this millenium there, fa(L)con…..!. . \\Dreamweaver betsy ross// ../TCBP for 3 pegs, roscoe ! heheeee\.. Dreamcatcher .. i saw a huuuuge one

 #L-one. .  $ta(R). . blunder. cl0se InSPection.. more than I

ISP    >>        ESP


Pool open again.!1 hr yog


. . . . . . . WH. . . . .  en the Dis©onnect is ¢omplete

it’s always about the ℑmpirℑ

//. it’s always about the ℑmpHℑ

//. / it’s always about the ℑempireℑ

. . . .


R-@ttach Dement will B Generational and isa jar jar ….

Have. . . . . . . . . ………………….._and


my point of the knight.., roundly laughed at by Producers of. . . . . . . .  GHolly 8 ball. . . . . can’t get…… _ _ _ _

made predator jokesvabout the definition. after they planned to nail my circle into a little square ..mute.

predator is what they picture me as…

‘Hunter of Love. $ir would be My Reply.

. …. they are relentless but spatially inept

back on point…

next that movie where …it ended with 42 long …

i’m just slaying wagons buffalo wings dRag….on I’m  fired


so they are ‘tap dancing in glee over the timed attack of my personL character assA(sin)creationi$$$&M*

they are all on same side of the track the middL. <mic drop

Peace .  (  pits of Orange 0val Trackkk     )

======hubris wiz wit====

P”ROblem..O’ YA Kkkno_<—-(W)


$till UndefeatED.

//=== World Night Court.
//.  Harry?
WC:  Fields O’ Dream  . . . . . . . . .| . . . . . . . . . 
Please  put a Lien,  on some $prawling Desert Property..
Yes, Waterfront.. . . . 

=====just ice phishing,   your honour!


Tokkking Gunn, Tommy…is. . . . [btw, Trope, I ……..Cra$$ ¢alll me]


my perceptions are pointed..

did the M.Media under go ‘psych talks’

about dealing with me and

. . . . . . . . . my Hater$ of

Fair. .  is 4 Fairies 

¢ompetition. . . 

. . . . . . . . .  untie my chains

my day of judgement







===&=back to the media……

duplicity training. #multiplicity and keep calm-ah




WHen ?!.. &. why >Exactly<?  


=======⇑===ij$, they G.O.  remotely gotta be $hakin.  FU$$_==

and when i ‘say’. . . ……i MEAN.  ⇓ Way ⇓


My hater’s cannot sympathize …

………….? with a guy who never ‘CELEB’—Valentines Day–¿—-

that is not fixable!


===got a root canal to  achey bakey. cakey ....( can’t smoke)

tooth is broken  close to nerve ==.

veggie monster ?


warm/cold oatmeal ….. passe’D

//B’s/ beat rice pilaf the SF treat

was my valentine talk an ‘underground’ _____ 

 am i still ‘underground’ ?. ie. intentionally GroundED by GED+$

btb,. . . round ≈ Vrooom Vrooom


 Think trumpet blow$ fuses  of bitterness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  cuz he ‘chose’ to lead the  Wrong. . . . . . . . . .  ‘banana (R)epublic’…..

Venezuela. HEHe so wants to appoint himself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (u kkkno$ also),

bra,. he fits the psyche-typo. .(R)eligios….itty

//too late…1.  $addam 12.  where are you car 54?.


u……..k?.   people, people

i’m just trying to think outside my 4 walls.  mainstream media  …head shrink in chsrge must have gotten a lot of questions… about situations….on-air and off & how best to toke… stoke… $troke …..the  _hole base……… to gel ……oh,. . a lasting emo






i wanna apologize to any and all peeps i offended at SW Untopped show by not STFU.. the cramped seats didn’t help butt big butt ultimately me and my partner , weed were to blame…ME

so, i … am Working on. . . . . . .   it,,,W

=but will avoid most live comedy==

=too close to my soul=to be silent —

t.act out less.. lacka oat,meal naf! cept cookie. . .  monster is Veggie Monster… schoolED




 Massages are  a sort of soul cleanser, mind-straighten-err

aligns the mis-


‘  ¬  ′  readjust spine  ‘ — ‘ . . . . ‘ ___’    |,I.i.  . . . . . . . . . . .iiiiian not ‘Ean’, M. . .. .  Ian {Purr-Affect} STAte

i have one a scheduled later this week….

