AnswerZzzzzzzzzz. …. <a security questionnaire b4
Bos ====== Mile High _=====utah,nv……
AnswerZzzzzzzzzz. …. <a security questionnaire b4
Bos ====== Mile High _=====utah,nv……
\ Turner, ∀
LA RadiUS / / / / / / – / / | county #9 ===>
DD∇(R)∃¿? ⇓
$∏¿† (–) §‡ÒÓ℘ϖ is ….
Ð@ ~Breeze~
Bel Air, $i©… sucking up all the BeBe$†.Ε /t*(R)/ _ð∃ Feathering.
=suggested answers from headline _ ? // $≠¢
$,¢ ≠ 0 ?! But $ure?!, $ ≈ 0 ¢ ≠ 1•¢ checkmark
capitalism leases zit’$ backbone from dear john john deere
0, Politicians, autocrats, vegemite $and…which way did he go ? ∴
to RECalculate the ¢ost of Criminal LeadERRship….
mute no S’more.
SNL gotta do a Trump phone call to fox news broom
<scene>… from WH ‘Dumbbell Room’ , walking confidently on a ¢_HAD Missile $haped Treadmill witH WiZ Capt’$ Hat on ∃
$¿n Net*t…in...”koala stew. Go’
kinetic ….. opportunities
Artistic LiE No ¢
What does Ides of March H\old\’em ?
Should I Seperate Blog Topics fom Personal Stuff ?
can i ?…. event….L !!!!!!!!!!
kylie jenner worth. alotta kin-hectic income.. iaj$
do i expect to see $ for $ justice in my lifetime….. ?
Frig Naut.
Generational Perspective $Will SHoW My $tewing Skills….
to allow pointED Weak-Link attacks to bear truth.
hence, my wish of Rushmore is _
please lettuce get thru this week with that big salad and a smile?
How Deeeeeeeeeep Does duh Irony Go ?
oh know no gaseous behavior from model beings nevermind human.
abusED turnED ABUSer
sorry… squirrels….. acorn… nuts¿
=⇓= my dali.….dial
========invisible wall=====…w/ Freakin’ “Lazer$”==========
Autistic License +Intellect + ⌈ Intellectual Integrity ⌉ + { ⌈fanbase⌉} + {~Humor} +{∞ ⋅ ∠} +{Puzzles}+ {flas..H output} = Top 5 Must Read for
=no assistant,,… crew, camera-peeps, secretary, office personnel=
Report Diss Card
‘A-‘…’Editor’ Decision Making.
World Class in Field_ ?
_// ask around.? timing people, fuckin’ 4-D B+rilliance
<benny hill sketch in da field of ..[.boobs]
puzzles and stuff. teaching moments.
THee/eeeeeeeeeeeeee_+-eeee/e Journey Priceless Piper + his Pickle
……….I¢ED SeaS …....\SoS/.….
.. (((a T(r)ack) Meet) … Re¢orD)
Blacklisted for NSA reasons. name of NSA program b4 me? fu2
(R)= shapeR would be followed by…… _ ? peace V
a gates idea, a zuckerberg idea, the wheely big idea,….
twitter daily
facebook daily
me ? update alarm bling?
yaRdda wadda about $illion Dollars for a show about { }
‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ (W) + Health.
un RivAllED vs. un RivAllED Zionists
Taken, Libertie_ $. // the big Tea$e///Piper Bill ArrivEd.
Hencemen, i have a set of skills that are XPotentL
I’m a welt* Spoken~ ArroW .. BuzZee
.gone from outhouse to the basement annexED
‘@nnexed op..’ inexplicably being reflectED
My Skills and Audience Partici-patienCe
Pelosi, Feinstein = OG (R) $ ≅ HRC
¢limate delay…….o®$ are ∑ .. EZ bake coven——–¿
Washington Dirt Cheap,
Loser<===========Military Industrial Complex’$===>Hero
Washington Dirt Cheap,
‘Sacrilegious’ Numbers of $$$≠©@RED .. Young Adults
a billion Re-¢onstant* ears. engagED in.. @ DEbat∃
Can’t show public support, ‘children of the revolution’
¢aught 22 ? // Catch & Release 421 !!!
==end of
Start a Revolution from |==My Bed==| don’t ‘Pan‘ me you age-i$t*Z
===how is it shaping up?? ?====I’m Just $laying Dragod$=====
=Lawmakers =& Heir=EZ bake ©oven…. mass media, ===
Billionaires Caught in the @ft.
⇑ looking up ⇑
Die… i heard a wraught..fraught
====@ passers bye=====
be nice … peace by piece
G.O. meanwhile…. Die
// / ‘(L)-Iff-€ +$tyL’
i Q
H i Q
T-ball over FG… tbc?
the wind .. b ~⊥
a ..whistling…
][q p o n ][
//// me? .. picture Benny Hill ‘$alut…’ in his bellboy outfit …. his patentED smile eyes nervously looking away l…..r smiling….cheshire-wish.
Tequesta…….. ….. Mulligan ?
‘Mount’ Hubris an Amount ~$100.
==wait–aire $$
Rhode Island _Ants to allow sex workers…..!?!.
shoulda known something was UP
an inside fill for a straight* brash homie