….. Murky Town, (Re) moat ..?.. $till a Drinkin Li’⊥’ Think T………..〉win〈 _ _. {JackPot}$ Fee[(R)]- For F∀

What is the most ‘outrageous’ request you would make of a significant other ????  ?? ?


never request a boob job….. wow!

C-Section ?



Gettin Close.. 4 21 min Next on 60 Minutes



Trump Pard$===in 3’s


advertisement without consequences‘.



is He Decrying $atire ¿¿?


//Hare @ Fox…GO!

yup , go.–> Foxy Moxy 


Trump is like Maxwell Smart vs. Kaos

by a

(    (…… (Re)…….)    )Moat  Denial

(([toronado])) )

around $inmn$elf

(R)adII or Cone Ozone for Hole Wish Trick   


                       $uper-Near Ø


—–imp lose hun.. 


























=>===>>]My Empire (a Lark), Silent Lucidity[<<<=====<<<<<====


………./……………me and my  ‘/’ … waitin for foxy moxy

the amount of time counter programming/ movements…

& ¿ an app with my cell id ?

Like i said. _Rolling_’Hannibal’__ @Bound__town_

gonna sic the abc’$ At  ya  he x’t*

so why were spring breakers ….seamlessly

diverted coercED away from Vegas Last Weak.?


==DHJ$ ?==

====¿ an app with my cell id ?===

criminality & complicity ………rewind diss array…oops


=== i must be allergic to |…. | metropoli====