When the
MosCow J / umpED ovah D.A. (Mo¦oN) \ & HeiL=ED
Empire $t/rike(R)$\Fudge..)$ickL & Hammer(
Perception is Relative, akin to my
‹ Dangerous.Les.Nesman level to socieTY
………..your honour,. I , TY. ($iRen)
Perception is Relative, akin to my
………..your honour,. I , TY. ($iRen)
for Blacklisting me___my_Liberty_Lost in ‘my_COUNTRY’
4 ‘Personal oracL ….. Political !!! IssuEZ’ ?? ?
Does anyone believe they
AREN’T Working from Power Against ME ¿¿ ?
Cahoots, ¢ollusion, skullduggery, … CheckPoint ChuckL ahead
= ==they are Insidious [inside U.$.A.]======
working ~50 % for US∀ [Bat Shit Lazy of US… 2 $ic, ¢ede]
journalism layoffs ….. Bend O‘ America uknowa…boa Con——$==>trick …|.…….herd. . . . . . . . . . |
====Would You Like to Know…. More? [starship troopers]
=exhausted…afta Parade.VI=&=afta chicken burgers and PBRs#B.L.
freelance *t*assholes with cameras..[ ] [ ] ..
// a million kids skipping school//classes no comment !!
No …. 21+ @ Parade fit the 2 criteria:
No Re$$$pect can’t look peeps in the face…
2X as bad when i have no ‘Comfort$I
=Sue, I Already kkknow Hobo to $tew=(they’re $Pinnin (repeat)”’=
Sorry, A$$holes, I don’t fit in any of your ACHU boxEZ
Been Sore outta ¢Heer .
‘Space’. . . . Distancing the Haters`
CA, NV, GA,AL,TN,,..OR, WA, IL, OH, ME, RI, NJ, .MN, WI, .NE, MI, DE, MD, Dakotas, Caros,__/-?/—-
==carolina$. ==> 9 billion for ya. ____\. . . . . . . . . /___ liberty hell
at Liver.ty Hell, we know a thing or 2 or even 4
we Seen it..$HeenED it …..Ultimately Erased Zzzit with ONly a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $$$ ———–> Mile
====SB 53======> weird game … flow,,~ =======
SunShine on my Head on my Shoulders makes me …..SappY
full…mon destin vacate. shun moog L.
==meantime===>hint… Cheap burders sWoon===>
Congrats to The Organization.
what will become of .edu amherst ‘heil’… after Hampshire becomes Umass Amherst’s Annex …. free thinking….pawn
Africa, is on My… couplet bucket list…..
Drive Cross-Country ? /// length of Stay!!!! rental? uber? location!
i seem to be surrounded by
Cognitive Dissonance, gym ? Nat’$$$Z * * z *** z *****
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ∴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Kkkeep A Kkknockkkin’….. . ∏
Hello, mr. and mrs. Justice .!… I kk_no your in there ‘laughin from your ……di$$onance.
plea$ call for………. HymLer….oop$.. .$chumer & McConnell
ever notice NewS ‘north east west south’ ?
what a sleep..haters just for mentioning much needED 18 hours with minimal breaks..par 4 C.
.wake up and heard this on tv (espn):
‘Hard to play Road games when no-one shows up for Home games’
H…………………………Heard this at the rally:
‘Be so much Easier, if you were a ____ !’
john malkovich was talking to deuce…..
that’s why Hi can still (sic) laugh ⇑ aLway$Z
Good H……. afta……….. H … oon,. BM…Who ?. Chittlin Circuit City
the reason ‘Rigor’ logged up
the time shopping had me realizing ..
i can’t go Lame.
Gott. ian … Audience…
gotta truly test the walls (intuitively)…
Fl, Can, HI, Phoenix, UT, CO, TX, LA,…Jeru$halom….
tb cont..
A is 4 rewinding me ..
great singing. ! !!
amazing commercial… Winner !
JM,. Bam A Lamb
======Thinking up …. MLK (clip)
coin toss heads
still hear..notes …
commercial…… Woman Policy Makers
jinx jinx. 31/32
fell on it…..
brady fumble…
0=0 2nd
gonna give goff groom groom
=======forgot my whole thoughts….with gym
who am i,i,i ?? ¿
sorry, .. lost context sbove
cooks can burnvya.. sou. . fflye
===1/2 mime surety—–
commercial comment
next comm made me forgrt prev.. pot
dud,E. fu, nuet. err ED. stella most interesting man is the dude…. ME. WoW
soul music… speechful all sways
?? who ? seriouslym..? lank
adam levine … . j/k :. work@holics
CA, OK, lolwy
most hated possesion by my mother…. ?
still have many items of curio..
25′ X. 1.5 foot snakeskin from……..
he escaped NT @USA as an undiagnosed Autistic….
how to get….. witch…..shots… ?
