Feb. 22 2022
where 2/22/22 ?
Feb. 22 2022
where 2/22/22 ?
Sublimation; ? solid $$$
an ((intense))))) amount of exacting
//pressure\\ to “skip” STATEs
while leaving gas intact to ‘$$$$$$$’
Capitalism’ $ubLime Sublimation
Clear Abusive Behavior
and the 0perat0r kkk@puts you on hold
// Texas Textile be backkkkkkkkk
@ & @ // no good tree/ leaves\ ..
$weets f.00r the $weet.
woUld . like some NuTS ??
Conflict of ReconstRuctive
Capitalism: worth the ‘Penny $.@ved’ ?
Time ?
Effort ?
Air ?
Net Worth is __||——-(#)——-||__
. . . Just a bout of eVerything
?was it last week//
anyone notice the SNL bar scene on the exterior was
Stackers Amherst, MA ..UMASS….
<<back whwn we drank together..>>
kissing ass
as they shut it off little aft it came on with me inside.
my bitches !!!
chant… & [ off to ‘MTV’]
##$$pringTimer for $chultZzz
when it sucks.
Lorne gets paid
– Pro.Deuce.r&R
// ∀/signed/ All-States Honour; lol or cry: love, honor, & imperish
Jeers and F'(ear($
1)))) )) ) You need USA (.02). //postscript..≈ ∑ encylopediotic fable
Trump to blame ?
Reagan also ;;;;
When was this just @ SNafu ?
& RU ready ?
right right right on down the ——》
//did they forget the commas.
Stay Safe. Vote..
Connect the P#st∂ cuz RICO is their goto
#1 sauce.
–Jerusalem’s LOT–to Endure. w/o Ignorance
tell us a tale
and be gentile.
Gonna Maku Fall prevue
US citizen
USA first
not Confederated $low to Re/Re
nor amalgamated Zionic Xtension
FucKing’ US of Allegiance
—GET OUT: Kkk rautZzz—–
–》》》^² ——-> Goebel’ and Snidely’
Capitalism isn’t GOD
Anarchy = IsFFael .99 USA .01
aka Suspect ‘
@kkka RICO suave‘
-israel lease raeL is like @ lotto lifer-our Crimae
—-i talk@ line ——of HOPE {Peace}
they ¢………reep
VIE t Con………….G