Pagan. . Paging Dr. Howard, Doctor Fine, Dr. How..ard… Report to Rooms 2, 1, 19 Respect ..Eloi

(L)ook how they are deflating Gus, the Mule\……\…….\’tide’……

kick is Up…  ⁄  ….                                                                                                        H                                                                         Legendary



         Gus the Mule w/o a   ?? ?  [answer below]


i nary ©heiry ot my taint across..t* + ©.


my future  ⇔ my security                                      ⇑⇓  my    Vroom  ⇑⇓

========Triangular  above=====

doubt afta doubt ..lafta eR

are they reeling ?!!.     /[ in the Gear$  ]\

cuz, they are so much worse off in terms of  @nswers   Lackey DD-Merit Badges…. Bad G’$, we don’t heed no stink..Win.. BadgEZzz          ..than even our collective U$A dealt from bottom of the deckhand

  . . . . .  House  Of  Cardurinals  MaLpractice.                                    HOC_MaL… jeff ross holiday

i am just waiting for                                                                             ‘Judge and Dear Juris Prudence ‘


Θver Mounting …..\__ _/ …Due  Diligence

====2 ==⇓==========

the Lot of Ya KKKnotC’$ def Knot A’s Nor B’s 



cock blockED   the precious boo avail

$Now..A… FU

b((R))ig broth(R)..& Is RÆL ‘NaZi$m

unbelievable…. ∑…. +   ∑ ……. = there must be 2 years of cctv from out front… @town hall and @52 Bolt=wood

Jabberwocky (Flailed it)!(ty)

cctv,…? never caught them ? first .. you’ve heard of this ??? WoW!

=∴== $pred$=$o    thin proof trusted=== $pred$===>$∴$

B54, Win go…

ie. ======>¿   big bro has mor..a  L’s holes in the knet ? fiBer$


t*$Kt*$kt*$k,,,                                                                                                                                                                            RaynRa..n..bc….nnn bc...d

                  this town like Heir island..  ..

  &     I’m BoldLy… Baldy             



ijs,   maybe a year ago ….someone went in my …. stole my set of keys.

free access                         not gonna spend ~$1200                                                                                                to reconfigure the vehicle!

money missing,…,,,,,,,

woke up couple of times with someone ‘drunk’ in my!

questions galore……….. =====>   iou $$$,$….


ijs ∈,

there is so much daily digital bytes @ my clock….

======i seem to be aromatic in my dish course==

==I am ¢urry !==//  ι$……⇔…¢urry

===a= romantic.… also…corny==in my curly..curvy…curry===



the amount of DeNiA,….L and malfeasance Top to__ _Bought’em GAll


=======weebles wobble……==========

love ya, mean it.


WhistL bloWn …. Re: ..FU.$_$



=G.O. ==@ sure has taken on AL@IOL





let it be. ‘ruff’  50 years ago today


if only i didn’t have wRIter’$  ¢K .2a  ..tail     2b ¿? 


family over ….. money

family = familiars….

Unfamiliar$ = …. Policy



#word power index

…ex..amp….L   ====> W…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Policy,.     Brow-Beaten,  FirED,



i broke theiR Hologram..transmission on the ‘Ruff” of TV studio

Rowdy,     ‘They Live’    I      did .. .DoD Wit*

like the one Luke made in ‘Last Jedi‘… [Raelity]


Ahch-To << <==========@-chu


 all sway 2


===Pagan==Onion$====$iege WHileY====================



seeing dads try to make my story a teachable moment [in my view].

====the way i Wobble…outta T..Wobble…..

i guess maybe …..Hater$ Had her

(+)====== ======(-)


==+======= =======-===============

 Ahch-To + ……….ng = @ch.tung, baby

=======Lukkke $warm …...’only deadly in a swarm’,,,,,=======




yes, sir. . it is ‘easy’ when the other side is…mostly a B$ O$


Then RyeLy.—a coerce.. .  ‘Poppy’… to ‘wash his hands’.

b4 sitting on

[Jerry’s Couch]














                         Gus the Mule w/o  a        vestibule           

(L))ook ∑.. .rare the Mis Detection¢¢ DeHuman Gy$eRR



=HypoErratic Cratic Code of EThos.. Ethics for Medical Personnel ?=


∑~ ∃(L)/(R)ection Brings FrontLine Paging …Dr. Fine With Me

=== ===is–real   mad============¶

=============================|¦         \                        \

=============================|¦             \                                                                                                               deaf, blind to …nothin…..

