[Shiiiiiiit .]..N.O. vs.?

…slip chide dwin a fai

btw the (I) stands 4 Incog..<wink abound dink$>            safeB

Journey: through Time… go see ..amazing… full tour guys…. dvd ?


dvd    mr. marino ? hi, 5 yrs ….. buy it peeps..

============eddie muen   stir chees..y====>⇓

ozzy visit lee kerslake w/o ….,,digit$$       lawyered up.. down fom heaR                                                                                                                                                                                     sad to compare…

Yoko  (M)ono .]nucleo[.$i$

you GuessED…BItCH











breath .;


please present all inquiries in the form of a compliment. ty&hand!








neal schon greg rolie performing from first 3 journey albums…                       go now buy cali tix.. .journey: through time 





jj  dyno- $(L)..i.t*.e…   boon…. blake   


Costan¢a     table 4   4 .. <she’s on her way !?!>



yes,       i say  cartwright, table 4..  no wone answer…!



”””””””(R) – RatED””””””

Foolish Pleasure..

Chasing an Indica high through a bag of Sativa__ >stoned straight<




OMGoodness, Hi, just spent 20 best.me minutes all year…

trump’s speech ..    i was Electri¢                                                                                                                                      …1 silent bob….         white russians prior… 2

so we know the nfl gets instant access to my blog… agreeD?

he had to be getting cues from ‘interns’! held expression $wel\  /l


my first duty..   < what about your first pee ?>

that was at end of QuickWit CounterTop ProGrimmin’

ended at 4:20    ¦ 4:21 on and ….

===Wit On..know delay===~Ra/elity~ $؇∪

===>Bog vs F_ g=bogg’s vs bogu’$===ChickkkeNBCD=


=EF==Button … girls i see beauty coming out of the woodwork…NOw. 2  late.                                                                                                           Kk noW ex-strenuous nails!….


3rd W/B. RU… N0 dt ..yeah no driving……

=====================who rules ?.. my Acception

just highlighting my ……

Do the .. Bet UCY??.?!


Heavens’ #2 Betsy                                                          

     ∏ ¦ ~ ~  ~¿♥ ~  ~ ~  ¦




[ ⇓ dis..t*Rust]..discuss still

these pione@(HR) CHalet* mergers..neta, , ,.. are like most mergers nowadazzzzzze

? ¢hide fanny    (M)alfeasance ?,,,, ‘gov leo’ Complicity P=(r)ide!                                                         it’$ C.P.   !!.!  nowadaY$                                                                                                                                  / have a cig(R)?,,,smokinnnn’ ….fun

interference, passssssss$t*    -Flagg ….on to the Di$$.Play

// Flagg is Def  fom    ‘The Stand’


channel =come on down to TPIR!===

now bettee… the final number & 1st                                                                                     in the price of the Grandd Olde PI’$


=============[4]=[2]=[1]===????  ?? ?=======


We’ll Be Back $tarrBOred

noW DDeal    ⌊____⌋/     


=======good game ..think backup.. ijs                                                                                                 antenna/tv


// discontinued while in transition to Randomness as Addition isn’t autokrautic



quite alot of tracing and shadowing… a broad

we know that you know that we can know….!!*

====R mfc gals being browbeat in their home police state ?==

=====siren songbirds===(country=state  //2 georgia’s)==





Swamp…Scot Free at  Vast //buckL …. chuckL\\ The funny thing is that …

the Re: PUnkkk$     have nothing butt  RasHputin,

WPOD..Columbia WHite House   of poppy seeded bagels and ….

Ccc..lassy livin in a Chateau  <wah wah wa>


in  put……t  $in issues $and   ·  ……….\……………/0..

that is all that’s left sic of Kkk…….on serve a stigmati$(M)

….  .. .  – (W)


we A gonnab  ”Bestez” on veteran’s issues… u ‘Care’D.?EFG_




W hen i’ll Hold the Demo$$_ 2 the $Hame  Standard


–abc now eliminates the text when trying to override it’s faulty over reach  fu fun fuckers






titles  of …..&……. tosts

LiberTY       )M(utuaL

(F)armer$…doink da doink

E.F.G. Hutton..Button…w◊hen …< > bloggs

                       People Glisten 





Poor …   Qui-Kkkin


<intently play(in)>



If You $tand for Everything ∴ You Stand for Nothing.

========.discuss amongst……=======


CHee$y…..How can a US Citizen WHiz ConstituitionL Writ$ ¢.Rackkk.Err$

… have a case trial happen without my  input nor even knowledge.

