\ Danger / ……Will Robinson… Dr. $$$-Myth got a Sex Change

Fuck You, Fuck You, Karma’s Coming For You MoFo.. You’re Cool, Fuck YOU !!!   half baked style

You Can and $wiLL Leave… in 3-4 weeks… CYA Next Sept.

Quik $Mart EDu…[7-11 chant from Audience] TYCA 

i didn’t get my case heard, no donations, no model citizens


FU ..+  /changes\…………comin’,

Spoiled Rich Dicks


Dealer’s Choice…. I”m Wild as usual

–some of this must be getting through his hairbrow..=to quarry


=What HappenED to the Big Lou Commercials hear?=Is he still on his meds …. Inquiring “minds”……..=

=Jobs for everyone by GOVernment   ….                                                                                                   KNow [Corruption]  !  Dbble Down Mon t

==I$===Warren, playing ….. w/ Fire===                                                 ============We Are Stone, ...U R Not.==





——–Seem Hester —Movah …—-

Now. I have NO Strings

True………… Wild Card 

====May………. Away no shows 2C                                                                          ==Still G@nna Stay==..P@$ every@WH@re==

=Female=Lovers Apply==YOURSELVES==as Bill, I



uMA ….↓. uMA…. All Trysts , if i ever …haven …will occur at my new house.

