Sign Zee Papers, Old Man… Sign thee Papers,,, if you know what’s ….. family, friends and //
@ddition is an American Problem…. Tons of it means ¿
denial or insanity…….? YMT¢
first i fought the civil war agin. @uma
& HowL
Respect for the Journey…No Rush……
viva ¢uba $$SWissMissL Crisis epi_sewed. AI¢
=======chalice in chain$==LV==
are Venus Hi
i’m like
Marty_ McFly & Biff // ie,,, gotta the sportsbook/
does trump have a warm glass of ovaltine in his office ???? ?? ?
collared green$$$ ? GleeFuLL NegliGee & Pence minus pee
how high is your wall of INNdifferFence
So, i hope young Liberals heed my warning……..
Stay Away.
cuz the funniest word downtown is spring break.. ijs
if you have anything to lose…… they’ll bug ya….ijs unincorporated area not in Vegas…. HaLo
Deny ∀
10 years
no income
the most powerful person
American DDiscourse
and to be treatED di$$
Θver ^ $$$$
so, they would have spent weeks discussing trump’s comments…
3rd World Talkkk fom
Θwer Igno〈F/L/R〉amus
$ign Zee PaaaaPazzz.
====expectorant =the big bucks why ?=
Libby’s Now they have to prove they are kkkknott*** Watching!