LA RadiUS / / / / / / – / / | county #9 ===>
DD∇(R)∃¿? ⇓
$∏¿† (–) §‡ÒÓ℘ϖ is ….
Ð@ ~Breeze~
====MEans Heil = lie..H. $pike
Bel Air, $i©… sucking up all the BeBe$†.Ε /t*(R)/ _ð∃ Feathering.
=suggested answers from headline _ ? // $≠¢
$,¢ ≠ 0 ?! But $ure?!, $ ≈ 0 ¢ ≠ 1•¢ checkmark
capitalism leases zit’$ backbone from dear john john deere
0, Politicians, autocrats, vegemite $and…which way did he go ? ∴
to RECalculate the ¢ost of Criminal LeadERRship….
mute no S’more.
SNL gotta do a Trump phone call to fox news broom
<scene>… from WH ‘Dumbbell Room’ , walking confidently on a ¢_HAD Missile $haped Treadmill witH WiZ Capt’$ Hat on ∃
==we have ENABLed==
Hitler, Mini Me’$ H…0 ..H 0rnERRy… Edition
(Mini) Driver,
Netanyahoo Residential Monastery
$¿n Net*t…in...”koala stew. Go’
Y?m__©a…Hoots with ∇)ssa_ge n) || T )rump)///@nti $emi-¢olon$.
kinetic ….. opportunities
Artistic LiE No ¢
What does Ides of March H\old\’em ?