                                                               Don’t* G*A*F** !! BTH     


 I$rÆI$ =                                                                                         =man\womandatory military service

==Medics!=first day of ‘class’                                                                                                                                                      discuss (BTH) <==

==  5 guys/gals jump up and high-five!==

i t never happens, i’m sure!

F‘n ~~~~~~∑                 ? tbc

.   Yah00… ~~~~~~ Ξ                ?      tbd                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Isolat*~~]]]]][[]]]]]]]]]] ~~~~¿    ? tbtab 

                                                                                              M IC]]]]](R)]]]] Øn? ZIonist*~~~~¿   ¢$     $¢$$



                  $_$AVage$_$, BEN ?

                                                                                                           in Lambskin condo~   ~con~dumb




where was i …..

lull 2 a …bc liquors

=======j/k/R==kids don’t drink and don’t get fooled into acid/coke/.. #my generational regression=====



=====a farewell to kings… down on the upside..obscured by clouds========


Why didn’t it get more coverage in 2016-2017 ???

W……   T….reason  ?? not in and of it$elf !               just more (M)edia-Hori¢ €vidence of                                                    an                                                    lsrael $tate over United $tates Prejudice                      

our $ecurity is PARamount   Kkkn0t*                       

4 (R)e:  t*….aLe           


Once again these people are EVERY$nare  in collusionholding up my ju$t  in court and in P$y-ops/DoD/CiA/FBI and ultimately my fans and………………………………………………frie







I Bet Infraguard hasn’t updated my [over & due] “credit report’ // do they constantly update Infraguard’$ T&C’s ???? ?? ?

J@m i still inconsiderateED dangerous                                                                                               iex_x                        with 2 arms 2 middL finger$ ?

has “Ou(R)”   FuckingMe.ed…ucan’ttouchthis

PRΘ-file BEen updateD ever..  hibit  FU

== ==Hij0wl is my (W)in’O’   t* insecurity =Θ=Level=Θ= ?==





==========My/        Bald           \Dome===of XpLain======



@<flush>Major Shit,,,, i’m best ie      on tv… iffuck you! < chuckL >

‘my’ camera/studio/dish ever ships from A2Winner                                                                                                                 Ass2Winner, right? capi$ce!

policy   … policy…. policy… render it ..’meaning…lesOs’

Just…. 421  small monthly payments of 2 pints of blood

===========wow, … huh… thoughts…. as he then needs to get family to donate as he is too week… this weak==real deep ……funk\L\==


                Schema of the In$idiou$ ?

================real  liver or memorex ?==================





=========like me a meekling=========

can you tell…. ?

i’ve been runnin on …empty for months   still prolif $ic ?


yep you’re correct! .







pearl harbor err dazen of ….

media pathos … Counter-Intelligence Passover

  ]coven e(rR)[   with that ‘medic’ on tria(L)?

?=DHeed=$en¢e==why didn’t i ever hear about this case is my inner thought?



casey at the bat




Fire Goodell ! // Fecal Good …….Hell righteO AL ?!?

ImPeach $Punk_keY__Lie_P∇ ]pirouette[ ..WHo threw those Pies ?]


…..Lie………..H       H….eiL StyL 


==================one of my fave thoughts===

Whenever something bad happens to dem or kkkno*t* ME.

they come up with things like  free bacon thursdays… triple artery pudding pi… in a $5 Bowl

my point is more a NeuroTypical curiousity..

How does this make YOu Feel ?

Where does it get tossED ?


obv. a die die we don’t want to change…attiLude


K,,, “only me”

fall asleep downtown noho… made sure there was no snow emergency light on…..


wake up to my car MO=v=IN…… up on a ……

ko_,  ….

me pounding on my window looking for my keys….to put my window down to open my door also

end of morning total……

$54 ‘tow lift’ fee    

$25 parking ticket

+  another $15 parking ticket…… which i decided to stay in the spot all morning on my …….. bonus round

$94 ‘D-ticket’ ride


========single, 21ˆ=======¿===fit and play the fiddle======











We Are Sorry, Federal Workers!

Being Bi$hoppED    buy  $pawn$

Ifor  the GamepiecEZ  Pawnz


=====Yactually Ye Yawns =============

 y,y,y, Y you’$$hyahoo’S.. yearring yearpout

year yoyo

Britain,  … where we (oui)

 Left Behind’  <ass move!>.                                                         the

Arith <boom effect> Metric System                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


⊥⊥  ⊥    THROW$    the Lot of Ya Out  &&

(QueenED MoFoEZ)!






loved the butt papsmea(R) herald

talking about not wearing trump stuff in boston area.

