z bootum; das ( hero sub) tract…..negatives…



Florida Harbor Verboten:      Mr. E. F.’…riget



5 $pring ’00’ Breakkkkkkkkkkkk$

 #Gutter Diss Regards to your Mother.

approxi… mate all them’ fit bitchEZ’

they know it

you know it

y’all counter it at daddy ‘$$$$$$$ leVel

game U


&     Daddy shit his under… WE@(R)




+++++++wrap wrap wrap it upp!




Windows of candor | shades || drawn | —-%%%%– how close they remain to socialist Canada is an intoxicating lie U {ouija}




¿¿¿‽‽‽  $……TRE∀ #§.P.ON





TT …..reason

must not be GenerationalizED


Engineers plan shit

ijs;   on the WHole(

)labor;    you don’t

WHy ?


You start                           T     T      T         T     (alkaline)

We will Listen    ;                          nein ……..

++++dissonance pi—- chart.er(R)—–


RepubliKKKan  DO    (R)









  #Lotta tHAT Goin’ Round up there. KI$$;


Instigation In&direct Insurrect


Viet IRA        Lossyless Parts



#Great North West is MICHIGAN Now?‽‽

Israelis in Michigan ?   thus KKKong. bea



Beat …Viet to  Mr. Bar —- low



&& …..      in the Mountains


Like Sasquatch they may be seen but …..’rarely herd’... ‘roaming plan,




















































LOFL,   They speakkk so duplicitously

they have trouble backtracking under Q&@

Curio$  II

————dig ‘deep’——

—-Running ——-Ruinin’—-

—Good Dynastic Tot$$$$


& About All TrumpiEZ


——-WHat is it they DESERVE——-? kids until now haven


belief         or     candoor

2 be treed               ie.   treated ass @  leper.

#john boy,  go fuck A  duck !


do they act like shepherd  or sheep ;:,. C.0/0.G

Factor or @ ‘Protractor’


awaiting further



instruedel recipe




























Cuomo no Mo, a Piers


I  JUST got a Feeling in my Woody .

he pleads,,,,

NEVER unwanted SEX,  consensual


It is the Denials you are DenyinG that

are inapprop.    SCRUP !!


and hypocritical to even himself.  tells all to just resign !

if,   cred allegation…// allegedly,,,,,,,,,  as per usual here





Critical Thinker ??


my fave starting point;   C o G


Physics Courses for Batchelor’s Degree in Science as opposed to ? ‘artist of BS’ ,  jk

Who had a few really good ones ?

———Teachers Teachers



Shaper of Scrup;  mr. derkY

Extra, Extra, Weed All About It: aka. 'The Ghost in the Green MACHine' Juxtaposition !!