Academia KNut$ they backboned this Fascist (R)E-vival
//kkkoch bros. ¿ No Like ¢iVi©$$$ ?
// ¢iVi©$$$ i V i you make the ¢ollar
You $old Out Big-time.
B………………………………….. anker
====(wall of $Haim)====Plague Plaque===
===Funny seeing zach dine with don=======
don rickles, roastmaster of the century used to say….
are you a jew ? yeah. You can do anything ya want ..
He’$ Just $aYin’
will my levity accentuate my ¢ase….. for damages collateral and direct caused by me being blacklistED from even mention in any media…… to say the Least
Touche‘ the (‘L’)eas……..⌊H⌋
===Ipso facto===⌈$$$⌉…To(R,R).Y==
Toll Booth ………A Bed / Home Y 4.21 km
oh yeah, my one thought was
an education without
G-love of Math and S¢ience
is like College from the Dollar MenU
—-=——–=———=———-Damn U. Deferment