oh, yeah… i wanted to disq-pu$$ …. Pitch, a Puck behind me taking pix/vid…u know DBgg
so at ___ay and a box on ground….
i ask..? she sez i gotta put that in the closet….
so i turn around open the door and try and find a spot for it…
Pitch Kkkunt. he.is taking imagery pix… k..i’ve had it up to this point..so..whateva. .. u..fucking mink
====gonna use 4??===IDNWTK===
closet joke,,,my point is ha ha…. dick nose joke level…fart! tosh
unless… you use it as…
the scene in Real Genius where the “guy on the couch” passes True
always look on…BS of L. cuz i don’t believe they will EVE..\\(R) ? see past heir
Nose Hair$
Walls of Wealth
EZ Bake kkkOven BMW’s and Mercede
There goes my Endorsements… fresh mouth..breath… everytime
Hear We go again
………………..2 weakkk$ ⊗⊕ left
Study Hard Drinkkk Amore’
i wanna live in my bubble for………eva …caddy? BDITW: four more…beers for Cindy
we both try to pop each otters bubble,,,,,
i hit a HR with … T t*insinuous
and they are in ___diffuse ala mode..
===can’t leaf w/o my respect=shun decal==
===============betta get more booze===>>>
(l)ooks hike we are gonna go 4 … 2 years in 0 homes
Rushmore isn’t EZ
JR you stopped short of a thorough comedian……
Dave Atell —- Are you also wearing Magic Underwear under your