DDDDC…. Heap a Heap a Burnin ConnED E-state

Vegas… yeah…. maybe a bit later…March of My TimeX

if you see me ‘walk strangely…lol..

it’s cuz i’m getting out of a cadence that i’ve “fallen into”

mimic surroundings.. … ET /


sum tin bout K vs. W

KnoW King of Media




my home.land’ thought

. _indoor pool needs own structure… moldy- moley moley…

after all ‘sprawling’.

==Wall ‘Y’ : ===Dam, Take a Break, Beaver ======


Friggin Snow in Vega$. …. TimingL


Where should i go out 2&2night ?



When E.F. Button t*alk*$…. (“it’s like a religion”) Religion of [Sna] F.U.!

Tax Exempt like Amazoff !   

===========Knott Madoff.. {A&P}


& A#good reporter checks whether they made on

……. any property tax  cuts.. A≠B ? ====near you.  … +++

===&=somehow, ‘usa owes him for public utilities he didn’t use,’ ij$

a d disorder=========my ‘game’

oreZero @  Bowling..0….. Alley

====|  7     –    10  |==== [ U Suck! U fat fuck! ]==


D@…..  ©arn   ∑…… Split has been Huuuuge O’BubbL…

_ust……….getting a 7 to .bounC  @round my WaL……. ..Ls

has been …. ⌊  ⌋

// Satire Blow me

Nobel Prize.Lichtensteinbrenner nominate me Plea$$_€ sweet deal$$$ are made of Lease========

u kkkno_ ho you R!//


working and still need food stamps..
no vehicle, transportation
barely afford rent
no healthcare
paycheck to __
|———what does the other side of the Wall offer ¿_——–|


FDR’s 2nd Bill of Rights ?

Zion-istic Dementia?


France. how bout i do some jokes about zion-istic hubri$ ?



[magic carpet pride] …

\   _ \ _[ex~it]_

#one foot on a banana peel ..the other…..in the T_Z  – Fools, The


__ __ __


Yet, i cannot get the same Liber-tiEZ a$_ even the congregation

……………Nevermind the      P/H ope.. //   PHd -ope

// // did you read it 3 times? just _

I’m Gonna _ue and my kids will  oversee                                                                                                       a lifetime of ¢ontinuous discovery of Coperation$…_

Cia/Fbi/ClaussifiED Annexed Operations AOh..                                                         …total and complete $_k_ulldugger’Y’ and

∴       favorable..Pa$_  .Judgements +++

Religion of  F.U.//N.K.‘ Y? FU

=====Clause, $&T&A====T&C$==_Itchs

chuckL,   who…who… you gonna Ball !?!


corruption collusion contracts chicanery ¢orro-$ieve   done? d.c. 

====johnny dangerously’s brother…==a good guy!=

Dirty Deeds Done..?. where?   D.C.



(LVBK====bubba, not the ‘king’.)

did i get my wings ?



?  =  { }, ===============================


an Empty Set ....tbc Border Hospital$ }


My Clock doesn’t start til RESPE    ©   my  __knew  t*


ie, the donation plate hasn’t come ………   Ω      back ‘RounD

i feel like Joe Namath…..aftershave comm…? /


===usually 5-6 cheap 3 blades per hair removal….kinda messy.

just used one 6 blade razor   //next    /o¦o\  nutsack… tasty?  Salty!

minor blemish… still one razor…sweet!

topic o weak…….ness, BLochij



P^~    Perception,   they  Headly LaMar_k_ED …..                                                            ∀ the House Playing Cards.. Rut………. \Row/|……

t*ruthiness,   // t* RuthLe$$ People / my FTARH  sequen……..chill

Huuuge fan

of J.R,   Devito, .the babysitter…She’s… Hot!.. _ Bette’s Bounce_



Damnable Lie$ Without

goofy intentions


trying to catch fallen thought …….ness, Hello!






Capitali$_M  where the Creme De La Ru$e  ¢R€M€ rose.

People @ _ Nile can surely tell ya….. $hit!……….Float*$

logan’s run comment…

@fter 30~ now

∀ll ¢ontempt is CrushED … i know                                         already testing your ‘testEZ’ !

…….4-D……..over_helmED &__ (R)egreta




Exercise_Me‾ fom. KkkNO_ Class(i)fi_d Ann..EX altation .Uncle $am I…. ‘bad’ domestic actor ? ‘disinformation’ needs a true center $Hir Who…who. . who?

Uncle $am R I a Bad Domestic FActor ?


.. run logan and farrah fawcett…run….4….||  ||  ||| ||||| forrest|||||||||? no rest in baseball!

 ??presidential nominees ?  Palestine must be officially recognized. 

then grievances cannot be easily brushED Ass Hide 


Palestine isn’t a recognized state by  #   states on UN security council

thus no justice for jerushalom

=====tech. a newt Post figg===⇓====

=toilet=( (how r y0u, 13 ?) )=

13: fine <gurgle>  fine Max. …Beef Stroganoff again ?

