vow el


VOW EL   :  SoSo


Y      domin…….on // be©(kkk/


I   O   & U      close enuff   & //   asap //


SEWER COVER lifts up

to reveal         the Pied Piper



‘RITB, RITB.        they give me a quarter apiece !’




the Possession Arrow bro.e \\ |

in my fLavar.


‘Mercurii@‘L..  ….Madness payed off

layers of corn chips and kkk.$0   tattered domain

i am sorry.


Joe V$.    @ Volcano


#Orwell vs. ohWell dug ‘nam it.

$@igon Sally   hanoi hannah ‘TY.’

   VC        usually a follo ± wing  of     ‘ R ‘ (?

//?  Nixon Tapes /z/z/z/z/





blue$ of bigot$



.00;er                                     Ball ad


any Middle Eastern  Court News  ; ? //   MECN

the cover of [Time]




oxy generator

MAG & @’



































[ ⌊  ∀ conservative estimate meaning














\ ♡ /

ginger heil


÷÷÷÷ = Consequence$..

+   ladies   “collar”

===÷÷÷==== RED=====÷÷÷

Heil;   #1 PissaH in thee Penthouse.

Red /White/ Blue /Israeli /Japanese /Sun city/




I.I. Rubric House  of Blame$             //mousehunter  // mighty








;;;  israeli book printed in germany


Least Resistance at home mentality.


1960 – 2001

A college student comes home and sez you are wrong. parents laugh and learn..




Mom and Mignon

the nazi zombi

allow TV to teach them

college grads

the art of suckkkkkkkkkkkkk it.



@ GED mafiososo led          to receive

Blessings from the F ‘loor;s     aboVe



one part german fascism

one part israeli counterintuitivity

one part aristocratic immunity

//////     communal disdain

just saying      //       guerilla civility state

Viet Cong israelites    are masters of such “civility”

til link ¢on with log$



White Supremacists are everywhere else..



Who 0n First ?


Justin Stockkkkkkkkk

@@nswers    ≅   HA Ha HaND

uber & ober sourKraut$$

and bullying hot dogs


/////////////  Laugh Ppar   (ad)∃Ξ   ///////////////




like thee ‘HeinnY’ DAM that kk.Reeps

                               getting La.ger



Dam        $$$




Desi  g. nation

loosy ;!!  !!!!







Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!