=====out here o’

Feels …. like I’m

Integrating Partial Differential Equations . . . ‘ =  ‘

by. . .° . . . .  Darts. 


OW……. L   






thigh ! 


AIPAC: Social security foundational empire security,,… Liberties of US∀ are kkknott items for discussion ..,too small to kefilta../ fi$….H

is not israelis call on ‘my 10¢.  tropey tyvm


How Does an Israeli get $ecu(R)ity ¢learances ? AIPAC

who let all of the riff-raff into the room ?

=====one or the odda. …..======wally world or a vacation life hear..

u make the call ? ====== non  overlapping sets… green card mention loyalty….. ijs…who the fuck are you ?

Palestinian$ Don’t Account ?

except as  Infidel$, Like AIPAC

_ould you like to kkK$NO_ $ome ‘&’ Mre ?. ¿ W•re


Sweet Child In the Fields f Soldiers


Motivation To Progress Stalls in the $weet $pot*$ of Card Counted Decks. BJ. we can’t ban ben franklin ken we barbie ?

Betsy Ross would weave over in her dressy grave if she saw we added Fear to our Flagg.., Fear, fear of

Understanding We fight for our Right to Debate Not, Not  for our… ……….oWn(R)………..{Hub(R)i$} ~ political ~Magic Carpet~ P~ride~

[      = Imaginary Part  ]

Debate/reality leans left til B$ takes a dump … dealt a <————-

big pix.  imax big
motivation to progress stalls in the $weet $pot*$

hence heir affiliation is not a prerequisite, known offen$e

. . . . . . as they will have you believe.

President¢ ≡ CatholiC. .  /?/ CCD = Card CountÆd Deckkk$. /¿/

U.$.©asino …. we see you ©heat… we prejudge judge blacklist ….. ReNeg ……#gauche we hate.

=========Would You Believe…..?=========

// Love Ya, Mean IT.  even…..    Cho 

‘mason-dixon’ line moved C   ⊥—-

some much ‘respect’ the southern way                                                                                                                        …south of ¢anada that is..2019


=======line in the sand=======



===40% off <== Goth St. Entrance… Wink Y

Intimates & Lounge:   My Whole Existence



+=========== +======================+===========+

Seig While I -99 is  Luftballoons

+===/===== +======================+==============+







// staying fit to faddL my green jeans..DCBA loser of weight!¿!wait


// sounds like had fun & ame$/

/// fook meow


 Jeffrye watching a movie with ……

                           his bros. [Glen Garry & Glenn ross]

yup, you heard of Larry and his brother larry, ????? ?????

Glen was the first born and Glenn the last…

yup, yup. . . . .  Jeff t*was the Lonely. . . .   Jew


almost hall-o-ween
lookin to be……….. hall-o-lean

oh,…. Valentines Disarray


never meant much amore, 


bold and beautiful

cold and dutiful


not gonna be @B.L. in near future….

How Do You Sue A {_hole People}….Religion @ IsraelitEZ

for Blacklisting me___my_Liberty_Lost in ‘my_COUNTRY’

4 ‘Personal  oracL ….. Political !!! IssuEZ’      ?? ?

Does anyone believe they

AREN’T Working from Power  Against ME    ¿¿ ?

Cahoots, ¢ollusion, skullduggery, …  CheckPoint ChuckL ahead

= ==they are Insidious  [inside U.$.A.]======

working ~50 %  for US∀    [Bat Shit Lazy of US… 2 $ic,  ¢ede]


journalism layoffs …..  Bend O‘ America                                                         uknowa…boa Con——$==>trick …|.…….herd. . . . . . . . . . |

====Would You Like to Know…. More?   [starship troopers]


=exhausted…afta Parade.VI=&=afta chicken burgers and PBRs#B.L.

freelance *t*assholes with cameras..[   ]     [   ]    ..  

// a million kids skipping school//classes     no comment !!


No …. 21+  @ Parade fit the 2 criteria:

  1. Very Special
  2.  think the same of me




No Re$$$pect   can’t look peeps in the face…

2X as bad when i have no ‘Comfort$I



=Sue,     I Already kkknow Hobo to $tew=(they’re $Pinnin (repeat)”’=

i need Privacy…. w/ Benefits


Sorry, A$$holes, I don’t fit in any of your ACHU boxEZ


Been Sore outta ¢Heer .