(((  )))

===distrust in dis try$t*      ieio Democracy

Heard OBout H.R. 1 Democracy Lost and Bound ?? .

t*ossED and Bound 4 Hound$ ged

trump picked the wrong place to follow through……                                                          his ‘Miss Con $trued $H…rude Calling’,… a Third World LeadeR.

shocking Hail mary josepfiend$

Hail Mary_/——- page 268. . ī\ out of Bound$ !?!

they already created that annex., 4 me.

that wad was retro wiping a$$0, codify intentionL’$

shredding evidence dunce evidense for my  [parquet] court  ‘game’

FU you GerrymanderED. Rep. John Sarbanes, D-Md



getting to be second half of winter…..her0

i love  to PRDE      ¿misinfo?





======Bad Domestic Actor = (R)azzle====

i’m a bad actor UR a bad actor    the whole court of Yahoo’$ R Bad Actors.. crockie eyed mofoe$


we give money to countries such as israel and egypt

note, $

both near De Nile…..Denial


we give them aid$ monie$

to buy arms from us?


accounting lost meaning no accounting 4 $tupidity

Israeli MCR $~upport~$ ¢ut..

 4 continu i……ng Human Rights Violations

@Palace De FrannnkenstEin

Rael becomes Real…. De Nile


As of 3 August 2018, 137 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states and two non-member states have recognized it. Furthermore, Palestine has been a non-member observer state of the UN since November 2012.

Israel & The United States of America

Fuckin’ France… also. disappointED!

Do Not Recognize the State of Palestine.

that is dissent via Variety SH……………oW

Down Here in the $outh… $&M -outh.. j/k/l/m/n/o/p/?

South is NE, Deep South is Carolinas, Deep, Deep South is where they’re weaving hand baskets for the trip to hellhome 


back to just south of the border, $enor…. Canadian Border Wall

When I get En SHijklmnED

Redneckkk Pride  ……

deVolvoes…. Fuck NO !…

“Redneck Cadillac$$”

—-any hay from the seed====

Redneck Pride when i Get promotED….

Pride   –   i    =   ???       Redneckkk PRNDE

know your enemy is to thinkkk likey your enemy….




Bar Bar Jinx

Toothache ……. masshealth provider.with appointments ASAP…..                                &       coverED Root Canal    … Cap    ??!!!!


=====good prospect for close appts….warm..aH weather¿======

i’m outta

Hero Hero …. Drinkkk$


…. Time for Re-Negotiation, RE amongst Your$elVes



what did i say lately ?


quite a 10 min spot on ‘Arsenio’

Banned on

MTV and  ∀   Network … isn’t that code for

¢ollusionary         RI¢O

 Monopo’bUllisti¢‘ shit


Where’$  Judge When Ya Need’em ????  ?? ?      Wapner,  Wapner,   Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner..+.?.. TYGN

                                                       –    King of ∀ MEdia





=======#Class Dismissed=====btw======



Capitalism Heil:. . Never ¢onsidering, Re- _hole pixie . t*hey Mitigate when the Door is unlocked … ajar


$h. ai(m)



On the other shoe (horn)

Pathetic vs, pathetic one, I ,,,,

. . . . . . . . . . or i gam i

Pathos vs, “Nachos _ Libra


Generation …… +

true audience dropped their own MIC






i just wanna Be  QB of My Destin_. . ation, ….y, 


HollyRock’$ own . .?? ?

Adam Green:

were you pressured to not charge for autographs ?


Peking of  Dicks. ‘cursive, bitches’


Dr. Whut  Wongg. .   

Dr. Hangover,, liked first 5

‘Ho No’. #NoH0


Here I Am. #Bold or Fold


===⇓⇓===Narci$$istic Fuckkk$ =t*oo==⇓=Israelis.&..m=

There is no G(r)(a¢e) like heir.. $.chum.err’$



if you DENY Liberty to the WISE,

…………………        it’s OVER !

like oxygen deprivation ∇……./NEvere$*t*/

Empirically \Peak.. .ED. . .  \____ .HubbL hubris approaching Re-entry

towerr. . . . . .  Empire  useta. Float on Hubris above……

=====De NiLe=======

like in the dead sea ….  deadly to drink it up


———–line in the  Kevin ?. Klein==aFcW

{ AIPAC,  421 } ever mentioned

. . . .  in same Conver ‘you don’t $ay!” ===>$…/  /…..Huns

kimmel last night VD…..


=saw Boston’$ Dane Cook talk about his 20 year old daughter= GF!

Mis-|-sed that one,    ……  Douche HAgg$

==========  Blue Light Special =======


bttime on the wall

as the . Ba r  barometer__bottoms__


. . . . . . . . W It’s Freaky Friday   . ..


Hefner hid in chicago then la cuz of the 50’s.. mentality.

Parallel WHine$……60 years… after.

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!