Down Here in the $outh… $&M -outh.. j/k/l/m/n/o/p/?

South is NE, Deep South is Carolinas, Deep, Deep South is where they’re weaving hand baskets for the trip to hellhome 


back to just south of the border, $enor…. Canadian Border Wall

When I get En SHijklmnED

Redneckkk Pride  ……

deVolvoes…. Fuck NO !…

“Redneck Cadillac$$”

—-any hay from the seed====

Redneck Pride when i Get promotED….

Pride   –   i    =   ???       Redneckkk PRNDE

know your enemy is to thinkkk likey your enemy….




Bar Bar Jinx

Toothache ……. masshealth provider.with appointments ASAP…..                                &       coverED Root Canal    … Cap    ??!!!!


=====good prospect for close appts….warm..aH weather¿======

i’m outta

Hero Hero …. Drinkkk$


…. Time for Re-Negotiation, RE amongst Your$elVes



what did i say lately ?


quite a 10 min spot on ‘Arsenio’

Banned on

MTV and  ∀   Network … isn’t that code for

¢ollusionary         RI¢O

 Monopo’bUllisti¢‘ shit


Where’$  Judge When Ya Need’em ????  ?? ?      Wapner,  Wapner,   Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner, Wapner..+.?.. TYGN

                                                       –    King of ∀ MEdia





=======#Class Dismissed=====btw======



Capitalism Heil:. . Never ¢onsidering, Re- _hole pixie . t*hey Mitigate when the Door is unlocked … ajar


$h. ai(m)



On the other shoe (horn)

Pathetic vs, pathetic one, I ,,,,

. . . . . . . . . . or i gam i

Pathos vs, “Nachos _ Libra


Generation …… +

true audience dropped their own MIC






i just wanna Be  QB of My Destin_. . ation, ….y, 


HollyRock’$ own . .?? ?

Adam Green:

were you pressured to not charge for autographs ?


Peking of  Dicks. ‘cursive, bitches’


Dr. Whut  Wongg. .   

Dr. Hangover,, liked first 5

‘Ho No’. #NoH0


Here I Am. #Bold or Fold


===⇓⇓===Narci$$istic Fuckkk$ =t*oo==⇓=Israelis.&..m=

There is no G(r)(a¢e) like heir.. $.chum.err’$



if you DENY Liberty to the WISE,

…………………        it’s OVER !

like oxygen deprivation ∇……./NEvere$*t*/

Empirically \Peak.. .ED. . .  \____ .HubbL hubris approaching Re-entry

towerr. . . . . .  Empire  useta. Float on Hubris above……

=====De NiLe=======

like in the dead sea ….  deadly to drink it up


———–line in the  Kevin ?. Klein==aFcW

{ AIPAC,  421 } ever mentioned

. . . .  in same Conver ‘you don’t $ay!” ===>$…/  /…..Huns

kimmel last night VD…..


=saw Boston’$ Dane Cook talk about his 20 year old daughter= GF!

Mis-|-sed that one,    ……  Douche HAgg$

==========  Blue Light Special =======


bttime on the wall

as the . Ba r  barometer__bottoms__


. . . . . . . . W It’s Freaky Friday   . ..


Hefner hid in chicago then la cuz of the 50’s.. mentality.

Parallel WHine$……60 years… after.

this millenium there, fa(L)con…..!. . \\Dreamweaver betsy ross// ../TCBP for 3 pegs, roscoe ! heheeee\.. Dreamcatcher .. i saw a huuuuge one

 #L-one. .  $ta(R). . blunder. cl0se InSPection.. more than I

ISP    >>        ESP


Pool open again.!1 hr yog


. . . . . . . WH. . . . .  en the Dis©onnect is ¢omplete

it’s always about the ℑmpirℑ

//. it’s always about the ℑmpHℑ

//. / it’s always about the ℑempireℑ

. . . .


R-@ttach Dement will B Generational and isa jar jar ….

Have. . . . . . . . . ………………….._and


my point of the knight.., roundly laughed at by Producers of. . . . . . . .  GHolly 8 ball. . . . . can’t get…… _ _ _ _

made predator jokesvabout the definition. after they planned to nail my circle into a little square ..mute.

predator is what they picture me as…

‘Hunter of Love. $ir would be My Reply.

. …. they are relentless but spatially inept

back on point…

next that movie where …it ended with 42 long …

i’m just slaying wagons buffalo wings dRag….on I’m  fired


so they are ‘tap dancing in glee over the timed attack of my personL character assA(sin)creationi$$$&M*

they are all on same side of the track the middL. <mic drop

Peace .  (  pits of Orange 0val Trackkk     )

======hubris wiz wit====

P”ROblem..O’ YA Kkkno_<—-(W)


$till UndefeatED.

//=== World Night Court.
//.  Harry?
WC:  Fields O’ Dream  . . . . . . . . .| . . . . . . . . . 
Please  put a Lien,  on some $prawling Desert Property..
Yes, Waterfront.. . . . 

=====just ice phishing,   your honour!


Tokkking Gunn, Tommy…is. . . . [btw, Trope, I ……..Cra$$ ¢alll me]


my perceptions are pointed..

did the M.Media under go ‘psych talks’

about dealing with me and

. . . . . . . . . my Hater$ of

Fair. .  is 4 Fairies 

¢ompetition. . . 

