Exercise_Me‾ fom. KkkNO_ Class(i)fi_d Ann..EX altation .Uncle $am I…. ‘bad’ domestic actor ? ‘disinformation’ needs a true center $Hir Who…who. . who?

Uncle $am R I a Bad Domestic FActor ?


.. run logan and farrah fawcett…run….4….||  ||  ||| ||||| forrest|||||||||? no rest in baseball!

 ??presidential nominees ?  Palestine must be officially recognized. 

then grievances cannot be easily brushED Ass Hide 


Palestine isn’t a recognized state by  #   states on UN security council

thus no justice for jerushalom

=====tech. a newt Post figg===⇓====

=toilet=( (how r y0u, 13 ?) )=

13: fine <gurgle>  fine Max. …Beef Stroganoff again ?

(((  )))

===distrust in dis try$t*      ieio Democracy

Heard OBout H.R. 1 Democracy Lost and Bound ?? .

t*ossED and Bound 4 Hound$ ged

trump picked the wrong place to follow through……                                                          his ‘Miss Con $trued $H…rude Calling’,… a Third World LeadeR.

shocking Hail mary josepfiend$

Hail Mary_/——- page 268. . ī\ out of Bound$ !?!

they already created that annex., 4 me.

that wad was retro wiping a$$0, codify intentionL’$

shredding evidence dunce evidense for my  [parquet] court  ‘game’

FU you GerrymanderED. Rep. John Sarbanes, D-Md



getting to be second half of winter…..her0

i love  to PRDE      ¿misinfo?





======Bad Domestic Actor = (R)azzle====

i’m a bad actor UR a bad actor    the whole court of Yahoo’$ R Bad Actors.. crockie eyed mofoe$


we give money to countries such as israel and egypt

note, $

both near De Nile…..Denial


we give them aid$ monie$

to buy arms from us?


accounting lost meaning no accounting 4 $tupidity

Israeli MCR $~upport~$ ¢ut..

 4 continu i……ng Human Rights Violations

@Palace De FrannnkenstEin

Rael becomes Real…. De Nile


As of 3 August 2018, 137 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states and two non-member states have recognized it. Furthermore, Palestine has been a non-member observer state of the UN since November 2012.

Israel & The United States of America

Fuckin’ France… also. disappointED!

Do Not Recognize the State of Palestine.

that is dissent via Variety SH……………oW