All posts by Admin

nissan engineers



NV 3500 10′ tall version.


driving in  Wet Snow


on the highway causes     Splash and accumulation on the front  panel


especially behind a      tractor trailer…..

get to a slope…(most call ‘Millbury’)


tappa the brakes and……


           right in the center of the windshield…


no wipers in  wet  snow going 70


anutter day in the strife


looking back.. 30 minutes b4 when i got to the Van it occurred then… i had to dredge the dash……….


So, that is why my blood pressure didn’t change much….


 [ process]   ….》]




I made my deal b4 ‘makin it’.


I wouldn’t want to have to rRe Øpen negotiation$

cuz                             Bloody Hell.


Gaetz scandal puts a new spotlight on Florida’s capital culture


Jingo;      Bah



Thumb and First Finger Circle




Johnny B.    $ Lo  Lo Pan     ‘Handle   ‘