Easte(R) Egg [∅ of my Leggo’$$$]

The $¢…H (i)$+M

of a simple ‘sentence’.     [Prison of The (m)ind and $oul]

the words:

Clearly Agregiou$. sez   True Left

©(L)€@(R) LiE@Gree(D,D(Ju)$$$t*.


Happy PassED Over  and Over,

HoRR oR  witZ…<Palm Raised> .. i doing ??


easter brings ‘Life of Brian’ ‘Holy Grail’

and i had a cut scene from ?

the guy is talking to passersby on a pedestal….

avoiding …/……..\….. buggeR$



He starts talking and the crowd grows ….

yabbba…   dabbba no more boo hooo..

the guards are getting worriED

they are signaling for a signal….

crowd like Trump’$ inauguRation ..


be aware… no amplification hear 2


He finishes up with a rounding…

Protect and Serve the Good, Bad, and the … Intolerably Tolerant, <Republicans>

Agreed…. yeah…

let me hear you……


Audience in wave.. like …

Agreed….. Agreed …. Agreed…..

Agreed…. ‘Greed….;Greed…..

‘Greed….. ‘Greed…..

Thump comes out of mar del taco

and questions why he was stirred…


starts Dancing!  $NFevaHHHHHHHHHHH


member how i mocked the ‘coke machine’ at the WH.

well with that trailer found in  or around NJ.

i’m thinking…


Jared’s <¿subway taker?>Lunchbox

Taking Bidd$