Che$$ vs. PHilosophy….. Bottom Line Correlation belief in chess theory erodes will to gauge philosop_i
talking one while playing the other is a (M)ind FLunnCKy,
=======WickED TanGent===========
2 close 2 mime In$idIou$ $how
======replaY 2ND DOWN….
i ‘dream’t* a meeting with Trump and an offer to play Chess…
I always was curious as to how his game is!
==mine is terrible as i find the dissection voluminous !!! Zzzzzzz
thus… mind fuckED like ______________phy, ?Cough.fee?
so he Wins .. this has to have been unexpected as studying for this test is not allowed![which is now impossible]
greatest way to talk to him is this ?!?
======what to say then ? _________
how are you feeling?? $iR?
So my derivative narrative cresend0#@$ naiweavedly tookah and back pimple dr. commercial only… fuck if i’m gonna schedule that into my rollo flexx_
my Othello Game and how it coordinates my 0ffensiVe ‘D-|===|’
self taut……. literally no ‘goal of …H’… i play educated bozo for first half….// simulating in drones hue .//..gRump.. ‘Human Compromise’
then get myself outta ‘the RaspBerry’…..
vs. best simulation games Hardest…. 47%
basically in
(R)eality’$$ Game…
// stake my platform for ViP. .. Holy water over all contra.acts..LeaRn….
sorry, foe goth this one…
iff toot.. The Columbian Truemp or (R)
cuz.. Kennedy money originatED fom bootlegging …. but not while in 0FFice.. D-iff tea
Trump obvi. has himself $$$takED in a ‘corner’
I now after getting Hand have 2 ¢
======(instr.)===BS’sNT===Zombie ===========