King of Rushmore :p Ladies, Come On Round.. bt hay.. ..Mount Sup, w/ Valid IDD

Hutt On==============>…EF


=Fed yoke in (LIEU)===One Had M 13…P..hay==duh===>Klan

According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:.[?.is that true about MLK getting that letter?]

(1) Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents;


//moral sarcasm- opinion//

Gang Stalked Lives Matter  2                                                                                                 cuz They R Obviously doing SOMETHING ! Correctleo


inner hear…’hang on, big brother’ by PGP (?Dug!)                                                          um..trying to knot use youtube!

===2018-20==>Happy New Fear<===

=== in my IHead====King’S  EX==Sorry Guyz!!=======

playing  Lost in Germany & Fool You.

there is NO room inside the box…!!!

======any news organ..hoagie.

Now,… REAL LIES…[Bazinga, just look in mirror] I gotta Pee