe L.  ?

C abe L   ?_?


stanford in malibu   ? remem a college univ on ‘Hill’




threw that wrong ‘lace’  <luck>

seeing is #1

throw is #2-100


full velocity  inc….

i’m an I guy   Incomplete GGrade


strip just missed…

total dominoEZ


sorry boss,

pizza hut hut


edward pistol fingers     <POlar>

freddy karma


// cheechy?


reid vs. old team is sacre bleu to say hear


ditto  Amherst,ma  blistening  1mil.. cost biz


Bigg BiZz   don’t like precedents trike debt




jet blue   aft n s e w


pulled into hotL and couple going other way…

lady mouthed:  <mswdngt> rude eh oh


hated hated unwatchable..unbreakable

part 2 ?  m night shamalambadingdong


lace mis laced… shouldn’t say that word in college town

american van dull

==========dull needs …..=============

hyper extended it  /knee/


did gal at passage place deftly call me a/the shit ?  lol i did aft


fecal goal, i heard…..  bpc<Al M.



3 horse 3 spike trident  in water…?


more on den off

like (M)adoff  // ?burnee?


curve on that kick …. Vinnie


i do knot… like 2 drive…


tackling u must be close to do that


basketball power forward  /  \  football  TE



============zoorolled already ….

last one curved like a curveballl   <right to left<






=======wall base===================

// 1/2 smoke


champ thyme  //i’ll stop simublogging hen i roost

=======================boost boost..===

wicked tuna and Wtf are TPB got up there short sleeves

wow, i should write more




speaking of tpb … little lahey in netflix comm…


almost caught his own pass… lucky

===⇓====flash crowd commercial=====

anyone else …………….feel the way i do ? smiRkkk

if only,     dolly daggers – fembot


Fox is            American UNIvISION    Calient∃


are $$$$ pats fans already making planZzzz


amazon  A$$ 2 Mouth.. kkknot South.. civil war julle,,, 



//T   dink wink







ph oh yeah…..

my browser has been titled for about 7 years…….

gonna copy and paste….

I only write about things that nobody cares about




———–posse  possuma======

KC wins….21 12         31 13


fountain of futility   today!

my store 2 … nun a customerr


========only  one………. me========


iiiiii i i       univision nfl  …. oh hi


i’ll kkknot mention univision !!!


my net ‘work’   has         put in  ⇔   a  faloot’in bribe                                                                                     for  wednesday noon  nfl games  ‘TV  Package’

1 BiLL  —–-lincoln 5

=fox comedy nfl show skit==⇓=

funny.. Golden Globe stomach… on terry how

shingles isn’t a funny topic.



Rams vs  DDallass  i promise not to be callous




they like me….

they boo, they really really boo


prob is the lines here are soooo faded…                                                                                  ron burgundy write off the road





(R)oads are what needs fixing not a Wall of ‘Fame’


==⇓===that fox show i inexplicably promoted by discussing ====

he’s a real doctor   hangover asian… funny


SH !

2 cigs and i’m writing is …

sorry, good game ?

I’m not a White Horse…. I Play One on TV


1 lb of food equals how many inches on waistline ???


Madden:  2K   livin on a bus down by the …..


my fave pool table has bumpers





gonna blog the 4 games….

how many peeps am i gonna piss off, Mon

+++++++++++++#Full Velocity+++++++++++++

back to ¢00l ….. sooner..


Cya $later


hotL Vroom for 4 daze..who wants a peace of meet ?








Still No Peace.. nor Justice…

R.Kelly  … 2 decades.???. never heard of til.  Who RibL U !?

‘Piss On You’.. ….. $tatute of     Liberty wee play


marriage to  15 yo aaliyah  , …\ Desperation of a $mall  /….


the  info on their parents is …………..[(o)] classic Trump card

======⇑===obviously a PO$$====???============                      =black community to blame, for decades…. ?? ? ===========                  ===School districts not 2 strict ??===lotta blame….========


Calling HRC SNL for comment,,,                                                                            her hubb, Billy Carter, answered and asked if i like his rear.?.. beer !??


what ya gonna do about the $ituati0n$ that mo..MOney causes ?? ?

needle   meet     hay ……. burn the hay ?

========wdtem ?=========

how did i get started noticing  Icon  kelly…

I Was Called…….. A Monster













HoAX on Cable KkkNO$$ey ? // ¢arrie.. ¢are ola BleachED. englisH Fucking UniVi$ion !!



421… mouth or myth   ??    ¢arrie.. ¢are & BleachED


little cause rewind repL


=======\   A   /=========\   X   /==========I




the little things i remember…

2 girls seemingly imitating count olaf’s sidekick twins…

…. (yadda yadda)¹…..      ⇔       (i liked the crickets)²!


=======F(R)oxy     &   caught, mon   Fiend$        =====

Fox‘S UniVision …….. ======>>>>  >> > $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.99

Change ¢ha⇑⇑eL


======= …….      I+I      …… ========


The Movie………   ‘UHF’


Things that Make You Go……….mmmmm

If i had a dog or cat…….  u thinkin What IJ$


========moral [kkk] itty========


[KKK]now, Trump,,

That’$$$ PiLing UP


When reached for comment at home, Andrea Mitchell-Greenspan had a chorus of ©®ickets playing ‘Little Drummer Girl/Boy’                                                     ¢on Heir  WHigg Answering Time’ Machine

===”Time” is the time given to make a ©ollect ¢∑ ======




=#CIA   Who do ya call at #PentaGon PentaHouse

##InFernaL_AFF(air)$$$=??=>>> hott air fact~story

Usual $u_pect$.   Gullible ……  Gulliver

//   FUnusual  $u$pect¹² ³+¹


Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!