…A Can a da Toke
didn’t jimmy carr just use that line about Roast Beef
Knife Wound on a Bear’s Back
Whose the Pussy, Cyrus ? ??
…A Can a da Toke
didn’t jimmy carr just use that line about Roast Beef
Knife Wound on a Bear’s Back
Whose the Pussy, Cyrus ? ??
Everytime They Suspend Belief in My DestiNAtion…
====| |====| |=====psyche.. um.. like…
Yoke’$ ….. bon bon ……. You
Seriously, Israeli #’$ in US Sr. Gov ?
russians ?
cubans ?
french ?
german ?
How ArED Ya ???? ?? ?
you might wanna quit thinking of me whilst ….. or you’ll get ……….. Prego with L’Eggo
======Homo, would also be Karma.Touche… Way ! ? Way !!
========[Angry Bird]=============
21 has gott’em WorriiED.
Beggin’ 4 22
Their WHeil Plan rests on 21+ being browbeaten into alcoholic esteem.
if not, the frats will work hare magic tonsil$
====== to ‘bait, ¿ & (R)elease… with tracking…
DA only one of us greyhounds.
no collusion on citizen $ide… gov collusion, i am disabled.
summertime clothing equals all the info i need besides ID
the cops have inferred since day 1, 21+, no probs.
so, any static ,,,, kkknot handled appropriately…… ….LUV Ya, _ _ $teamroll___ of angry knewt’ moms with info about the big RIG going doWn.
Would also see where legalities really extend …. an Olive Branch
class action needs…. enrollment numbers…. !chaka khan!
[Baby cakes] in oven….probably not but poke the’Bruin
the more 21+ that aren’t terrified of GOV….
that’s Power.
Bernie Talk:
Free Edu.. equals a lifetime of Plum Choice$
Bright Situation, Bright Beginnings.
I got way more than enuff
2 fillibu$tERR current red flagg$ 4 contexting
for 2+ more years of CoweR Decryer of $calia EyeWea(R) // DeepFriar of Pork Jellies
Resist Bigotry, Intolerance …
—————————-great wall of Fenway
Mist third ..#!%!….Buffoon, Si(r)
HeHe thought his defrocked toup was third base….., wow never heard of that one b4 folks…. Guess who’s Bullsitting on third with the ball..game..
collateral, you all are his…
freedom of H,L& J
simple plan man.
com’po’ mizzze_then.
(R)e: Preparation G-I..completED ?
on the WH—oleo’
can you keep takin’ on Immigrant Water ?
Bale..Bail,,,,Bay GaLore
// Love
penalty in India for cow tipping 90% ….. 90°
==============WHole Lot of DEM===G.O.=====
learned to type whilst under t* /R anchore
a bre@st… arrested redevelopment , L
======Gray of Hope======
cartoon where [dØn’t U dØn’t dØn’t] and the U flies around til
====police station huddle & break…fast…. busy ====
===DO repubs eat the most Donuts on the force ?? ?==========
How am i doing ?
I knoW….. O’ knoW U knoW.
My Lift is Copin-e’ with the Rift ( @Rafft )
============= [–[ ] —- deal or ….? // oatmeal
ask me 4 ….. // ( . moor )
, A
is whatever you are doing this weekend bigger than my Dick Placey ?
t*racy …Later.
=====Real Feel …F’Real
4 More t*€ar (inni=EZ)’
Hand in cookie bar With Israeli F(R)iends like this
RU Ready to Humble / \ Hubble
‘US’ thought about prologue
why the tunnels info….
Present Day
maybe===========yogg over bridge…exerwise==
=====calm neurotic asks
RU @…
(Hot . Head?
Case……..13, Howie.
==A===Subscription to Cases, I don’t know how many times i have censored myself from making don’t into donut, doH====
so, a theory…emergency of bubble butty
US-based stock exchange trading,….. is ‘halted’
for a run on ‘¢-ence’ and after we went to the beach and swam all day and nana made a stink about somethin in the air //smelt it..
===========heaven to betsy chips... ty============
Hummus… kick calories.. stick to wicked tuna
now to see what goes in it..?. give peas a chance, chickpeas. please
===== ===
the israeli’s in our cia are always looking to be on my case..NJ, ITh
gonna counter / ¢ontra Dick+ t****
Nature of the Beast* $ting(R)
i wish i had a collar, i wish i was your caller..
good first assumpt…no shun notion… Motion