….. Murky Town, (Re) moat ..?.. $till a Drinkin Li’⊥’ Think T………..〉win〈 _ _. {JackPot}$ Fee[(R)]- For F∀

What is the most ‘outrageous’ request you would make of a significant other ????  ?? ?


never request a boob job….. wow!

C-Section ?



Gettin Close.. 4 21 min Next on 60 Minutes



Trump Pard$===in 3’s


advertisement without consequences‘.



is He Decrying $atire ¿¿?


//Hare @ Fox…GO!

yup , go.–> Foxy Moxy 


Trump is like Maxwell Smart vs. Kaos

by a

(    (…… (Re)…….)    )Moat  Denial

(([toronado])) )

around $inmn$elf

(R)adII or Cone Ozone for Hole Wish Trick   


                       $uper-Near Ø


—–imp lose hun.. 


























=>===>>]My Empire (a Lark), Silent Lucidity[<<<=====<<<<<====


………./……………me and my  ‘/’ … waitin for foxy moxy

the amount of time counter programming/ movements…

& ¿ an app with my cell id ?

Like i said. _Rolling_’Hannibal’__ @Bound__town_

gonna sic the abc’$ At  ya  he x’t*

so why were spring breakers ….seamlessly

diverted coercED away from Vegas Last Weak.?


==DHJ$ ?==

====¿ an app with my cell id ?===

criminality & complicity ………rewind diss array…oops


=== i must be allergic to |…. | metropoli====


// (R), $$$, G.O. \\ $uck Me


your output is your american dream …. compromise much?? ?

==ITY==you’re like my family and we’re making a sequel to ‘Roots’,,

it’s called

Fertilizer….……………… !


The Vega[n]$$$trip isn’t ___Honky_____.. __Yawnk______…ykw!

kinda like where        Classy left da




I do more creative stuff than google

GOogle is POOf money.

=======and i’m not a double agent, o∀r was that facebook ? can’t remember ? my bADD.===AMAZON?==tRUMP?==>>.>


F  BilL mAHer,


if you see a 6-foot plus amazonian goddess showgirl….LB type

you/i keep walking.

Y ?

cuz i leave that to the NBA,  W also

K. ……………no W your Limitations.

ManEater !!!! !! ¡


Loathing and Beer (i)n      LV, cheers!

til’      _o~o_ Ride………adieu.


DoDoNut$ =    ?


dems don’t go on fox


repubs one big lie to haters

dems 2+ big ⇔ Lies….


he knows this...BLAH 



I Musta Said it Like 5 times on the strip ..[ my $wan B,S-ong ]

‘Where All the White Woman AT ?’


big black girls don’t go to the beach ???


I’m Already Gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


YUCK! T 2 B      1 showgirl walking  ….passED.   ______1______

over b4 it Beget


don’t wanna bring up my ¢©laim, JumpED

A$$0:   it doesn’t work that way !!

Tell me

How is my Fundraising different.?’member the ¢on$titution, KkL

======>  (R), $$$,  G.O.     ????  ?? ?

¢ompetition   PussEZ



Trump, mr. Pez, RU Threatening ME ? /// mental health experts, ring in on my Defence // ungluey



Due Pro¢ess  ion


3rd World Igno(R)amu$


by bringing your  ‘Police‘ into it,

you crossed a

======Big Fucking LiNE======


showed your CARD$$$, lol


i’ve always said iff the police want near total Respect… boot the Republican$$$



Republicans with badge will put their morals before the law..

========Buy & Buy==============

morals , i mean $$$


Republicans steal my weed, steal my money, steal my fuckin”””’ Liberty’ Zzz


 Why (R)espect any of Yahoo’$$$  ????  ?? ?


¿ what’s next ?    Invade Liechtenstein


$$$Huck L&O, huh!


United  $ociopath$ of AMEN.


—–Vroom, Vroom—— bugged


can you feel the repercussions rolling down the strip to

==========i’ll be here all week.==========

3rd World TTTTTalk, Mt. DoDo

how the West was $tunnED.

The Empire is HackkkL & JivED






Fuck… Cuba is HEAR..LV..// a certain pink floyd song, . tobacco road?

Sign Zee Papers, Old Man… Sign thee Papers,,, if you know what’s ….. family, friends and //

@ddition is an American Problem…. Tons of it means ¿

denial or insanity…….? YMT¢


first i fought the civil war agin. @uma

& HowL  


Respect for the Journey…No Rush……

viva ¢uba  $$SWissMissL Crisis epi_sewed. AI¢

=======chalice in chain$==LV==


are Venus Hi


i’m like

Marty_  McFly  &     Biff   //  ie,,, gotta the sportsbook/


does trump have a warm  glass of ovaltine in his office ????  ?? ?

collared green$$$ ?  GleeFuLL NegliGee   & Pence   minus pee


how high is your wall of INNdifferFence


So, i hope young Liberals heed my warning……..

Stay Away.

cuz the funniest word downtown is spring break.. ijs


if you have anything to lose…… they’ll bug ya….ijs  unincorporated area not in Vegas…. HaLo

Deny     ∀

10 years

no income


the most powerful person


American DDiscourse

and to be treatED di$$

Θver ^ $$$$


so, they would have spent weeks discussing trump’s comments…

3rd World Talkkk fom

Θwer Igno〈F/L/R〉amus

$ign Zee PaaaaPazzz.




====expectorant =the big bucks why ?=

Libby’s   Now they have to prove they are kkkknott*** Watching!



¢© Hubb……A….. Hubble…A…. Bubblicous


States Begin to Crack Down on Broker Abuse as the SEC Dithers


// it gets fun    ⇓


btw, my rooms TappED Ttttalking …… $$$TalkED

                                   King FU  

just made a video performance…

w/ me talking out my…gym dandy ass

Queen’$ Ball ?? ? FYEO


Billion Dollah. // 1st ? Wave no waiv  ERR




Mr, A,G., your  groove… courthouse across the street … i didn’t choose it out my window… that’s called  fucking both ends  for the qu0,… middL


Mr, A,G.  Chello !

Aren’t I. Grande      Bill……….Y


Feds,,,, are you   in or out  ????? ?????


Quietttttttttttt like    cricketssssssssss


they were  IN $YNCH  with   Thee  NKOTB



              Justice is Fucking Hilarious.



Trumpm$ Gwanna

Ground You$,,,,,,.@ssholEZ


Go Big or Go Chrome

how the west was stunnED

no minor offen$$$e… Wally World

6:15 noise begins

Power in the Tower……

Damn the InterWet


Streets gonna be …… off the …..


can i get an upgrade to ‘i look at you’  B…..evel, $tir. $wiz…no L


you startED IT, I WIT

Ness, Elliot Goal…DD

just a  Stew ,,,Poor $Kid… from a ~poor neighborhood,,,

i believe, We got this  huuuge house cheap, (30k)

  ¢uz,   a black family lived out back.. on the side street

locust st.

my dad, an autistic, didn’t care….

never said a bad word about them.


So, i wanna ask you, the Jury, Would you like to come over tonight.
TY, Your Honou(R)


====not on indian land, ======








Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!