–//–bar ∀$$ociationS,,,,,, 

fbi,cia, other UncheckkkED Balan¢e Buster $  cZ∀(R) complicit//—

*transparent CIA   …..when does the Pi.. Pentagon become Mine ?


was i considerED a hostile witness without counsel.




i blogged that

i can’t even google prop$$$

elementary freewill is eliminated by richie  brichEZ

cockkk blockkk Wing of gop/dem/ kkk   EPA,                                                                                                      Establi$Hdement Presence in AmoricaL


=defendant unnamed== eliminates the T(R)u $¢0pe of the Time$=


DesPicable US$a duEZ


it wit’s like they shiLL

can kkknot bbbAdd  Mitt the A  Hole in Heir G-Love

========admit D—Feet were made 4 Walkin’…


You BO$$ed & (L)o$t*…. D.A. A CCo$t*…. integrally your                                                                                        KkkRepU..Hate. O’FUn


my press conference could be Epic !



i wanna thank……..


kim…..kim kardashian’s worth A Bullion


how would that in com$p_i(Re) to my unsolicited reality videos pix

diss¢u$$ … ]Throne[


take me to your ……... sue chief


No Justice.. Kkknow Piece


i’m trying to  sssurvive U Call us Fuckkk$





NO vs. pHilly



dining room


my feeling is the same as u feel about confidentiality…

i haven’t even googled where i wanna live ’till’ …. exactly.


aws ow my bungle in her jungle…

is anyone surprised,

my  ‘pet turtle’  has never reached that muddy hurdle.

AssMan = WHite Horse   SH! don’t tell anyone!

====i am  sore…sorry ====wait …wrong empathetical end=======

good comeback..so

HTTF penalty wtf

no doink…yes!

[email protected]====





i just had a virtual reality thing where i am virtually there at a function… and i g… NO.

Harp….. the most ridicky buy ……..?…..j/k  virtual harp ?


that is Not F’Right skittles   contract the rainbow

contract void and null

=======00421=++===Slovakia 421=country code===

I shut up wow now… 3 min

//////////fox.. flow    then                         cbs  are they trying ?





Pats Vs. Chargers not $.D. GFY!

I’m FirED, You’r(R)e Fired.. the (WH) .…whole  Algorithm  is Out O-O


everybody sang… A-O

======wow,,,, Out==hanging by a finger and a …t==

player intros; // ooopsy… i switched tv from comp to cb$


nice job  … SD    play when i get dare.. loltm

can you tell AFC play this year is $u$pect***

play your worst… DAMN wingo/// keep t*Ab$$$  and even flow… IJ$

============hail mary jane=======

¿ or am i eating some bad food==============


or SD knew when i was on and had a…..play had a     play…

jsaying ….

they are ¢ounter progRAMming

damning of ∑ alot


back to fee ality


kids know R   W

game con dover    <i didn’t highlight condo 4 21 Seasons>


===antithesis===MaryJane You Ignorant $lut !



did it 4 females all..so


sd the gfy was a toke.. //.you read my teleprompt agrin..


interesting developments…..

trust is relative to what you have 2 bleu


nice 2 play ciantrixie //  like rubio cubicL$     ==>   monster,


in the end    it’s lawyer$$$



=======muff punt============

he pulled it back     <patriot on recovery>


caught in air     physic al  amazing ! guts! carefree !


Beer     4 ingrediants

weed        seed              //// mother nature


they had a play  there once was a play maybe the laziest play in los angeleese … the dude

=====1/2 time===SD=======adjust men ! ya think?

me? me?   on a  Hot Reek



bueno comment… nyuk    \\ moe’s commercial


rolling fatties since…….

=====sorry about this….. ==========’Playoffs’    – Mora==

i write  meme$…. think memes ….

super two per$$






that may be the lawyer who i saw   —– ?? what is the name of the law firm… i may have to watch TV… say something good.

======a2m   ——->   aws=======


like that moxie


=pats rule=====

gonna stop for game   /piling mon\



balls…i only worry about females with d o


stay in my lane…. k  tat s        no comma


//  math rules reality  sci 


piling on… running  up score  … 11-0

on the level


schematic design fog


coaching, effort, luck, pers

========self   ie.===========

i’m a victim of circumstan¢es                                                                                       outta my pay level



=========Grade:   II.==============


——————-massage this week————————

selfie out;

divine assist my a$$et!

=========civil commotion?   =====geico, maybe?=======

off to…..  i’ll ask ya ?!


December was a —- lull—to a bye

=====⇓===interstate towing commercial================

drive    scare factor bump   y



==========camel sez what ?? ?===========


YUCK!        my (onion)

==========livin 0n a lottery ticket=============

+++++++++++++++++++ford commerceL+++++++++

looks like they’re moving a facade town…. Rock Ridge ????  ?? ?


=here’s your quarters or ..dimes….way back when=

die hard  sequel had the quarters!


—-philly V.  new orleans—tbd     once again…. no Amazonian DungL

—–that a racist rims joke verizone


Yes yes, yesssssssssss   60 min  .                                                                             …99% AI …socialism 

ignore at YO(R).


mellville a ,,,, sir        [ bigger boat]

=====boom shacka   tygn.==========









Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!