you cannot escape my ………… that’s me across a flat earth
Meteoric Ass=¢
{sending out a message to be coddled}
===O……. ‘Mrs Gee Close’ …My GFF .seems to be the Feds.=U
=ijs= it’s a Mr. G
now ‘you’ know how ___ feels.
diff ?? Honey ..rabbit stew tonight, again!
====miss you !! 8——–>> > ~GC ========
ReRecap my gold nugs…sin returnin’
// ctrl U = ctrl
No Buddy Justice
ok, ok…..
No Confidentiality Agreements.
===what a novel concept==
no, the other one….
\\my ding a lingo\\
@sshole, the other one.
NetanYahoo (R)
it’s almost ... drinkin you shouldn’t be reading this meshugganah last time in ‘paris’ it was like anne frank’s….. dream.
@$$≠OLE = WHole OGranted,
HeiR HeiL …Shit-Lore D..??
…frack back check. || G.O. 5 minutes
=====’get ‘r’ done.=====Vaccinate Your …========arm
last time in ‘Paris’…
i saw people running from homes under the train station
at 12am sunday morning… down towards the bars ..’tunnel’,..
assumption junction… ‘anne frank’ wynn escaping in a dream…
===reality junction…peeps.======
binge drink much…. ]1 hour, GOd[
Annie$ ……head back to hi$ ‘ta(r)ea‘
Hole in the Wall
==~fertile~ water$ —-‘anne frank livid dreams of being a JAP.—-
so proud of her people’s @ss.¢ent tell of hole$ in their wall$… Huuuuuuge……WALLs of DissMissL
Never Let Religion get in the way of Prog..I Digre$$.. De©aDen©e.
. – Pope Pain….. //Pope Bain (dark knight)