. . . . . . . . .  untie my chains

my day of judgement







===&=back to the media……

duplicity training. #multiplicity and keep calm-ah




WHen ?!.. &. why >Exactly<?  


=======⇑===ij$, they G.O.  remotely gotta be $hakin.  FU$$_==

and when i ‘say’. . . ……i MEAN.  ⇓ Way ⇓


My hater’s cannot sympathize …

………….? with a guy who never ‘CELEB’—Valentines Day–¿—-

that is not fixable!


===got a root canal to  achey bakey. cakey ....( can’t smoke)

tooth is broken  close to nerve ==.

veggie monster ?


warm/cold oatmeal ….. passe’D

//B’s/ beat rice pilaf the SF treat

was my valentine talk an ‘underground’ _____ 

 am i still ‘underground’ ?. ie. intentionally GroundED by GED+$

btb,. . . round ≈ Vrooom Vrooom


 Think trumpet blow$ fuses  of bitterness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  cuz he ‘chose’ to lead the  Wrong. . . . . . . . . .  ‘banana (R)epublic’…..

Venezuela. HEHe so wants to appoint himself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (u kkkno$ also),

bra,. he fits the psyche-typo. .(R)eligios….itty

//too late…1.  $addam 12.  where are you car 54?.


u……..k?.   people, people

i’m just trying to think outside my 4 walls.  mainstream media  …head shrink in chsrge must have gotten a lot of questions… about situations….on-air and off & how best to toke… stoke… $troke …..the  _hole base……… to gel ……oh,. . a lasting emo






i wanna apologize to any and all peeps i offended at SW Untopped show by not STFU.. the cramped seats didn’t help butt big butt ultimately me and my partner , weed were to blame…ME

so, i … am Working on. . . . . . .   it,,,W

=but will avoid most live comedy==

=too close to my soul=to be silent —

t.act out less.. lacka oat,meal naf! cept cookie. . .  monster is Veggie Monster… schoolED




 Massages are  a sort of soul cleanser, mind-straighten-err

aligns the mis-


‘  ¬  ′  readjust spine  ‘ — ‘ . . . . ‘ ___’    |,I.i.  . . . . . . . . . . .iiiiian not ‘Ean’, M. . .. .  Ian {Purr-Affect} STAte

i have one a scheduled later this week….

=====out here o’

Feels …. like I’m

Integrating Partial Differential Equations . . . ‘ =  ‘

by. . .° . . . .  Darts. 


OW……. L   






thigh ! 


AIPAC: Social security foundational empire security,,… Liberties of US∀ are kkknott items for discussion ..,too small to kefilta../ fi$….H

is not israelis call on ‘my 10¢.  tropey tyvm


How Does an Israeli get $ecu(R)ity ¢learances ? AIPAC

who let all of the riff-raff into the room ?

=====one or the odda. …..======wally world or a vacation life hear..

u make the call ? ====== non  overlapping sets… green card mention loyalty….. ijs…who the fuck are you ?

Palestinian$ Don’t Account ?

except as  Infidel$, Like AIPAC

_ould you like to kkK$NO_ $ome ‘&’ Mre ?. ¿ W•re


Sweet Child In the Fields f Soldiers


Motivation To Progress Stalls in the $weet $pot*$ of Card Counted Decks. BJ. we can’t ban ben franklin ken we barbie ?

Betsy Ross would weave over in her dressy grave if she saw we added Fear to our Flagg.., Fear, fear of

Understanding We fight for our Right to Debate Not, Not  for our… ……….oWn(R)………..{Hub(R)i$} ~ political ~Magic Carpet~ P~ride~

[      = Imaginary Part  ]

Debate/reality leans left til B$ takes a dump … dealt a <————-

big pix.  imax big
motivation to progress stalls in the $weet $pot*$

hence heir affiliation is not a prerequisite, known offen$e

. . . . . . as they will have you believe.

President¢ ≡ CatholiC. .  /?/ CCD = Card CountÆd Deckkk$. /¿/

U.$.©asino …. we see you ©heat… we prejudge judge blacklist ….. ReNeg ……#gauche we hate.

=========Would You Believe…..?=========

// Love Ya, Mean IT.  even…..    Cho 

‘mason-dixon’ line moved C   ⊥—-

some much ‘respect’ the southern way                                                                                                                        …south of ¢anada that is..2019


=======line in the sand=======



===40% off <== Goth St. Entrance… Wink Y

Intimates & Lounge:   My Whole Existence



+=========== +======================+===========+

Seig While I -99 is  Luftballoons

+===/===== +======================+==============+







// staying fit to faddL my green jeans..DCBA loser of weight!¿!wait


// sounds like had fun & ame$/

/// fook meow


 Jeffrye watching a movie with ……

                           his bros. [Glen Garry & Glenn ross]

yup, you heard of Larry and his brother larry, ????? ?????

Glen was the first born and Glenn the last…

yup, yup. . . . .  Jeff t*was the Lonely. . . .   Jew


almost hall-o-ween
lookin to be……….. hall-o-lean

oh,…. Valentines Disarray


never meant much amore, 


bold and beautiful

cold and dutiful


not gonna be @B.L. in near future….

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!