Rest Of You CueS.
CS – II profile well-thee highest level
Rest Of You CueS.
CS – II profile well-thee highest level
Because, I Lik€ ……$_um
Biggest Banks
Best food and prices like regular.. also.
Chick-Fil A+
It is what they want it to be.. sobe $hiT
The rigs demoralize the kindred spirit ‘daily’s.
Stripped of a right to uncorrupted sea forward.. not psyche Neutrality… a big ugly shiny walls in the water.. boats move..walls donUt
Day 1:
Executive Order. Rigs cannot be offshore closer than like 50 miles if at all in the future..
Executive Order: Mint me a Special Coin for Smithsonian.. Debt Done. & Never Again..
Who owes us money a d exactly who do we owe..get me accounting on the double.
I got jokes for folks.
Talent 00zes… like ‘dry’ pussy around me…
Great swimmers in and through current……
Great ‘Fun’ 4 All.
Like I said aft the competition. The crowds showed up pier view …..
This is where snide and funny showed up… bebe’s kids and so much emotional torque outta gear…..VettIn’ Neutrality
// meep, f’n meep. You are who you can meep.
At night. Is why I don^t peruse the strip at night…
____WE^ve Had it up to Here.0_____ ….
@$$kkk _4_ Hor D‘oeuvres
Boiled Egg.
Protect the Pro DuckkkED
; _Hole Lotts@ Snide Hollow Frost DDenierr$.00
35 Jay’s left on this sad sic hoaxxx…..
HB, been there Hate the Ecological AmBiguit(R)y
Very InteV…esting..
=====seals and crows===um@===croft================
Payday is (W)hen ? # Printing Money $’til
Clowns think I sound
#Trumps the Constitution at….his… Beck and Call Rush L
What does funny Fuck You sound like any Way_
Level of deception a lawyer’$ wife would say.
Gotta witness the Lifeguard Tryouts… Saturday….
#Exxxit Stage Zeit
Lifeguards, ….The Youngins’
seperate this from …..#HB #NH
Champagne & Reefer.