Undercover Lover
$ecret Society headed by The ‘MAN’
& his
Yann E. Crest ?
=====my segue=======
_$_…….T [@] R/L ife…
T …..
So, Now You Know,
They _ _ _ _ !!!!! !!!
Cookie Jar ‘ManuF@¢t$ory‘
Rigged Lids ? Backdoor Hackkkeye in the WH.ol@,
Ij$, every power play VEN diagrams overlaps
A (German) SS ¢entrale’ [Whole Heartlessness ©afe’]
======⇓====♡ Me.. ..===============
My BitchEZ at White House, kkk,
Imagine the legislation this party has fundamentally corrupted from within…
‘F’ Troupe… never say NO to Furherr.. orangy = red herring of politics.. DDi$tr…act… shun.
Imagine having to admit on media that you or your family peruse my frequency..t.. ly.
Undercover Readers… SH..u up peer class
Ashamed 2 $hame
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷both sides agree ? Lol ..ly —
Oar U.. upstreamers.. you constantly disagree ?
World is Fantastique (french waiter pop)!
》》》》Eh, ChickenHawker !《《
I am pro military. Intel cannot be universal, it must be unilaterally vetted from all parties at stake.
Corrupt ‘$cript pu(r)ee’ rewriters….
======code of ethics, ethnics, relative titty
Segue on Segway…..
====LAX Area ‘Morro===============