
(L)otto tix help educate yourself

=======Mongo Fart*============

54 degrees my age°  exactly…pay know attent..hon?

21 pt predict  //13…

======obv Pats >

—————rb with extensions….,,,,HC should be fired

flake….Columbia inda House of Cards…. Brazilian Whack job  .. waxing ‘moon’


40 11

late behind

by that muc…H

high honor Diss


??  gotta throw to run   jNYett$  usual otta way


Gotham    NY eta…..


drug test politician$$$  ie.. WH  b4 pay

we should have subway competitors….

Excellent subs at mike’s, btw


Pat’s Patterson with extensions…nice comeback..pats //ur fired also


what a catch beauty re Hired ..Him

grandma pa if you HAt*eee Me.//.. you hate yourself much amore’


========>T&C are under attack..nucleus   Zeu$   duress def. ie…compulsion….gettin somewhere?

we ALL feel ¢ompellED and Helpless …

\\not just ice ..duress—–\ on                                                                                                                                               thee                                                                                                                                            (R)0_kkk’$0$

                   Duress                          CompellED

Rent, Mortgage ….but Rent I$ Worse



Time Related



other side….legible to whom…… test for readability.. by high school grad, college levels, ged, disabled……


———legitimate class action suit against  SSDD

T&C ‘coverage’ should be ..optional and not yes/no

========== future socialist lawyers

=======Balls, Ladies ?



god will you be my first donor ? loltm.fannies

=============t&C are out of f’n control

=-=-=-=don’t wanna say..ext. are bli..-=-=-=

close game not good !! !


===================coke  pure cane===can!====

“pearl’ Harbor ERR day is $$$a(L)00n

tough catch hits


gotta go up 7 by


what a week…of decisionary bored.mon

=========mint ….york or jr mint=====


musta bee mo$$

———few like it  buddy  being Polite===

dummy almost sacked doh tough..//.hike a punt

===========not a fan of fake news hair=================


allig arms



=========55 freedom 55=============


======Road Woe….. Kno——>W‘s====


who farted?  -$anta to reindeer

====2nd half======

a2m,  can you feel it… prob not with bezos butt i $mel hymn

open up.   ======>∑   TV..guide.(R)


will i ever gel P&L aid ..oh wearin wit wow

whateva yo choose      choo$e Wafflin’


==1313 mockingnerd lame   Maher, PO$


21 or L/R/Bust=Y==?

======educatED beauty …………Leafs========

===========4th quart,,,,

C I _and Coke Cane Connect..ton$

generation of talkative coke can  cane chronicle$$

…back to its root”$…real ting…import cane  @s  Columbia’s $pouse                                             fo (R)ecord Profit$


nice catches

cool a Road Schwinn ?



==umass ladies… good lush luck==


U Can Only Blame Your…. ___


am i just talkin 2-or-4 my health ?? ?

i hear about     change   and it looks like mr. whipple and company  squiDwishED my CHARMINs

firin’  will they dock ihis salary guaranteed or knott

no completions for …Boss and HogS

======they’ll     pay ..=ola==


taint’$ hell mats  ∏baggit∏


