River High, Mountain Deep
]Homie, Don’t* Play Dat Dough
{$$DD} ∩ { Transparency } = ? // }……FU
mathematical vacation model
WickED…. (W)+ItcH –(-)–> West (®) L/Y earn
Whim CycL One
Hole Wish Trick__
========My GF, ‘Ms. Close’ ….seems to be the Feds.==ijs=
Back 2 Cool, M/Fade. …………..…\Pppppp___\
——-name trick——-===Odd, Apple===Applaud====
Lettuce Hope Amy Shoem(ak_k)er” akG….. horse’s ass jockey
here’s hoping \_pour_/….. Child has only 1/4 of the prob’Dem$…hat Mom over/came/L….jockeyED
Amy, I’m $uRe, can spare a few lovely
========P〉e‘R’sonalitie〈$===/ /==hump ∏ day====>>
Isn’**t* her
15 Personalities Up
gay …
(sorry old timers)?
Gay ‘Rat Packkkk$’
they don’t Give A Γuck,, (ROok Move Each Ot.her ) wide $tan¢e ( )
Grapes Of Bath … actually that’s ME.
// walls of consent…… Home Fun
we are ……. Czar$, Fertile I,I,I
(W)hy don’t women like U$A,,, Men ??’
they like you guys most when….. not a]H[ound… that’s when UR…B
=====We Ggot$ the Meet$========Bison Also.=======
Vegas$ not where i want memories
====Αlpha=WHAT a Guy Trying to Wait.4 ¿–?==========
¢an’t Be Hott & BotherED….. w/o ……Stunning Quall
∑ \level of engagement\ _ _ _ .. . ∑ = ⌊ contact
Boston via DC via Las Teja$ morrow...t-day ~12 hrs
leave ya too R @ E. Moat,
don’t Wade around the Bridge too long…
…… sumthin……
staring at the tent mural$…
not my dish.
I miss exercise….
i don’t miss the mass of mess
as some unknown lady passerby whispered to me….
Last Knight.
] i would have added…… ‘ Last Knight., Kolchak.’
[hole wish freeway….
‘no retreat.. instead DeletE‘ —-> DC Elite ..// We don’t wanta “C“
– cd elite
i am handcuffed by my color blindness..also.
brown isn’t avaiL
when the check of my balance
oh fuck’n you agrin..lol
due Willinger ‘Dillinger‘!!! ((Pickkk-(L)-ED))
HeiLst… aka (Re) Hei$$$t*
levi smith and wesson oil
grea$e the flow foe…
is my
fcc, sec, fbi, cia, achu, parents w/o partners,
im.P.Lawyer present and accountED
k, i remember now….chuckL
i give people hope new hope daily plus through …rough crimEZ mimed time$$$
i am the ‘AIR’ 4 the Real World.
-_ _ _ _ _ L e s s.
….. Murky Town, (Re) moat ..?.. $till a Drinkin Li’⊥’ Think T………..〉win〈 _ _. {JackPot}$ Fee[(R)]- For F∀
What is the most ‘outrageous’ request you would make of a significant other ???? ?? ?
never request a boob job….. wow!
C-Section ?
Gettin Close.. 4 21 min Next on 60 Minutes
Trump Pard$===in 3’s
‘advertisement without consequences‘.
is He Decrying $atire ¿¿?
//Hare @ Fox…GO!
yup , go.–> Foxy Moxy
Trump is like Maxwell Smart vs. Kaos
by a
( (…… (Re)…….) )Moat Denial
(([toronado])) )
around $inmn$elf
(R)adII or Cone Ozone for Hole Wish Trick
$uper-Near Ø
—–imp lose hun..
=>===>>]My Empire (a Lark), Silent Lucidity[<<<=====<<<<<====
………./……………me and my ‘/’ … waitin for foxy moxy
the amount of time counter programming/ movements…
& ¿ an app with my cell id ?
Like i said. _Rolling_’Hannibal’__ @Bound__town_
gonna sic the abc’$ At ya he x’t*
so why were spring breakers ….seamlessly
diverted coercED away from Vegas Last Weak.?
==DHJ$ ?==
====¿ an app with my cell id ?===
criminality & complicity ………rewind diss array…oops
=== i must be allergic to |…. | metropoli====
// (R), $$$, G.O. \\ $uck Me
your output is your american dream …. compromise much?? ?
==ITY==you’re like my family and we’re making a sequel to ‘Roots’,,
it’s called
Fertilizer….……………… !
The Vega[n]$$$trip isn’t ___Honky_____.. __Yawnk______…ykw!
kinda like where Classy left da
I do more creative stuff than google
GOogle is POOf money.
=======and i’m not a double agent, o∀r was that facebook ? can’t remember ? my bADD.===AMAZON?==tRUMP?==>>.>
F BilL mAHer,
if you see a 6-foot plus amazonian goddess showgirl….LB type
you/i keep walking.
Y ?
cuz i leave that to the NBA, W also
K. ……………no W your Limitations.
ManEater !!!! !! ¡
Loathing and Beer (i)‘n LV, cheers!
til’ _o~o_ Ride………adieu.
DoDoNut$ = ?
dems don’t go on fox
repubs one big lie to haters
dems 2+ big ⇔ Lies….
he knows this...BLAH
I Musta Said it Like 5 times on the strip ..[ my $wan B,S-ong ]
‘Where All the White Woman AT ?’
big black girls don’t go to the beach ???
I’m Already Gone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
YUCK! T 2 B 1 showgirl walking ….passED. ______1______
over b4 it Beget
don’t wanna bring up my ¢©laim, JumpED
A$$0: it doesn’t work that way !!
Tell me
How is my Fundraising different.?’member the ¢on$titution, KkL
======> (R), $$$, G.O. ???? ?? ?
¢ompetition PussEZ
Fremont Fleamarket Outside the Kasinos: I sore and eye no a thing bout dat
yuck__ just yuck
Gross..Street C– ene
pasties chicks&m
homeless, party time @monk$t the Well Fed Bred
yes ladies in ‘uniform’, i noticed