Par don









Ball &  @l ©orn


{All our tissues in a baskkkkeet}


tbeir baskeet:


includes        Blacks,     which sez it all.

‘They are the problem, huh ?  ‘ Nazi B


Trumpies All Want RetroFiction Fixin’s goto: Which Old Daze You Referrin’ to

another nostalgia binge; the series



aka.    TO ME;     th@      Aristocrats


// bert and ? ‘gurney’ of era..(incoming)

Mash  72 – 83


÷÷÷We ÷R÷÷Family.÷÷÷÷÷÷÷

All in the Family  71 –  79+

Soap  77 – 81

Married w/ Children  87 – 97

RoseZilla   88 – 97

©o.Zzz  , charge was:  

Cosby Show   84  – 92

Family Ties  82 – 89    Tremors ; Burt?!!











btw, Waltons is BS answer sez;

[Mirror Mirror]




works for a monopoly where illegal lines are crossed interofficially all the time.


works for a small company where rules are god.

skewed t⁰

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!