where to go in my fave cool T
No nOt That 1 II chappie always wear. specialT
not trying to Tread JLTD
======Seam..StressED ?
where to go in my fave cool T
No nOt That 1 II chappie always wear. specialT
======Seam..StressED ?
Cabana area where slide is closed today.. Hi Winds
supposedly they are sharks in tank.. weird
Wardrobe shopping outta tourist area 2daZzz
whenever i logon hear the neighborhood’s @$$ Clenc…H
Powe(R) & Co, ?
========actually,, whereva i Spam====
those 6 blade razors at Dolla Dolla Hola
shitty qual now… makin a mess
some cookie strain btw
so phone/mp3 charge cord left out..
waiting for a charge to go
——->>>Uber virginity broke & ?
F’reel in’ MY ©(L/H) aim==>> BumpED Stakkke
========Pattern…. //////
Guy walking with family thru Airport.. stuff Y… looks
kid 3 or 5 was doing the Benny Hill salute across his tired face
my bit being ‘whitewashed’ by
#Bad PointERR$, $urr0und ED B
Regulator$, IR
===do your ⌈ info feeder$⌉ agree that i have turned the burner up higher than heir eye—-level…whilst continually Stirrin’.. 220° via BOH
Media, IC(R)ONYgress, no more lookin’ <¢lown>.. Down.==
under My ©®Θ∏ scope …afta mouth cleansing
We Got One That Can See!! Ye$ U DO
==i see/saw Dark_∏_∏_CitY..∏. nightly adjust cement__
i’m a hinty person
/Resort\Casino X has a Top 5 _
i figure you’ll kno spoon enuff
Sun vs. Edmonton Oilers
======isn’t it Just Weird..
noticed noho sat ~11:58 pm
‘people’ leaving residence to run to bars…
they live.
crazy lady driver like the sun was burnin’ burnin’ her
trying to phrase it ok.
mashugana like
no doubt, good peeps around.. hopelessly silenced by mixed nuts & ca$H_ZooZ
Thursday March 14th 2019 t is…. Prince Spaghetti day?
that was yesterday
Return flight, after an hour layover here, so we can pick up any leechEZ, ‘cri”min’L’$’ ?
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) // capital frill
==Once D.A.===Faucet Goes Live.. _\\no lack\\ of Press, sure??! lol
when do i get to ………beatle daily
====sacrilegious, huh.====
max/min … set derivative of function = 0
this is my sunday brunch:
hotel loci
——quickest efficient……… exit “US”
clubs loci
walking function
uber function
XX_ 0-2 count,
mom, Wink at myrna please. IJ$
Vaccinate your ass with my _ace in the whole.
so to speak
Billionaires can’t be Casual… always about $ probs of 99%
more<—————KnoW— (Δ) —Å…les——————>___$
turn off the commercial sounds or cut the cord….
talk shows, TV Perp$ opinions, ..
=========i love it when ‘necks laugh at the word Debate====
just cuz it’s over your plate doesn’t mean you can ketchup to it.
……. to so many struggling young adults…
& hopefully lower opioid deaths
Say Weed Please.
unquestionable Vegas this week.
party plans unpublished
[(secure witty)] , In
====Collateral Damage
====Collateral Damage
==¢ents of us sez==Mason Dixon ==NOW===Canadian border===
GGettin ‘R’ Hooks & Dunn..not Bookkk$. Dunn burnin’
Reattachment is Tricky
walk around…
cuz collateral damage comes with all kinda knew concessions
now……..back to
Saturday Food Network Live
dough kneaded and brushed with oil
======ms. cortez, ¢ortez ===<dutch oven preheatED> ==
=====MA$$ @ Peel……../==
yes, my feelings Here are Personal.
I leave you with all the love of a crackED mirror.
1 string …………
New Ranges to Roam. – GWB
..this stuff is Grrrreeeaattt ,,,,,
i asked if i should omit personal shit…
UnBe WEEBL’ abL no cane todo list
Mini ….. Me ? <LRL> Me ? ………………………….. Barr O’ FAiR