Oasis – ______(Official Video)

 my life in F’reality…I want Patrick Mag(e)(e) as my driver !!
kkk(R)eeP B$.Holding Me Back…from”Book of Evil,  Todd’$odd’s Bill’.i.am  
[ might as well go for ‘soda‘?! ]

btw, Oasis are in no way connected to any of this stuff! ____

====Danger Will Robinson.. Dr. Smith & Wesson… I$real MADD==

Emergent PSA=====

=Adults.. Don’t Let your ANG$t GTBOY, McFlyCatcher===                                            == f’real, ok….. =====

Don’t Anger Smokey !!! !

==============He’s Sensitive==========================

So, the story behind the above post…..

hotel room …can’t watch CAM      L nor F…

after 5 minute search i found..

7 minutes in Heaven


Parti$an Fox viewers are B$, $ew…

….the last thing you want to do is combine’american vital’ with nightmares and then make them cum… 

mic droopED  

Sooooo, couple of notes fom Intercept article about anti-corruption platform of Brazil’$ new PeZ…. Doesn’t He KkkNOw any 



   Why Can/Do n’t Housekeepers Unionize  ?

total money makin ……

mofo wordpress specific tally HOe$$$ my Palet*te where are my bonus round character factors..[.upside down question mark…]. 

——– when do my Special Teams get on the FieLd ?                                       and i’m playing goal line defense at all mime$ // they POFD!



 comment….. Giving Up Alcohol is Tough !?!!!!!!!

…my reply….. unrequestED 

[ So is $tartng [UDquestion mark,]]


======Hitch—Cock—> Ian======

==========we both start with good evening !====

it’s so hard to break the spell   – someone else


late autumn  can you see the forest thru the trees now [ ..oh   4]



google ‘frank marino’   in a search engine……LV ….Showtune…time…

www.    my proper name…F L..   

we b.     both anti-corporate…2 an extent…

iron …Y ??

====what year was mine started?=====

Good Luck on Finals… 


i only took 3 classes a [foreman grill burger] miester…. ____


no input today so … -0~
