FU CheneY [(hehehehe)] …. so lotta talk about CI_ and Cocaine being bandiED about in cubicles…

i don’t want to get involved in Saudi ……

but that was a …………CI_ Q&A Session


 Stop bReathe..relax.                                                                   

=========k===============haterZ 2

my point is… I‘m getting the (R)etro feeling………                                                     Thate this is about the time Crack was ..D..D..discover.ed


======h.g. rob wells======

shoulda ended jeer..

i gotta  say the amount of hate in this country for Native Americans, & Blacks, in particular, immigrants…also

these are our $$$in$$$

we owe and owe…..if you have a …respectable soul

yet we ©oddL another  fuhrer’s... corona...cross to bear

whilst Hating 0urselves ..Sins of our Father’$

=====taint happy in my Brokkken WatcH, SI(r)!==salutsun?===



my on screen keyboard went …..                                                                                                  caput last night… Ironic Iconic Pluto tonic