Saw a group.. always with a photographer.. draggin’ a huge cross towards DT…

Happy Easter, i’m not on breakkk….

Yup,  that’s the Pri¢E of our ‘Democrazy’… impLose….’Hun….’

‘Pee Video” which by his convos. is def’n lie True


Melania’s Disbelief  <see above>


IDkkk, $ecurity, Nat’l League, DH?

=====his friend, Dice would say

‘It’$ ….                                                                                      A Touchy Situation’….. OH !(tape) 


Out of Respect, i know you are but what am i?

I’m not talking about my own touchy sitch Sandwich, MA

unless a t* is added to my Sitch



post 421 [and a page]

i forgot…


oh yeah…

Who Am I ?

politician rumored to carry around a (r)eferentiaL card with him that lists all his


don’t be coy w/ me.

¢onflict f Interest

=⇑==@ trump nominee ?

====mueller foot fetish=note=

russian hookers peeing ? insynch in urethral in your

………………….>FE <————?


=======#21 or







i think some peeps might feel persecuted… welcome.

============Scenario Venti=============

show…’m     No )R(espect, No (R)ecognition

and Pummel De..Liberate…Thee unto ©lay







who am i ?

  1. Palestine
  2.  Me
  3. ….. a Future Nexus….





Siren Schlon……[E]gg[∅]

I, Pavlov, will salivate when my good deeds get ..positive reinforcement.. . BJ, 

kkk, not.. ‘$<aim>’ ____  __ _


smart cookie with @ typewriter’s chance at Shakespeare.





==i make myself ……. i will spend about 5k updating my movie collection… ‘i glow’..[weekly screenings]….capitalism..

fun.. u tell me.

==tursday, H ??.?==

already thinkin 2 much….

best if

1 : 1

post club ‘date’

ability to talk….∪


===$hut up!! !====[Gordon]



Kids …… INterro(R)g(R)ating


=me, dt, ssd?=======King w/o ¢,h(R)ome



same dichotomy different dillama



====spilled it, TY housekeeping====⇓=======

need anutter drink after misdirection tonight… [ sight setting ] …..

may day soon

180° next

look towards

‘Good and Plenty’. +/-


googleatt……v viet cong venture capitalists

& &

tuna fishin on a jet ski….. lol

—-logistics after bite.?.. funny.. if you rig sturdy rod supports

scene change: jaws scene ……..attaching air barrels……to shark






Medman Mishiga$$$, Mass/Fed$$$… a case i∏to point… Silly Putty Money [ShadowPlay]

“Uni¢orn” $tatu$. ..  …. Marijuana!

Still in AWE .. lotta credit being used by that $ figure Wait


Poof?! Canada

i never heard of him/them..



my ¢ag€nt, ‘on my behalf’ < please try  ‘together’ >

my @Plier…… isn’t desirED. court appointED. is he Israeli..?

fucking MistriaL. ?

Name(!)    I got BrandED a

Incorrigible, @ Wrath Scallion,

bubble function Hall of $HaMu  {

Deny me,.. Deny ExistEntialism of Preponderancy

}//pop? //do your _wur$t*, $ou(R) Kkkroute666

Torch is Heavy.. ‘sh–t’ first, ..flu$H.

Know Introspection from my ‘$upe(R)ior$’


=====MonopolY ===bye bye weak=====

can’t cuz i’ve been…../ just visiting jail/

======DeeD, ϖan==Jabbe(R)wock)¥(===========


legal beagle

“daily’ bugle buoy

company _


oh yeah, my point….

yesterday i also bought what i thought was

a greatest hits cd …..$5

got to opening it.. noticed.. Volume #2

huuuuuge smile.. ⌈ ⌉      Treat Time

======katmandu==beautiful loser===…..====


Degenerate ? <<==== || $oBo$ ||

Well, Well, Well




























[Slow Down…..DD   | 2-way Mirror |  @Bottom

========\ Smile, Frequent @Plier$/ ==========



Democrats are worse cuz they lie to everyone... ie. them..$..elves



oh, yeah… anyone else see WT sunday 4-14.?

2 points… marciano… my fave….Peace

3 seasons i been bitchin’ bout cigarettes..

  1. the kids look tired…tired…tired… ‘Punch-drunk’.                                  whilst covered in Family Nicotine. the tuna evolved enuff to ¢,¢ & the Force is left out in Left Field                                                                                                      // punch-drunk..not laughing.
  2. daughter talked about stand up comedy isn’t for her and he mentioned   Honey Hole… now laughing. …………..……………………………………….then i thought… #Millenium Falcon


When… LVBK gets ‘old”.. and Chem Dawg shows up…. good day, m/fate.

my   ‘O’ Mission ………Scar…



   $ca⌊⌊R⌉⌉⌉⌉Y. that’s Y..
























[ keep ‘t*/flabs’ on (r)ich (pu)n(kkk=$)

invest in (Reality)


Incorrigible means ——–> FUn

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!