u want perspective news media..
60’s man…… Dennis F’n Hopper…
got Fascisized out of ReleVance.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
u want perspective news media..
60’s man…… Dennis F’n Hopper…
got Fascisized out of ReleVance.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
It’s the nightmares we want to forget.
they affect our inebriated judgement.
bottle line————– Freddy is @ Real Drag.
//Haight Ashbury Par.kkkkkkkkk
of Weed.
afternoon light if it must.
til Hues come marching home. infer red raed read my $fist
$°Word , Burning Outt@ The Streets. Pull IT.
lancelotta ya knoW
the kids of the kids of those MIC key Middle East Wallbuilders are
not being brought up with feelings of others worth or concerns.
@©ornered they are Frankly$tein$
#& Relish Baskin
no Lull; no Ply paper
No Break to Create CAUSU@LITY
………..sup?……. press UR eventualLy FlushED of Coup ON
we got P.P.L.I. ∑ f(x) = ∃Ê ÷ ouH@ gullibility
insidious iou$. 0utside$,
in the B–>$….ides. Nyet°. .. ∑
no Lull; no Rmal
Pro Life as wedge of Pi pi Long stonking
GriftersRus. $ean.
KkKosher Hellion
the @;@||door||.Pocket..
the DuDE
@∠@ chu geSundheightS
G#Edu C00mmittee