‘F Cable‘s‘ Simul¢‘astanet$k‘$ of ____
‘Look Away, Look A#ay‘
===========VFD, ??===============
Today is the 20th Anniv. of ?? ?
2020 minus a ¢ =
====¢ouldn’t Resist=’Ex↑$t*‘======
WHeY *&’ is Trump gonna take late rent ??? at his flop houses..$t*acky
==========∑ ° /+/+/+/+\+\ \_
both have Way Weight*above average Power Play$..
WHo has more ….. Molesters..
Israelis or the Church ….?
WH0 said Randal Backtracks ? WAI
Randal is an Honorable name…
Randy …… leaves 1 with question marks for… hors d’oeuvres.. ¿Dandy Randy? NNWWYKWIM ??
Being / playing COld will make you OLd
Didn’t Think I Needed to Say This… get a few Beard ‘mocks’ … dinkin
I probably pi$$ed Dem Off !! ZZ Top ® an American Landscape..
Moo ! ..did they have a cow on stage ?
(Ø)=(don’t mention me)