===loci, loci, loci..israeli gears… money in the belts.

isle take Kkka(R)e@…. and they all bring

Rude Money … (divinyl ignorance), fascist petri wish

∴           the money is ¢over  Helming Lies _ (R)

===========much subtler, i believe⇓======

ChearUR¢..H is the BowtieZ$





Welcome Comedians to Giving It Your…   EveryWakingHour

==¿ can you keep up ?… just reading it.balls.. lol


                                       Prolifi¢ b Witty





Politics abide… DC are Rich Petty Ordinary $eniors (vroom, vroom) [shitting my pants!]


My Analy (swiss).. b4 i close..[shoppe]


‘Lack’ clear know ledge, a H…edge=fun_‘L’

=>>=>=Goin’ Down==\    \ …   F_ame, Freeze Fun__$ ..A_Wedgie


—–you….. TAR2get ….



I Hamberdun Nothing but A Watch, 4…..

==========metronomes on [display]====


what do i want.?..

for my fans and anyone remotely American to feel secure in                                              Voting & in the Results                                                                                                               and kkknotty allow Big Mouth..brothERR                                                    to stirrup /cock.frackkk     …Free Range Donations                                                                       ie.                                                                                                                          t*&r@  c…ed…….  be tracED and shaded [vin] as a Dissident                                                                                   on    US  $oil

Ameri¢ans’ Permanent Records                                                                                                                                           &                                                                                                                                                  Nein Trackkkkkkkkk Tapes                                                                                                                   for                                                                                                                                                            … .. ¢


— /AHem ! —stretchED 2 far—one Veteran callED $Hell$====  =======–“Viet-Cong”–==assimilate kkknote   flankin both ======  ===

<   dissent is essential>       ‘Dissential’  to Democracy 


…..    [_Loci Elliot M&N&C&Yess;]  j/k 2fun  no ¢

…..    [ Loci Elliot M+Ness;]

]WayD CooL[

===Bos=====|<=Mass Pike======


==495====i w|as born/raised,near pike area==south to I$les=>

.                                                                                                                                   / ‘ ¦


====springfiel|d ====91=====>north           noho/amherst===



circling wagon$ outta hear (GWB) george w bush..chuckL, great white buffoo…buffalo


//         Δ² =  Δ¹ + 7 years   // break mirror //





(L)ess On..[Free Range Thin KINg] Hallowed   grounds..mud

‘$ell U Elite Bullying by anutter gnome and clayturd.                                                                                B- Right Employability   { Ø }

Permanent waiv ERR

  blacklist=fascism = custer’s last stand-up special:                                                …Battle of the Greasy Grass .  Public RetaLiations

++++++++++ Liberty Mutually @$$u(r)ed  Deception   ++++++

=====Loved  Wit                                                                                                                                          when Target started with the Bananas in lines ..L&F

<=====no meaning detached====>




I never thought i’d see this from my Home(R) .. of (swiss) miss ..directional  ∴ undetectivill∀


Individeo storeo.. dodoH!.. free range parents!                                                                                                      ¢SI WTfall…..owe

⇑   word.     Individuals

======me, emery surfboarding==  pooISIde=====

Just gonna spew wit.   //  oversaturatED soil in Western MA

Massachusetts is Emulating……  RI, israeli counter op$ 

¿the RRRRich here seem to take? ‘Narc.¢aught$ic”  ?  Re WHite


Fascism Extreme Abuse: GITG                                          dissent ∉    fascism

Dissent is ¢ruciaL to Democracy

Pagan Monkee$  ∠ (are an angle)(∀…Rc/kkk) @ngL   of  I$(R) Æ..(W)   



<===MA Border WaLL=========0==========>



$$$tars ...(RI)                                                                                                                                                         move there cuz,                                                                                                                                               POlice $tate is St*uper $$$iZzz.(?L?).ED dare                                                                              Be Aware(R) !


Here.Wee.kkknow…λ.λ._.. ç====Ξ

<OBEY> …ur <Ignore>  ru…… GaTeR.?

big umbrella / dome i sigh\ L

=EmBlemish.EstaBli$$ Creme Dment Present, $in .America.==

tree tin states like L     eggo$ waffle? 2! frozen 2!!  waffL    ΘΘ

pc2pc, cp?!! CP, mFur 1 pull-eye blink..U fall.owe, u?!!!