Amazing——-> Team !!!!!! Edelman Rules…..[ but, Dante ¢ouldn’t be …. .. MVP,. /// Hogan’s Zeroes] 

‘Space’. . . . Distancing the Haters`






CA, NV, GA,AL,TN,,..OR, WA, IL, OH, ME, RI, NJ, .MN, WI, .NE, MI,  DE, MD, Dakotas, Caros,__/  /—--?

==carolina$.  ==> 9 billion for ya.   ____\. . . . . . . . . /___ liberty hell

at Liver.ty Hell, we know a thing or 2 or even 4

we Seen it..$HeenED it …..Ultimately Erased Zzzit  with ONly a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $$$ ———–> Mile 


====SB 53======> weird game … flow,,~ =======

SunShine on my Head on my Shoulders makes me …..SappY

full…mon destin vacate.  shun moog L.

==meantime===>hint… Cheap burders sWoon===>

Congrats to The Organization.


what will become of .edu amherst ‘heil’… after Hampshire becomes Umass Amherst’s Annex …. free thinking….pawn


hard left k__noty Liquor


Africa, is on My… couplet bucket list…..


Drive Cross-Country ?  /// length of Stay!!!! rental? uber? location!





i seem to be surrounded by

Cognitive Dissonance,  gym ? Nat’$$$Z * * z *** z *****

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ∴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  I

Kkkeep  A Kkknockkkin’….. .  ∏

Hello, mr. and mrs. Justice .!… I kk_no your in there ‘laughin from your ……di$$onance.


plea$ call for………. HymLer….oop$.. .$chumer & McConnell



ever notice  NewS   ‘north east west south’ ?


what a sleep..haters just for mentioning much needED 18 hours with minimal breaks..par 4 C.

.wake up and heard this on tv (espn):

‘Hard to play Road games when no-one shows up for Home games’



H…………………………Heard this at the rally:

‘Be so much Easier, if you were a ____ !’




john malkovich was talking to deuce…..

the Empire made the .. … ….. RUg  ~~


that’s why Hi can still (sic) laugh ⇑ aLway$Z

====2.8.19==at   AOM

Steven Wright is ~Mad, a Genius!

90 min of ….. Wow,.   Maestro

 =#addHD===SW could just read .._… == @NE=

Peaceful @ town … Calm Anxiety // SB LIII

Good H……. afta……….. H … oon,. BM…Who ?. Chittlin Circuit City

the reason ‘Rigor’ logged up

the time shopping had me realizing ..

i can’t go Lame.

Gott. ian … Audience…

gotta truly test the walls (intuitively)…

Fl, Can, HI, Phoenix, UT, CO, TX, LA,…Jeru$halom….


tb cont..

A is 4 rewinding me ..

great singing. ! !!

amazing commercial… Winner !

JM,.  Bam A Lamb



======Thinking up …. MLK (clip)


coin toss   heads


still hear..notes …

commercial…… Woman Policy Makers

jinx jinx. 31/32

fell on it…..

brady fumble…

0=0 2nd

gonna give goff groom groom



=======forgot my whole thoughts….with gym


who am i,i,i ?? ¿

sorry, .. lost context sbove


cooks can burnvya.. sou. .  fflye

===1/2 mime surety—–


commercial comment

next comm made me forgrt prev.. pot

dud,E.  fu, nuet.  err ED.  stella most interesting man is the dude…. ME.  WoW


soul music… speechful all sways



?? who ? seriouslym..? lank

adam levine … . j/k :.  work@holics

CA, OK, lolwy

most hated possesion by my mother…. ?

still have many items of curio..


25′ X. 1.5 foot snakeskin from……..

he escaped NT @USA as an undiagnosed Autistic….



how to get….. witch…..shots… ?

Thought b4 incredible things.. never aft ignoran¢e


cool game… til


mano man. //edel


10:56-8:50. internet disconn heck …t

no devour. fit and “fiddle faddle” _


internet back===

mid feel

under the over…..  lucy …..&  skipped @rchie & my Fave….Edith.  CBS


have’nt seen a purely field position game in a long while.. just me ?


corn syrup as a percentage of total beer….?


D.…………………………. flag…


sledding would explain this game !!!!  !! ! (boomer comment)

gilmore wants off interference ?


9:49 @ 9:27pm andy ‘war  haul nowadazzze’  and lincoln,…ijn amusED


Brady !! edelman up the midd.


Friggin Gronky !