Thought b4 incredible things.. never aft ignoran¢e
cool game… til
mano man. //edel
10:56-8:50. internet disconn heck …t
no devour. fit and “fiddle faddle” _
internet back===
mid feel
under the over….. lucy …..& skipped @rchie & my Fave….Edith. CBS
have’nt seen a purely field position game in a long while.. just me ?
corn syrup as a percentage of total beer….?
D.…………………………. flag…
sledding would explain this game !!!! !! ! (boomer comment)
gilmore wants off interference ?
9:49 @ 9:27pm andy ‘war haul nowadazzze’ and lincoln,…ijn amusED
Brady !! edelman up the midd.
Friggin Gronky !
53 minutes in SB 53 TD
Bezo$$$ Back to Indiana Home$ who disses the monickerr? Ouch//sirius
always interesting ..parroty parity
cookie,,, int
smoke Weed
Math girls… Logic, PSy¢H “Empower” Knot 2B DevoWeur
goat ol coach
OC, OL, DL, LB. ST,……hc… maybee
yard line is,,,,,???? ? ??
~42.1 yardssssss
Pass t*(R(u))$$ian. . . . . . .
+============now ?. ===================
Now,. . . ⇓
==Air WCaves (R)aid==/⇓\=Allied Forces @gainst
=====with an.. I Ham Snory!. pin on my lapel when i find it…WIAL?!?.
Also, curio for legalese angles utilPrizED
speaking of -ese
1/2 way through a netflix jake G. ..film…// still 10pm sa_ty,,,no L?
love the “die a logue”. arse ty. !. . . & Artsy
yup,. . onta part 2 …..
Land le libatious liberty lozenge
Oasis Stasis <==Rocky Roads.? G.O !?! .==> .Muddy .PittED Hills
i am funked up.. on White.Russians. & Weed (G.C.)
Trump = White Russian…. no cream de la creme,,,,a Black Russian. . . .
. . . . or. maybe a _Harvey |Wall_Banger| $and Pounders
i believe i Flagg,. . . . Rand Dull ED M’all
Fo€ . . . . . . . intentional grounding
========it’s a pussy move to comment afta leaving.. ===
Almost DDone.
& He Taint* kkkNo Gentile.
LoneliMe$$. ……. (Out)
===Re(IN)$pect the MorLocks…. Ie $.e…(R)aeL==========
here ’til Monday.. . barely fit in those slacks last fright
water retainer… (fish lawyer). . a Dolphin ?
Not getting ‘dressed up’…. agrin ner0
Figure ‘0‘ tivly.
The ..Hottest Bachelor in World~Brook~of~Record~$
treated …..to Craps. by. $$$ 2- [“1-6”s]
$hame, …. , of course. . . . . . ??. “kkk(ot)”. . ?
speaking og Rupy
and Trump were propped Stup by Kraft
a. . like..due par Great Humans.
<$hamuS writes in to remind us of..>
YA.Never Ask An ‘Israeli’ A Real Ethi¢$ Question… confuse womb
if $o,. …. Check dear shoelaces,,, if not tied down,,,
batshit is………….. loose
{..? . .me,…. myself,, or …. I ?][ ~ReNeg~~/ \~~[Gauche, I Hate]
me: Kkk-/$$$- NOw . . Comprende. Al Den$e’ Dente
myself: GOAT ?!??
I,I,I : ? GOAT !¡!~| Fuck’N Yuge Yacht@$€€
ignoRe DNGAF
==P. Intention(L) OG Ground$_$k_kRAM ==
=====the Duke… Escape fom NY =======
set the course 4… Venus. (jesus’s balloon)
=born a===pauper to a pawn===== -EJ/BT?
made DA choice to pLay Mon
2 times a day…jay chuckl
Taxes seem to be the base of capitalism….. photosynthesis of cPsychycle…
(GC) .. what is the most taxing part of acquiescence daily… hourly…
Toll is _Soul ty… i need a drinkkk
goes closes show to a quicky bar for a taste of his mother’s @ss
t** = a religious belief in and obvi. Eternal Dedication $wards..
<((((High (((o)))Anxiety ))))>………Trailer …..
(L)ook how they are deflating Gus, the Mule\……\…….\’tide’……
kick is Up… ⁄ …. H Legendary
Gus the Mule w/o a ?? ? [answer below]
i nary ©heiry ot my taint across..t* + ©.
========Triangular ⇔ above=====
are they reeling ?!!. /[ in the G‘ear$ ]\
cuz, they are so much worse off in terms of @nswers Lackey DD-Merit Badges…. Bad G’$, we don’t heed no stink..Win.. BadgEZzz ..than even our collective U$A dealt from bottom of the deckhand
. . . . . House Of Cardurinals MaLpractice. HOC_MaL… jeff ross holiday
====2 ==⇓==========
the Lot of Ya KKKnotC’$ def Knot A’s Nor B’s
cock blockED the precious boo avail
unbelievable…. ∑…. + ∑ ……. = there must be 2 years of cctv from out front… @town hall and @52 Bolt=wood
Jabberwocky (Flailed it)!(ty)
“cctv,…? never caught them ? first .. you’ve heard of this ?‘ ?? WoW!