========<ignoRe> ============

Pagan Monk$,  #Ponkkk$  

***                    Fact Jack counts 3    and .. O

====membah, aft 1910  the cows split to go….                                                        Pagan Bowling night at  #DairyDelight$ by 7/10

\===================  Death Bah  ========/

Gate(R) talEZ?        |o|       |o|                 |o|

                                                                           /        /          ¦

===>>>               $Logans (R)un




¢¢harming kkkNOt* Charmin

=======Pa$$,¡ fist must be BLarney TRouble                                                                                                                                      double our ‘Faith’…..hillNary


====both sides take a break to look into Mira=realradiation====

kid(Dem): ‘fool you’ 25th anniv. “Dogman””’  also Pillow ..amazingcd

kid(R)….. will he ever stop.?     // will they??¿

the question, kids      Bezo$           Why is He So Good Looking…?

=========a fence=====just a fence=========

mr. Pence… Mr Interim.. Mr. Fire$ide ¢at*$…Chats.

i dream… fireside..w/ hot cocoa & white marshmallow$                                 “floatkkking”  that  calmly symbolizes GOP Values                                                         here  in the DC  $$_WampM  M is ‘colored’ Gold




pats @KC Afc Champ

deja WHo  … Pelosi would also need Pence Impeached? civics class

funny ?  would pelosi be VP…….no

=======CLear & ObV  Dang(R)==//=(COD)==a Chip

nice tackle!


DeCommitED  do your who cares/// it is duh baaaaaah

=======_aints were Bi$hoppED======]sibe.ri.a[===



nicely planneD kc D   –       int. 


excell D response by ne



if they know what they’re talking about they are lying if $$$-chaseR





gotta watch Pink….i ment  Greta from last nite….

// weird outfit  4 singer//

how is Pete’s acting in some movie ..out now .

-2 degrees  No ..yards


russell wilson sb feeling  // same outcome.


trey       nice tackle

===buff this spinning


saw good discussion display of the OL silent count                                                from tackle inwards… center calls the coverage… snaps when tapped # times …….



J.Christ  cordon bleu….cheese burder


that was   cheech   !!! truck commmercial


of coure  cour$e Religion can’t wait…they still tilL


not 7 kids


underthrown;  TD

van annoy……


i’m annoyed the weather & the indoor  pool broke. bloat  inn //greta


tv Ffolky….they are JerryDeWanding ..all.da.Dong Complicity



what’s happening

funky cold medina


// Finally?


lucky tackle..nice route

cool……. quick score

===believe you me…there  are no 3rd offenses.=================

nice    ice… vs Ice…                                  jeepers knot I.C.E.


back back back



i’m CP    U      PC

Patience and Consistency is KC key


1 bun is †op  2 bun  bo‡om ?


i liked e.w. on snl     // \

======’beth m w==========================

he’s betta,  oh wait  I am MY Team


final p0ssess, Win


start drinkin now …. tailgato(r)s    // i ……….


L.A. means Rating$…IJe $

los just got electric


run behind gronk

oops… under tow …..!no!




here o       // in actuality…champions do the following


hero  hogan ! Catchyes!


3 timeouts ..1st down

funky cold medina


2 Timeouts KC

run at his replacement…..




===(tic for tacitile)====



// NFL…


Holds on ! X all


4 down terra

// Gronk Great!!!!

TD///////////39 secs

clock it!!  means …Spike the Ball   !!

4:     11




belli    check on my new tablet


muave jeans



5 4 3 2 1

======SB  LIII


stay positive   mr,thermostatistics

why a solid B–>A¢E, sis, in Math at ¢al¢ not talc.. level is Essential in Early College Get Over the (M)ean ..!=Pearly =! , Way OVaH

Then and seam-breakkk-imply only Den for                                                                  first generation collegians…

which avoids witch paranoia and 2nds

Will  SCIence,…SKY-in Essence,… take  demon Xcite a ‘ReligiousitY’  …

tru clear algorithms

Slowly they R E UturnED….< Niagara Fall$  SBSIBI. >

==========Yaaaaa  aaa     aa  a aH……….======================

How Hard… can it b to find a

= == oh…my       feminine intuition is in @rrear$$===ClearlY ==




commercial with Ortiz..


David Ortiz Rule$ … =====[number to be added]====



if the sunday news

====(R) RatED==============

foxy brownshine …spend dwin time playing a D=====fence off dare                                   ……………..moan

I don’t play fantasy football, . just saying they are setting a toner on my print err before it warms cup.  ——Pats 6pm..:30 ?



=========G-LAM, I HAmb…  Once Upon A Time …..

Punkkky  and his Rue$.Third


i wake up every morning/day on Third Base      ?wild pitch?



brazil cnn                      fox and friend, Wheeze’= $_$






stoner commercials    taco shello

subway  no chip no pepsi



Ref$ blow Chunk$I    #NO


===iced cough..fee===Fire Goodell===

fire!   good#   backwards ¡hashtag!

That’s not how that works… 


integrit   ty


Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!