H/J=ue Your Wo(R)$t* ……’R[ev]ival$ of Morality’, Fucckkk U ‘Enter-taint-t*ALL.(R)Zzz.. (small PUckkk~$__)


===$earch & De$troy==

i have prev….let this go cuz if i go to see a (~R) artist…..                                                                  they mess up cuz i’m there … ok @$$=0

& respec for  WHu mean$$$ respec 4 democrazy

hue has no respec 4 me …. talent is told to  kinda perform..bad..a bit… so i noti$$$ ask 4 examples

obviously like Conspiracy of $tar$… this is how they t*werkkkk 4th Reich (R)iley,,, Life 

===4th reich vs. peace sign, a 2===1 EmergeZ…


point is  ¢omedians also butt fart art we really know why…

RussellE‘$_$ Brand  …Fuck Off… useless Mink  🙂

===(R)eL.i/e.gion is not a prob…H…..  uH=!FU kiss up to ….___===

//   IM Sorry, you Bunt…… Religion ¢annot be the problem…                                                   t0o   General Pattonly

                             Morality in MortalWitty

t*-heir plan is/twas to make all enter-taint-ment breezy so they can write off this decade as ………blah…

We know that this is the most important decade …….

of the previous and of our next Millennium Fail Con (R)..Y?$


so the hue’$$$ client$     

“have” to b “have” and play sub-standard when i’m there.. 

=====ask them (R) ??? ?====proud enuff 2 tell…. [ArroGancE of…]


These NYet.fLix comedy specials are a direct result of….

sub_standard_comedy… not even tryin”””


===$$$~~~hun (D…em) Gall…Ho HoEZ



===Paul MooneyEarth…..  2     Mooney…. =?!===


=j/k, i tink ===>> Winery Doggs –   Hott $—trek,  a

=====is G‘$ S opening for ya in ’19   ??? ?

======billy can learn fom …… Gym Randy==Dandy=====go…_


remember i called myself a Private….. Dick…..                                                                              I’m the only male in my family …

                         NOT namED Dick, rick ricardo richard


So, do i have a def reason for B-ing Dear fo 10+ dais… Y?

call it blind man’s tuff, Aye

====⇑==You Luv Me, You Raelly Luv Me ?!!========

=====>=>on an ‘unrelationship dote’….\\

so, there’s a chance?   – d&dER

i hope someone does a time-lapse slideshow of my face during this weight lost period……

Run it Backwards so we can all see the delusions along the way to                                                              Obesity !!!


Pi AyED Piper…. BRatZzzz in Da Bay   (X2)


should my fans forgive butt NEVER ForGet*

UMa$$ ..Amher$$t*…. ?? ? kkknott my $tall

——-the guys of A.C. are……                                                                                         (M)o$$_t* (Hi)-kly A   CLock_k stroke a$$kway—====>>.>>

[ I$RaeL ]    (R)AEllY ….    $uN.City  ??? ?====~~.~