Soo the Hues are on which wRench inside of who‘$ on third and [<sneakkkY>>]
All posts by Admin
Believe Me when i say,
We Can cut the umbilical cord to Chinese human rights Violations in utero.
American Made.
American Ingenuity.^
The World will follow, #Ffool Us, ………….,,
Sanctions to the Dubious DeceptoR {\|¿|/} Zzz
What the Porpoise ?
Dissident Collection
Mostly….. $¢ram, Crackers in North Ct, CMIIAW? //《Camp Time》 Joy:;, #T OT,…….H
The closer you are to Hartford the ¢ooler the breeze.
Red or Blue pen ?
Must be Exhaustin./$÷÷Hackkkk////////
Damning @∃ riVer
\\of Seeds,
// / btw daeV’$ kkkknott @ Hear.0;,
Stressful, \\#my kingdom \\ 4,, & ? @nybody seen //my kingdom//., Hades@dja2©ent [ Wall], have a good one.
‘ day………… º ‘
– Maximilian BARTHOLOMEW, V (fifth)
Nicknamed: Lone starE
Back to Hicks. Hey Bill; btwalk, it is ‘just’ SE of ‘Hicks Way’
Nice D/Cream eRr
eVeryone remember the Hicks Humor us funny bone
I explained Rhode Island.
Maine; all the summer camps kids @s_k_in, B…….
But, Florida;
What could I possibly do there for them to
/¢offee mee/ ?
Like isaid, I could (R),un÷ that $tate in 4 years.02222
No DDoubt..core, age flipp…eR…..r
÷÷÷÷=÷=÷$’plainning 2 Due, [(Nein Leaf Clover)]