Vets Deserve Plush-like care not Lush-Psyche! (rug pulled) like $Care…… Assholes

IT’S Obvious  (t),R,eason,…D…. that the MSM won’t even connect  these dots.. talk about Vets benefits while healthcare is Bill=ing in ConDiGress …. Might Cause viewers synapses to restart..oh KnoW

Show, I am Hear to shine light on Veterans Care whilst UniverSELL Health $care is “Debated”..LMK $How That Quos??


The reason GOV doesn’t work well is                                                                                       because Hey WEalth don’t want IT 2…

Constant comPROmiZZZe gives BattSHIT as an end product….

They can KNOW state with CONfiDENSE that GOV doesn’t Work well enough for UHC…DATA Driven Analysis

Congressperson’s HC logic…wait for IT///2///                                                                          (I’m Fat…So “BAN” Food…Can’t you all ..Si…( zzzIT)

We’R not a good option hear .(they’ll imply CORRECTly)..                                                         …..the private markets are                                                               FARE and Balanced Crook..EZZZ…                                                                                                                               UseLess  tHem                                                                            @    HUGE FU 2 Conned ASS 2  Wit, U RENT??zzz

It DR eamZZZ that GOV/Manne  ????? care so much about you B4 til  birth… ,  WHinE Use  ..the kids as a Battering RAM against struggling parents (keep in Lien).. Shitt.                                                                                                                     .UR..18 and …..the REST…No Rest, Parent.. You Lazy POS                     ..Truly Not Tower Problem….Fail In-Line…                                                                                            You Deviant POS..                                                        It seems our parent’s were called POS and they called US that…like a whipping post of soul!!!..Don’t Don’t have a Donut…Don’t call your kids this!!!!

Person Of S….?

.SStuff luckDD=====play the A LooFiery¿¡¿====(L)ottery

Note to Quell-th:                                                                                                                                 Healthcare does not belong                                                                                    in the hands of                                                                                                             Penny-Pinching Oligarch Wannabees…..P..POW



FunChess is when I’m playin against Checkers enthusiAss  zzz…..

—-      ‾‾‾‾      Η  ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾—–((t()))—:–]—->




====Sour Alien President  from Uranus….Count.Transparent, Si?¿==

Fight the Awful Tower !! .

Tear down Heir TyReignE of …….Hey  Dr. Seuss

He’s not allowed to tell anyone he’s a DR cuz  Pez, …Prez

doesn’t like Elites around his Thinkin Roomzzz



\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Got ?? ReQuest ////////////////////////////////

I Tell Yazzz..                                                                                                                                            If only finding suitable company was as…                                                          EZ as Talking Down ∀..RAND into ground    EMPIRE ™

my (t)ake, Ayn was petty,                                                                                                                 not like Tom (RIP)=                                                                                          her school marred name.       Rand Dumb..====>>Petty=mess



=======Mei Mortal Mess Mere =============


HexSUP ¿…………..    Test F=rust=RATED XXX 


Hut…………….. you don’t seem to realize is Heir gonna be sniffin’ my A+ss fumes where EVER I Go….        Hear I get to grow/ buy Weed, free healthcare and an aBunDANCE Oh Ladies…To me, .LA IS WORSE THAN NYC cuz everyones looking for ?Dare? BBD . Sleazzz oozes from everyhairpiece     at least NYC, It’s Just…………    Piss                                                                          ti don’t go to Either….                                                                                                                                                                                         So Si me now, and Understand me later…..                                                               I’m not going Farm? from hear…


I, Bloke, THE GAME,,,,,,!!!!  !! !

Took the CLash out of GAME………………… No more Monopoliez

Elsewhere….. i’Deed B–>Shi(tt)back 2 my goal line                                                                                                                           with 100 yards to score……. 

==========Field Position… Betta Here  =========                                                                        





kinda like Starting with my back to Mid-field ..   (3 musketeers-ing)





========== Fat-Less Amore========= 


The people are Allways Friendly…Until I start Talking, LOL

The UMASS culture is GOOD  and Plenty O.. (M/F)OOD…                                             A Fatt Pharm   tWin Disguise as a Drinking Town…

AmThirsts’  Gift to Y’all that keeps hangin aRound..                                                My comment about that  is                                                                                               ,,,either gonna help or a Pharma THeory is correct

===========Sorry,,Hutt=on over to McMurphy’s B4 the Remodeling …aka…what does the dog say?====Roof@ Winter 2018=======>>



Help Me Spock the World…..   \\V/   …

You can ALL be emotional after we XChange the Cheats!!!! !! !



in that Wild Turkey SHumm(R)Sell….

Swavinn at the sunset…

gots me WonderBreading (Natick)..nice tan Flutie lol  aNutt(R)


That’s why Repukes can’t grasp Global Warming…. Half the hours every 24 of ZZZ’m….(t)Heir theory is (R)einforced…..    ===Si ???===

Global EmbarrassMENT UPdateD with GW DenialiZZZm:                                    …WTF,…..Drain the SWamp….H                         .                        U H


Mr. Caught Heirs… No more maKin fun of Freddie Boom Boom Washington’s culture and Juan brought a letter from HomeY,

Please stop picking on Juan.. He’s Very Censustive. He’s a Good Boy!


Epstein’s Mother

=====>   Oh, Oh,….Pick on me …..Pick me Mr. Kotter !

—-Sorry Horchak… I still haven’t figured out what ethnicity UR..

Sew, that leaves Vinnie…and Me…… 2 WhitEZ  

===============Sorry…to dwell on, Black Culture When it has NO Effect on me… Now we R gonna Focus on my bROAD Chumps…WhitEZ !…………… Si Si Friers…..

                      EPick on Tower Clown (R)ace….Equal ≠ $Equal$

===========Guit R Done!==( )¿)==================

We cling Tower  Cult..uRe like we R Righteous.Rangers ruff ready realistic  reelin rods roping  riotous .raptors

wHen ……we are led around by pencil dick…. sillyZZZsin Heirs…reTightEN

==========HokeY # 1776====================>

Sew, Rednecks…… Redtexts(smart onez in da General FamiLee).. w/ General Lee uh..4X20 parked out Back by tHat new fancy math…..                                                           ah….Addition,  (nobody laughing???) 

a 3-Lorry

Outhouse // Cigar Humidifier Room

Beauty  ….



=======Mei 2017 Whine Tasting==========

Dumb Dump


Victim-bait  Me” just like the Feds, Christians, MethoD(t)W(R)ist.…….  REAL, as ME

Class….is a State of Mind ……UnForGET===>ability


 GOLLUM…  Hairs the Fugly One

FreeDumb E


—-WhineDD, ……..Abbie Cough-Man!——————————