Due Dilligence…. that’s what i do..

I mention it at every leo encounter i approach… Just doing my DD!        – E.F. Button


Politics is used as a ‘simplifier’ when it in fact is quite the Opposite

L & F

that’s why we smirk whenever it’s brought into a convo

====philosophy also comes to point=======

Due Diligence….  O O


gonna get a room and sleep morrow and go blog TNF

oh yeah… like a year ago i got a room..big suprize for  ME

and the curly shuffle …yadda went to the dollar store right after for ????


i get to the counter and the cashier old walmarty walmary comes out and around the aisle smelling down by my feet….WTF!

today subway..(fresh food) . ‘gay’ guy behind me is picking all kinds of chips around behind me… def…… sniffer… WTF 2


grasp berry badge(R)e(R)

=======Blues Brothers:  Rubber Biscuit========

You Go Hungry..!!!  .Bow..bow..Bow