Liberty and Just Ice Ice Babyface

Greek Gatsby…. umASS   any$where $incerely Epstein’s Mother

Mr. Caught-E(RR) don’t asskk.kk

Greek Goodne$$

is abot-L ikkke 

Achu,,,GBY, what’s your name ? ACLU… oh FU

Winner Window Dresser but Empty Draws

===the discussion about “the Di$$ // Gus /…H..ian

====is WHere Wit’$ @t*

Gus was a jackass ?!

====Peking of Duke$$$ & of Wich..


greeks nt$b gone ! ‘F’Lie BoyZz


====Greeks of Greed, $aye No More  L&F===

didn’t want to say right away but they are holding up #ProgRE$$$

they u ally ? $us… reality of $hallow ……gallow


Heir Problem iZzzzz… Wi$$$$$$ they are Seamlessly Being..

Held FUn.Accountable …. Held Hostage by ………

Audience:…. <The …….  !>


yeah i shoulda coulda woulda beeped the horn had i known she is the only person that can’t hear me when i talk loud….

===Love Ya, Mean 2 be faster.. Anutter Wisdom Tooth Extract Monday Aft… miserable for 3 days… <what will he say ?????!???>==


it’s not who will know who i choose to consensualize with.. it’s if they are a fannie or a trash talkin’ …….    pos.. pot-plant.. moley, holey


.. Gotta Smile  mo’ …. Great Je    H    ovah jeselnik … I Care Alot !!

Je    H    0vah     Sorry, Kraft  .. .Y Bass .. . Tt*uRd$$$  (have yoke$ but like Carolinians more !!!!  !! !)

the  W  (ovaL) didn’t go ovah. Well..fell 42Long 40 Fuckin…_                                                                     (the Aristocrat$$$,  um.. The Ring


3 Treealities + going on in the Hubble Faced Station


like Children of the Porn…umb  ¢0(R)n Vs.  Sweet “Children of Mine”..

time machine to John Connor
