lewis black line .MCFM
I JUST got a Feeling in my Woody .
he pleads,,,,
NEVER unwanted SEX, consensual
It is the Denials you are DenyinG that
are inapprop. SCRUP !!
and hypocritical to even himself. tells all to just resign !
if, cred allegation…// allegedly,,,,,,,,, as per usual here
my fave starting point; C o G
Physics Courses for Batchelor’s Degree in Science as opposed to ? ‘artist of BS’ , jk
Who had a few really good ones ?
———Teachers Teachers
Shaper of Scrup; mr. derkY
The Optimus Cyclops
Blacks living in and around
Germany, Netherlands
Rounded up ‘before Jews’.
the Jews
Stand UP
4 Justice
Marvel Comic that SHit
Willful Igno…R…. @ge eclectic
Eventual Ambitions;Æ
‘one just started with the otter.’
otter now control so much \\ attrocities are ¢annibalizED. b4U
HellΘ …. mitt // Mr. Fancy Pant$.
$TTM. #Scenic South Facing Condo$
Me, ——–learning chanel #9;
iirony writes itself¡
Hitler felt like an A+Nazi, ij think’kkking’
‘Close Thoughts’ one just started with the otteR
Thinkkk of Palestine when in line for lotto
30% ….becomes ;
Deny Palestinians