no Scheduled planeT….f ‘uss’ breaks
every 5 daze
to CCC…………OUR waysand means tre@Kkk
like i said
they have an appointment calendar at the
duh louie
direction swivel stix dept. of M$M
not to many on any odd weekend…
they factor in minimum the /$\ worD
cuz they hold the keys to the common ‘matrix’
lately// ; % ?. // the drain went from blow to su¢
###’FritzY & I”###@###wealth net###
….§oap/ deter gent….(bubble) floats
/$\ update: aeiou; fable
iI “usurped T@T “” Word, $
Media sets the Richter Scale ♡° to (9) – (11)
//// /////////// ////////
/fl: ower / %%%%% = .00 approx. 5%
Fascist Shame ; oxymoron
&& on from Florida.
Double Blind Test