Net Any Yahoo NAY, NAY
Haim-less Disciple$$$ ‘ADD’
Can you make my job any fucking EZ-ERR ?
===Human Resource$ won’t return my calls==
commercials for prime ribbing miniStiR candidates and other…..$
perfume add”
turns to read bottle ‘Fascism’….
……huh huh……..smells like Democracy… [cartoon]
candidates superimposing over cool hand luke / clint eastwood ?actual movie?
to shoot an Israeli (duel) citizen
kkknow ZEN
ERection…sorr E
Election time in $$$on City Bank\kk…/k
hold it on saturday so mainly only dual citizens vote,
lol 4 Apall the ¢enturies.
Fucking Queen$ of Savage(R)..Y
they love to get you to bait and switch but not Invoice Ver$@
(Re)¢ognitive Dissonance
Netty Confetti ‘$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Party …En trance”
Can’t A Nigga Get A LapDance ?? ?
is it,
They Believe Hitler was a Hack ????
They (R) $uperior Fascists ?? ? <R is dyslexic)>