Øbjections under Ρenalty of €xile-taint-$hun ?
Thought Kkknott*
Good……Good VibEZ$
as they scurry hack to @xi$ center(L).midd
K…? K…LEttuce Move ON …..Aid 4 21 and under Lobotomies
=j/k lobo’S are much 2 Direct ,,,if only there was a more… t* Insidious Way?
WFI….. ??keggeR?
LMNY_D-aily K;mnew$ (L)emo.ny (Re)fresh(M)e$$ …you can taint.. taste.A$$.
H..ut……….(R)o -==>…………. …………………………………………Happy Ending ?….?
======================>>> PO$’$_
============⇓====I’mJ$===Bubble BoyZ=====⇓=======
Repubs going H/Lard to Mexico for ‘©ore $pring broken’ ? …Wear i$raeli Flag patch on BP for protection ?
Mexicans love foreigners/immigrUnt$
Great Ganj@ dare
how much can you blame non jewish comedians for not tearing into stereotypical Israeli’$ and even AnecdotEZ are a VeiL of $hameless Heil of i,consent*
on Pearl Harbor Day…..
The Consenting $Ilence i$ DEaFin-inG
Wake UP !!! !
=====Silence is Con$ent====knot like $ex, @$$)’Z !!!! !! !====
Affective minus Effective equals the World
-==-=–=ATWAS-=–==-at any age==-=-=== Herring Pi
so my notes say i wanted to start that ladies conversation with a loving comment about owl tattoos although…
.hear he goes again!!!!!!
i would feel Redundant