53 minutes in SB 53      TD


Bezo$$$  Back to Indiana Home$   who disses the monickerr? Ouch//sirius




always interesting ..parroty  parity

cookie,,, int

smoke Weed


Math girls… Logic, PSy¢H “Empower” Knot 2B DevoWeur




goat ol coach

OC, OL, DL, LB. ST,……hc… maybee


it’s,… chicken parm…! //\\   that’s (A)more !


yard line is,,,,,???? ?  ??

~42.1 yardssssss









Try…….ump. . . . h uh.!?! // mull. just this week…NFL.,t$k.tSk…’N.O.. LA $¢Ram$ vs. NE’ to the day 17 years

Pass t*(R(u))$$ian. . . . . . .

+============now ?. ===================

Now,. . . 

==Air WCaves (R)aid==/\=Allied Forces @gainst

Cum-Fort BeDevil Level … FU MF’$$$kkk@@@

Making Δ-©H@NG€ .  for a (W)il)D(. ~[RIDe]~ LionL teRrain


 [^@~..>,<]    my DeaseMal  <Back to part 2…?…>




=====with an..    I Ham Snory!.   pin on my lapel when i find it…WIAL?!?.

=curio==Social Security Admin.==¢All Me, Maybe ?=

Also, curio for legalese angles utilPrizED

speaking of -ese

1/2 way through a  netflix jake G.…// still 10pm sa_ty,,,no L?

love the “die a logue”. arse ty. !. . . & Artsy

yup,. .  onta   part 2 …..

Land le libatious liberty lozenge

 Oasis Stasis  <==Rocky Roads.?   G.O !?!  .==> .Muddy .PittED Hills

i am funked up.. on White.Russians. & Weed (G.C.)

Trump = White Russian…. no cream de la creme,,,,a Black  Russian. .   . .

. . . . or.   maybe a _Harvey |Wall_Banger $and  Pounders

. . . . . . . . .  a  . . ($om(br)ero). . . . 


i believe i Flagg,. . . .  Rand Dull ED M’all

Fo€ . . . . . . . intentional grounding

========it’s a pussy move to comment afta leaving.. ===

Almost DDone.



==yes, my probs here were Randall FlaggED

& He Taint* kkkNo Gentile.


LoneliMe$$.  ……. (Out)

===Re(IN)$pect the MorLocks…. Ie $.e…(R)aeL==========

here ’til Monday.. .  barely fit in those slacks last fright

water retainer… (fish lawyer). . a Dolphin ?


Not getting ‘dressed up’…. agrin  ner0


Figure ‘0‘ tivly.

The ..Hottest Bachelor in World~Brook~of~Record~$


treated … Craps.  by.  $$$    2- [“1-6”s]

7-11 ∑…. $¢ared of    RupeRt* ©u$$. (L)ion$


$hame, …. , of course. . . . . . ??.   “kkk(ot)”. .  ?


speaking og Rupy

and Trump were propped Stup by Kraft

a. . like..due par Great Humans.

<$hamuS writes in to remind us of..>

thee  olde     Ace    _A_dage. .

Con2$hun say:

YA.Never Ask An ‘Israeli’ A Real   Ethi¢$ Question… confuse womb

if $o,.  …. Check dear shoelaces,,, if not tied down,,,

batshit is…………..        loose

{..? . .me,…. myself,, or …. I ?][ ~ReNeg~~/      \~~[Gauche,  I Hate]


me:   Kkk-/$$$- NOw . .  Comprende. Al Den$e’ Dente

myself: GOAT ?!??

I,I,I :    ? GOAT   !¡!~|  Fuck’N Yuge Yacht@$€€

ignoRe DNGAF


==P. Intention(L) OG Ground$_$k_kRAM ==

=====the Duke… Escape fom NY =======




btw,. .

they live in (r)eality New$i*i No



set the course 4… Venus.  (jesus’s balloon)


=born a===pauper to a pawn===== -EJ/BT?



made DA choice to pLay Mon


2 times a day…jay chuckl



Taxes seem to be the base of capitalism….. photosynthesis of cPsychycle…

(GC)  .. what is the most taxing part of acquiescence daily… hourly…

Toll is _Soul   ty… i need a drinkkk


goes closes  show to a quicky bar for a taste of his mother’s @ss


t** = a religious belief in and obvi. Eternal Dedication $wards..

<((((High (((o)))Anxiety ))))>………Trailer …..









Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!