MTL Part Deux xmas eve ….daytime blues..they must be DDrinkers to overcome this warm frostbite.. weather

why are asians all i ever see…. amherst, here,….asia

they are the least outgoing people….. mostly true….

an asian has never approached anyone… non i’ve ever seen.

i haven’t seen many people here anyways….

colleges, universities…. and hospitals… hotel$_$

=======  st. laurent has seen better biz missED=====

pits / dips in the roads are ancient….

roads fare like the wild west…. be car   e ful … luckily minimal traffic….

not All that….. It has seen Beautiful in the Passe’

Buses rule … out…


girls have so much needed clothing i can’t tell their … kg’s



working class with little infrastructural updates..

nice murals and street art

hospitals and universities…. _______blah___________

summer may be diff..a Wittle

Will cruise tonight but Xmas Eve.. not expecting much..“mu..sic”

walked myself to sleep the first 2 days….

vehicle from now on…. not worth the sites..

no hot chicks are walking…

saw a couple of beauties with ……partners..DT

Summer is betta for sights under 100 years olde (rimshot)


found a semi=decent market on st. laurent  low rent? touche’

=====  no roast beef !! wtfrigg id========

i’m literally next door to Univ. of Quebec Science bldgs…asians still here.. no go home

=======asians are $hy they don’t Assimilate Dwell =========

they stick to their own for   ====walls==of===comfort===..

==============CULTURE SHOCK IS bs=============

French Canadians seem fine but self involvED… ‘presents to make’


Lost in a World of Fa Wa Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


not going to Toronto..for sure..

do i stay til   NYE ????  ?? ?

does Gronk look great ?? ?

==========Jersey Goyz are hear 2=……..crew.sting============