=∴== $pred$=$o thin proof trusted=== $pred$===>$∴$
B54, Win go…
ie. ======>¿ big bro has mor..a L’s holes in the knet ? fiBer$
ijs, maybe a year ago ….someone went in my …. stole my set of keys.
free access not gonna spend ~$1200 to reconfigure the vehicle!
money missing,…,,,,,,,
woke up couple of times with someone ‘drunk’ in my car..wtf!
ijs ∈,
there is so much daily digital bytes @ my clock….
======i seem to be aromatic in my dish course==
===a= romantic.… also…corny==in my curly..curvy…curry===
the amount of DeNiA,….L and malfeasance Top to__ _Bought’em GAll
=======weebles wobble……==========
love ya, mean it.
WhistL bloWn …. Re: ..FU.$_$
=G.O. ==@ sure has taken on AL@IOL
let it be. ‘ruff’ 50 years ago today
if only i didn’t have wRIter’$ ¢o©K .2a ..tail 2b ¿?
family over ….. money
family = familiars….
#word power index
…ex..amp….L ====> W… Policy,. Brow-Beaten, FirED,
i broke theiR Hologram..transmission on the ‘Ruff” of TV studio
Rowdy, ‘They Live’ I did .. .DoD Wit*
like the one Luke made in ‘Last Jedi‘… [Raelity]
all sway 2
===Pagan==Onion$====$iege WHileY====================
seeing dads try to make my story a teachable moment [in my view].
====the way i Wobble…outta T..Wobble…..
i guess maybe …..Hater$ Had her∅
(+)====== ======(-)
==+======= =======-===============
=======Lukkke $warm …...’only deadly in a swarm’,,,,,=======
yes, sir. . it is ‘easy’ when the other side is…mostly a B$ O$
Then RyeLy.—a coerce.. . ‘Poppy’… to ‘wash his hands’.
b4 sitting on
[Jerry’s Couch]
A former Israeli Army medic who became a hero to that nation’s far-right by publicly executing a wounded Palestinian suspect in the occupied West Bank in 2016 is the star of a new political advertising campaign. https://t.co/1pTJNiDSHJ
— The Intercept (@theintercept) January 25, 2019
=HypoErratic Cratic Code of EThos.. Ethics for Medical Personnel ?=
∑~ ∃(L)/(R)ection Brings FrontLine Paging …Dr. Fine With Me
=== ===is–real mad============¶
=============================|¦ \ \
=============================|¦ \ deaf, blind to …nothin…..
i t never happens, i’m sure!
where was i …..
lull 2 a …bc liquors
=======j/k/R==kids don’t drink and don’t get fooled into acid/coke/.. #my generational regression=====
=====a farewell to kings… down on the upside..obscured by clouds========
Why didn’t it get more coverage in 2016-2017 ???
Once again these people are EVERY$nare in collusion… holding up my ju$t in court and in P$y-ops/DoD/CiA/FBI and ultimately my fans and………………………………………………frie
J@m i still inconsiderateED dangerous iex_x with 2 arms 2 middL finger$ ?
has “Ou(R)” FuckingMe.ed…ucan’ttouchthis
PRΘ-file BEen updateD ever.. X hibit FU
== ==Hij0wl is my (W)in’O’ t* insecurity =Θ=Level=Θ= ?==
==========My/ Bald \Dome===of XpLain======
@<flush>Major Shit,,,, i’m best ie on tv… iffuck you! < chuckL >
‘my’ camera/studio/dish ever ships from A2Winner Ass2Winner, right? capi$ce!
policy … policy…. policy… render it ..’meaning…lesOs’
Just…. 421 small monthly payments of 2 pints of blood
===========wow, … huh… thoughts…. as he then needs to get family to donate as he is too week… this weak==real deep ……funk\L\==
================real liver or memorex ?==================
=========like me a meekling=========
can you tell…. ?
i’ve been runnin on …empty for months still prolif $ic ?
yep you’re correct! .
casey at the bat
ImPeach $Punk_keY__Lie_P∇ ]pirouette[ ..WHo threw those Pies ?]
==================one of my fave thoughts===
Whenever something bad happens to dem or kkkno*t* ME.
they come up with things like free bacon thursdays… triple artery pudding pi… in a $5 Bowl
my point is more a NeuroTypical curiousity..
How does this make YOu Feel ?
Where does it get tossED ?
obv. a die die we don’t want to change…attiLude
K,,, “only me”
fall asleep downtown noho… made sure there was no snow emergency light on…..
wake up to my car MO=v=IN…… up on a ……
ko_, ….
me pounding on my window looking for my keys….to put my window down to open my door also
$54 ‘tow lift’ fee
$25 parking ticket
+ another $15 parking ticket…… which i decided to stay in the spot all morning on my …….. bonus round
========single, 21ˆ=======¿===fit and play the fiddle======
they $till Believe the kids will overlook the $$$tench …hench… of