Do[e] Big Biz/ GOV once Again Attack women By Policy…


they believe that they can cover usa with only guy  agents…Gays of every hoho star… guy dub….

it almost workED.. Short Story, LOL ….Cortez Cortez


they know any female can pull double duty   … seducED


Guys (R) Inferior…. Guy agent has small (package) of “¢allERRs”

now with every almost literally guy be Bi-Cure-i-guess

trying to beat back the\    \ Wave of …\ No Dicks.   \..\ LOL

=======they still won’t Question t*hem$ elve^$=======                                     ∑=Empathy of Constituent… C.. Y   not, really !?========


mel gibson  <insert mugshot>

Melo Gabson   <Me no Mug>

A$$ tink Martini Pro—-\Duckkk\—$Hun—>



knit ….
