Out of my bain on the tain….. (5:15)….back in the Bee’s Wax…um… Ne$t*

k…C… AUT-10 is always flurrying !@!


So, i now have to deal with my comments about non-sand bound A$iani¢ peeps…

=====lotsa notes since returned…

============i love asian women seemingly in teary only… but read on ..please.

————————————-note dump with little strays…

so you expect me to back down from my asian assimilation… Nope !



there are literally a thousand here.   #nts check uma website. as iff_

// ======seen 2 mixed couples…====== ///statistically WHO?? ?

the israeli’$ are devilishly charming cuz they assimilate very well yet keep their faith….

It’s just the $$ecret^(L). kk^Killings

======(Fuckin (L))and===========

the Journalists who ¢^©overED them…


Murdered…….??.!  Land…

…Sand ………………….muddy water$

===not @nti $emetic…. Realist who cares about underdoggs much more than bulliEZ


===Tear Down The WaLL.==






====xmas 2018    SNW  kitten   …. pre-tappED

New England Family gathered round their tv’$….



have you all met some new “friends” over holiday dinner ?

Asians.?    ====i know.. they’re all home studying?wink2dddd(rink)



yes the israeli’s are happy for the minute cuz the spotlight has turned for a sec… breathe..(com.mon.ali.ty)…… like your PAL$ on the

=====dark side of the wall=========


roger, roger ?!? –   a funny line from “Airplane‘ CockPit….

======Hari, Hari… was that ____….??know!  loltm==⇑==


A$ian Delight…///////<<=====///////  I Brite

I $orry, You Don’t Give A Fuck… My $add


speak home language in public..still not cool espe©. when quiet..


??You don’t want to be here…why..here.? uma #1 in Hut.

=====now you have your own buildings..overpriced ex-wept CRA.. seems like less and fe$$ assume assim…2.(L/H)ate


scientist/docs are awesome…

(W)e need HArdenED Policy OWL$?_ , H..a…..W\\……kkk$






All i’m trying to do here is assimilate !!!!  !! !


===albeit Bass…..ackwards===

and then i’m surroundED by … i’m out of line…..you’re outta _—-



i don’t want to piggyback… #MeToo




be the Best That You Can and Will Be !!!

(sigourney weaver in alien… the loading dock)


Merry Xmas, i guess….

This has been a Clearing of Miser Grievances portion of…………    |