Guess who cannot wait to pivot against me, post election ? [ office of post malone];

Rachel Maddow $$$itch

on steroids

been going on,               scuttlebutt inn


Big Payout..                                                                      vs.  off


word       speaker….  Contact  …. .00 Live awareness is thee Cur∃.. …. “iou$” b4 Reparations.


this is ma$$kkk.ed not U

media run amok

amongst the NBC cable MSN CBS


fox and fox News are mostly silent,  … nyuk, nyuk.

east coa$ter$ $[¢uttle]buttin’ (  button )

÷÷÷[(÷Push Problems West…÷÷⇑\$.|¢|⇓oath|÷÷

frack full ground, $olid according to

Stat∃ of ¢orrupTion

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[live broadcasts]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

can you tell when I ∀rrive ?

to TV broadcast,

  if you could synch, obv. tun@H


×××××××××××××@ll. Haze÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷




Awareness Personified,

I have always been on the Radar //o’FReally\\\\

listening to other field reports;

knowledge,   trends,   processing collating collaring

not Yet;


R   both sides      0   foR 

on the surface  of my (sun)


the way to make change against long standing BS ?


<‘F’®@©kkk>^> face Lift


Status Quo




===Anarchy Extends from…….

P.O.$_$ummation of

∑ Religious f(x) =∃x Crappolation


obv. the church hasn’t helped progress yet kkkept a float in parade   # fashion,   turn to the ….


























Bereft,     TY Trump.

America’s China,

; “∑a$il.y      brok     K        ken””